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1、初中英语八大时态语态总复习时态讲解一般现在时态【展示平台】1 一般现在时态用来表示经常,反复,习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频率的副词sometimes(有时), often(经常), usually(通常), always(总是)等连用。时间状语in the morning/ afternoon/ evening(在上午/下午/晚上), every day/ week/ month/ year(每天/周/月/年, at noon/night(在中午/夜里), on Monday/Tuesday(在星期一/二)等也可用在一般现在时态中。如: Bruce usually walks to

2、 school. 布鲁斯通常步行去上学。 We have two P.E classes every week. 我们每周上两节体育课。2 表示现在的特征或状态。如: She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。 He is 13 years old. 他13岁了。3 表示事实或客观真理,或在谚语中,也用一般现在时。如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. 太阳每天东升西落。 When there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。4 一

3、般现在时的基本句型1)肯定句: 主语+动词原形+其他 主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词-s+ 其他如:They live in China. 他们住在中国。He likes eating apples. 他喜欢吃苹果。2)否定句: 主语+dont+ 动词原形+其他 主语(第三人称单数)+doesnt+ 动词原形+其他 如:They dont live in China. 他们不住在中国。 He doesnt like eating apples. 他不喜欢吃苹果。3)一般疑问句: Do+主语+动词原形+其他? Does+主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词原形+其他?如:Do they live in C

4、hina? 他们住在中国吗?Does he like eating apples? 他喜欢吃苹果吗?【相关链接】当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称的单数形式。谓语动词的第三人称单数形式的变化规则如下:1)一般在动词后直接加s。 如:talk talks, live lives。2)以s, x., ch, sh或o结尾的动词在其后加es。如: watch watches, wash washes, go goes。3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变成i再加es。如: carry carries, fly flies。4)特殊的,如:have的第三人称单数为has。【牵手中考】1. Bo

5、b often _his mother with the housework on Sundays A. helpB. helping C. helps D. helped【解析】 根据题中的时间状语often和on Sundays 可判断该句应用一般现在时态。主语Bob是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也应为单数加s,故选C。2. What did the teacher say just now? He said that the earth _ round the sun. (福州) A. go B. goes C. went D. will goII.用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1I_(wr

6、ite)toyouassoonasI_(get)toLondon. 2.Hedoeantfeelwelland_(noteat)anyfoodthismorning. 3.He_not_(see)mecomein,forhe_(read)somethingwithgreatinterest. 9.What_yourmother_(do)ateightyesterdayevening?She_(wash)clothes. 15.Willyoucomeifhe_(notcome)? 19.IdontknowifMr.Wang_(go)toShanghaitomorrow.Ifhe_(go),I_(

7、ask)him_(take)somebookstomydaughter,becauseshe_(study)there. III单项选择: 1.ThestudentswillgototheSummerPalaceifit_tomorrow. A.dontrain B.doesntrain C.wontrain 2.There_anEnglishfilmnextweek. A.willhave B.isgoingtohaveC.isgoingtobeD.wasgoingtobe 5.They_theofficeatnineyesterdaymorning. A.reachedto B.arriv

8、ed C.went D.getto 6.WeshallgotoShanghaionbusinessbeforeyou_backnextweek. A.wilcome B.came C.wouldcome D.come 7.Dontsmokeuntiltheplane_off. A.takes B.took C.wastaken D.istake 8.Isawher_theroomthismorning. A.toenter B.entered C.enter D.enters 10.Johnisalways_others. A.help B.helping C.helps D.tohelp 二

9、、一般过去时:概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.基本结构:be动词;行为动词否定形式:was/were+not;在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词。一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词

10、。1 一般过去时态场用来表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间状语有:yesterday(昨天), last night(昨晚), last week(上个星期), four days ago(四天前), in 2002(在2002年), just now(刚才), the day before yesterday(前天)。如: He went to the park yesterday. 她昨天去了公园。(表示过去某个时间发生的动作) I was ten years old in 2003. 我2003年才10岁。(表示过去某个时间存在的状态)2 表示过去习惯性的动作也用一般过去时

11、。此时常和表示频率的副词:always(总是), often(经常), sometimes(有时)等连用。如: He always went to school early last year. 他去年总是早早上学。3 表达去世的人所做的事往往也用一般过去时。如: Ying Zheng was the first king in China. 赢政是中国的第一个皇帝。4 一般过去时态的构成1)肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+其他 如:We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo yesterday. 我们昨天在动物园里玩得很高兴。2)否定句:主语+didnt +动词原形+其他如:

12、We didnt enjoy ourselves in the zoo yesterday. 我们昨天在动物园里玩得不高兴。3)一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他如:Did you enjoy yourselves in the zoo yesterday? 你们昨天在动物园里玩得高兴吗?【相关链接】在一般过去时态中会涉及到动词的过去式,大家要掌握规则动词的过去式的变化规则。变化规则如下:1)一般情况下,在动词原形后直接ed 。如:play played , look looked 。2)以e结尾的动词在其后加d。如:like liked, use used。3)与辅音字母加y结尾的动

13、词,把y变成i 再加ed。 如:carry carried, marry - married。4)以重读闭音节(或r音节)结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ed。如: stop stopped, prefer preferred。当然,刚才提到的都是规则动词的构成,我们还学过许多不规则动词的过去式形式。如:put put, see saw, eat ate等,这些可需要我们在课下牢牢记住哟!【牵手中考】1.What _ to her yesterday evening?A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen2. Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? I_ well last night.A. didnt sleep B. dont sleep C. hasnt slept D. wont sleep 3. When _ you _ your old friends? The day before yesterday.A. will; visit B. did; visitC. / ; visit D. have; visited三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (watch) a cartoon o


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