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1、Words and Expressions,必修三 Unit 5,1. multicultural /adj./多元文化的,multicultural background 多元文化背景 multiply / vt./ 乘法;繁殖 multiple choice 选择题,2. quiz /n. /小型测验;问答比赛 /v./盘问,查询,询问,*Pop quiz!来个突击测验! * They are having a quiz now. 他们正进行小测验。 *I continued to quiz him.我继续问他。 *Our English teacher often gives us a

2、five-minute quiz before class.,辨析quiz/ test/ examination/exam,这些名词均含“考试”之意。 quiz指时间较短,随时进行的口头或书面 的非正式测验。 test多指有具体目的的临时性考试或小考。 examination通常指为检查学生知识或能力而举行的正式考试,有时也指临时考试. exam是examination的缩略形式,口语用词,通俗。,3. Canadian /n./加拿大人 /adj./ 加拿大的,加拿大人的,Canada /n./加拿大 Ottawa 渥太华 (加拿大首都) Vancouver 温哥华 Toronto 多伦多

3、Calgary 卡尔加里,4. polar /adj./ 极地的,In the polar areas, you can see polar bears.,polar light,polar station,5. penguin /n./ 企鹅,a type of large black and white sea bird found mainly in the Antarctic. Penguins cannot fly but use their short wings for swimming.,6. minister /n. /部长;大臣,foreign minister 外交部长

4、prime minister首相;总理;丞相 governor /n./ 州长;总督;省长,7. continent /n./洲,大陆,continents of the earth China and India are of the same continent.,8. baggage /n./行李【U】,How much baggage do you have?,9.chat /vi./ 聊天;闲聊,chat to /with sb. about sth. 与某人就某事闲聊,Do you often chat on the Internet?,have a chat with sb. 与

5、某人聊天,10. eastward /adv./向东 /adj./ 向东的,朝东的,westward /adv./ 向西 /adj./ 向西的,朝西的 upward /adv./ 向上 /adj./ 向上的,朝上的 *-ward 朝的,向着,11. surround /vt./ 包围;围绕,Houses are surrounded with trees.,The man is surrounded by people.,surround /v./,surround with用包围 be surrounded by /with 被包围 surrounding /adj./ 周围的;附近的 su

6、rroundings /n./ 环境 The surrounding villages have been included into the growing city. She works in pleasant surroundings.,12. the Rocky Mountains 落基山脉,The Rocky Mountains, commonly known as the Rockies, are a major mountain range in western North America.,13. harbor /n./ 海港,珠海港,美国珍珠港,14. measure /vi

7、. &vt./测量,衡量,判定 /n./计量制,计量单位,措施,take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事 measure A by B 用B 测量A make .to sb. s measure 给某人量身做.,15.aboard /prep./ &/adv./ 在(船、飞机、火车等)上; 上(船、飞机、火车等)上,go aboard 上(船、飞机、火车等) 辨析abroad abroad /adv./在国外,到国外 go abroad 出国 辨析board/n./ 模板;膳食费用;委员会 /v./寄宿;上船(飞机);用板盖上 on board 搭乘船飞机、车辆)的(地

8、);在船(飞机、车辆) broad /adj./宽阔的;显著的;大概的;宽阔的,All the passengers aboard fell into the river. a broad street broad shoulders broad market 3.The passengers boarded the plane at 9:00 am. 4.The pianist Lang Lang is famous both at home and abroad.,16. within /prep./ 在以内,within 表示不超过某个范围,可用于空间、 距离、时间、能力等。 withi

9、n limits 在.限度内 within reach (of) 能得到,在附近 - Im afraid I cant finish the reading task _ the required time. - Take your time. A. for B. between C. beyond D. within,D,in, within, before, after这四个介词均可以和时间连用,in 作“在之后”讲时,与将来时连用; within 意为“不超过”时,表示说话者将要发出 的动作,谓语动词用将来时。 before 表示在说话之前已过去的时间,谓语动 词用过去时。 after

10、与一段时间连用,表示说话者过去分动作,用一般过去时;与具体的时间连用,表示说话者将来的动作,用将来时态。,17. mix /vi./&/vi./混合,调配,mix up 弄乱,弄错 mix A and / with B 把A 与B混合起来 Be/get mixed up with 与.交往/与.厮混 mixture /n./ 混合(物);混合状态 mixed/adj./混合的 The boy mixed the paint and water together. There is a mixed doubles this afternoon.,18. confirm /vt./ 证实,证明,批

11、准,confirmation /n./证实,确认,批准 confirm sb. in sth. 使某人确信某事 confirm that-从句 What you have said confirms my opinion.,19.wealthy /adj./富有的,a wealthy family/nation 有钱的人家/ 民族 live a wealthy life 过着富有的生活 wealth /n./ 财产,财富 live in wealth 过着富裕的生活 辨析wealthy / rich wealthy 富有的,富裕的 多指财富上的富裕 rich 丰富的,富有的 可指钱财,也可指物

12、质上,精神上的其他东西,20. approximately /adv./大约,Approximately 60,000 people crowded into the stadium. 辨析approximately/about approximately 大约,误差极小,可以忽略; about 大致接近,相差可多可少; It took approximately seven hours to finish the work. They waited (for) about an hour.,21. pleased /adj./ (人感到) 高兴的;愉快的,please /vt./ 使满意;使

13、愉快 pleasure /n./高兴;愉快;乐事 pleasant /adj./ 令人高兴的 be pleased with sb./sth. 对感到满意 be pleased to do sth.高兴/乐于做某事,22. terrify /vt./ 使恐怖;恐吓,terrified /adj./ (人感到)恐惧的;受惊吓的 terrifying /adj./ 令人恐惧的 be terrified of doing sth.惧怕做某事 be terrified at/by因而十分害怕 terrorist /n./恐怖分子,23. impress /vt. /使印象深刻;,impress sb.

14、 with sth./sb. 给某人留下深刻印象 His sincerity impressed her. 他的真诚打动了她。 impress sth/on/upon sth 使铭记;使某人明白 Father impressed the importance of hard work on me. 父亲使我意识到努力工作的重要性。 impressive /adj. /感人的;给人印象深刻的 impression/ n./ 印象,1. rather than 与其,不愿,= instead of 而不是 宁愿做A而不愿做B的表达: would rather do A than do B do A

15、 rather than do B prefer to do A rather than do B He preferred to stay at home watching TV rather than go to the concert.,重点短语,2. settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于,settle down to sth. 定下心来做某事 settle down to (doing) 开始认真(做). 静下心来(做) settle ones affairs 把自己的事情安排好,重点短语,settle down,settle /v./ 定居,解决 settler/n./移民

16、,殖民者 settlement /n./ 移民,定居者 settled /adj./ 固定的,不变的 巧记:The settlers settled here and their settlement should be settled. 移民者们在这里定居了,他们的定居点应该是不变的。,重点短语,3. manage to do 设法做,The box was heavy but he managed to carry it away. 辨析manage to do / try to do manage to do 表示设法做成某事,强调结果。 相当于succeed in doing sth. try to do 表示尽力做某事,但是成功与否不确定, 强调动作。,重点短语,4. catch sight of 看见;瞥见,at first sight 初看时 at the sight of 一看见就 in/


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