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1、 阳光英语学校六年级(上)英语期末考试听力部分(30 分)1选出你所听到的词。 (10 分)( )1. A. east B. south C. west ( )2. A. Spain B. Egypt C. Africa ( )3. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English ( )4. A. angry B. excited C. zebra ( )5. A. Insect B. meter C. strong 2听句子选出你所听到的短语(10 分)( )1. A. Chinese tea B. the warriors C. The Mogao Caves ( )2

2、. A. French B.Russian C.English ( )3. A. Crocodile B. shark C. whale ( )4. A.proud B. Angry C.worried ( )5. A. musician B. detective C.professor3. 听短文选词填空(10 分) happy Thailand Tibet Australia kangaroosMy name is Joy . Id like to go to _ this summer vacation. My friend Lily wants to go to _. Bill wou

3、ld like to go to _. He wants to see _ and koalas. Im sure we will be all_.笔试部分(70 分)1.根据单词选出正确的汉语意思。(12 分)( )1. ton A. 吨 B. 十 C. 在上面 ( )2. moon A. 云 B. 地球 C. 月亮( )3.strong A.弱小的 B.重的 C.强壮的 ( )4. Egypt A. 俄罗斯 B.埃及 C.西班牙 ( )5. insect A. 昆虫 B.鸟 C. 鱼类 ( )6.proud A.紧张的 B.生气的 C.骄傲的二. 词汇(10 分)1. 艺术家 2.中国茶

4、3.和平 4.生气的 5.发明 6.butterfly(复数) 7.actor(复数) 8.hippo(复数) 9. happy(最高级) 10.interesting(比较级) 三. 从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。(8 分)( )1.A. east B.ear C. south ( )2. A.Oceania B.Africa C.the USA ( )3.A. lion B. apple C. zebra ( )4. A.centimeter B. ton C. meter ( )5.A. writer B. inventor C. compose ( )6. A.robot B. sun

5、 C.moon ( )7.A.nervous B.heavy C.sad ( )8. A.mammal B.reptile C.wing四.单选(10 分)( )1. 1._would you like to go this vacation? A. What B. Where C. Who( )2. A Giraffe is as_as a tree . A.tall B.big C.short( )3. Xian is famous_ the warriors. A.to B.about C.for( )4. What_animal are monkeys? A.think of B.ki

6、nd of C.pair of( )5. _are the biggest and heaviest animals in the world.A.Whales B.Elephants C.Lions( )6. Mei Lanfang is _actor. A.a B.the C.an( )7. _ are you ? Im nervous A.When B.Why C.How( )8. When_ he born?He was born _1864. A.was、in B.is 、at C.am、in( )9. What will you _ in the future. A.are B.i

7、s C.be( )10. _is it?Its 150 tons. A.How long B.How heavy C.How old五从 B 栏选择 A 栏的适当答句,将序号填入括号内。 (10 分) A B( ) 1. What is Tibet famous for? A. They speak English. ( ) 2. Where is Guangzhou? B. They are reptiles.( ) 3. What language do people speak there? C. Its 3 years old . ( ) 4. What kind of animal

8、are crocodiles? D. Its famous for the Potala Palace.( ) 5. How old is the ostrich? E. Its in Guangdong province.六.完成下列句子。 (10 分)1. The giraffe is 6 meter tall .(提问) _ _ is the giraffe?2.The whale is from the ocean.(提问) _ _the whale from?3.He is famous because he painted shrimps well.(翻译汉语) 4.you , d

9、o, about, know ,Qi Baishi (?) (连句) 5.will ,I ,on, moon, the, live(.) (连句) 七阅读 (10 分) I have a friend,Ben. He is from America. He went to Sichuan Provence last year. Its in the south of China .He also saw lovely pandas(熊猫) there. He will go to Tibet next year.He is going to see beautiful snow-capped

10、mountains and the Potala Palace. He want to be a traveler(旅行家)in the future . 1. Ben is from _ . A. China B.the USA C. Paris2. Ben went to _last year. A.Sichuan Province B.Anhui Province C. Tibet3.He will go to _next year. A.Australia B. Tibet C. Harbin4.He wants to see_. A.Mount Emei B.Yollow Mountain C.the Potala Palace5.Bill likes _. A.swimming B.traveling C. fishing


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