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1、V . Composite Application Block (综合应用模块),Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS( FMS导论) Lesson 2 Electronics Manufacturing Process (电子制造工艺) Lesson 3 Details of the Experimental Framework (实验框架的详细资料),下一页,V . Composite Application Block (综合应用模块),Lesson 4 The Major Component Assembly Line of an Aircraft(飞机主要构件装配

2、线) Lesson 5 Manufacture Process of Sheet Windows for Mobile Phone(移动电话视频镜片的制造过程),上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,Introduction to FMS(Flexible Manufacturing System)(I) In the middle of the 1960 s, market competition became more intense. During 1960 to 1970 cost was the primary concern. Later quality

3、 became a priority. As the market became more and more complex, speed of delivery became something customer also needed. A new strategy was formulated: Customizability.The companies have to adapt to the environment in which they operate, to be more flexible in their operations and to satisfy differe

4、nt market segments (customizability). Thus the innovation of FMS became related to the effort of gaining competitive advantage.,下一页,返回,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,First of all, FMS is a manufacturing technology. Secondly, FMS is a philosopy.“System“ is the key word. Philosophically, FMS incorporate

5、s a system view of manufacturing. The buzz word for todays manufacturer is “agility“. An agile manufacturer is one who is the fastest to the market, operates with the lowest total cost and has the greatest ability to “delight“ its customers. FMS is simply one way that manufacturers are able to achie

6、ve this agility.An MIT study on competitiveness pointed out that American companies spent twice as much on product innovation as they did on process innovation. Germans and Japanese did just the opposite.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,In studying FMS, we need to keep in mind what Peter Dru

7、cker said: “We must become managers of technology not merely users of technology.“ Since FMS is a technology, well adjusted to the environmental needs, we have to manage it successfully. Today flexibility means to produce reasonably priced customized products of high quality that can be quickly deli

8、vered to customers. And different approaches to flexibility and their meanings are shown Table 5-1-1.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,So, what is flexibility in manufacturing? As Figure 5-1-1 and Figure 5-1-2 showing, it is a topic FMS. It is made of feeding unit, CNC processing unit,hydraul

9、ic punching unit, Visual detection unit, assembly unit, palletizing unit, storing unit and ring assembly line. While Variations abound in what specifically constitutes flexibility, there is a general consensus about the core elements. There are three levels of manufacturing flexibility.,下一页,返回,上一页,L

10、esson 1 lntroduction to FMS,1 Basic flexibilities Machine flexibility-The ease with which a machine can process Various operations. Material handling flexibility-A measure of the ease with which different part types can be transported and properly positioned at the Various machine tools in a system.

11、 Operation flexibility-A measure of the ease with which alternative operation sequences can be used for processing a part type.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,2 System flexibilities Volume flexibility-A measure of a systems capability to be operated profitably at different volumes of the ex

12、isting part types. Expansion flexibility-The ability to build a system and expand it incrementally. Routing flexibility-A measure of the alternative paths that a part can effectively follow through a system for a given process plan. Process flexibility-A measure of the Volume of the set of part type

13、s that a system can produce without incurring any setup. Product flexibility-The Volume of the set of part types that can be manufactured in a system with minor setup.,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,3 Aggregate flexibilities Program flexibility-The ability of a system to run for reasonably

14、long periods without external intervention. Production flexibility-The Volume of the set of part types that a system can produce without major investment in capital equipment. Market flexibility-The ability of a system to efficiently adapt to changing market conditions,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroducti

15、on to FMS,New Words and Expressions 1. flexible fleksabl adj.有弹性的;柔顺的 2. Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统 3. formulate vt.有系统地表达 4. customize vt.定制 5. segment segmant n.段,部分 6. innovation n.创新 7. philosophy n.基本原理 8. incorporate vt.(使)合并,并入,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,9. buzz vi.(机器等

16、)轰轰响 10. agility n.(动作)敏捷 11. MIT=Manufacturing Integrity Test 制造完整性试验 12. retool ri:tu:l vt.改进机器(以适应新产品的生产) 13. dimension n.规模 14. strategic adj.战略的 15. consensus kansensas n.(意见等的)一致 16. feeding unit 上料单元 17. CNC=Computer Numerical Control 计算机数控;CNC processing unit 数控加工单元,下一页,返回,上一页,Lesson 1 lntroduction to FMS,18.hydraulic adj.液压的 19. punch vt. palletizing unit 码垛单元 23. storing unit 存储单元 24. ring assembly line 环形流水线 25. volume n.额,量 volume flexibility 产


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