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1、 计算机专业英语课程考核说明一、有关说明1. 考核对象国家开放大学开放教育专科信息系统开发与维护专业学生。2. 启用时间2015年秋季学期。3. 考核目标考核学员在计算机开发和应用中运用英语知识的能力,包括掌握并熟练运用常见的专业英语词汇、词组和句型,阅读一般计算机英语文献,以及对难度适当的文献进行翻译的能力。4. 考核依据本课程考核说明是依据国家开放大学计算机专业英语课程教学大纲、文字教材计算机专业英语(穆志纯主编,中央广播电视大学出版社2004年6月第1版)制定的。本课程考核说明是课程考核命题的基本依据。5. 考核方式及计分方法本课程考核采用形成性考核与终结性考试相结合的方式。形成性考核占

2、课程综合成绩的50%,终结性考试占课程综合成绩的50%。课程考核成绩统一采用百分制,即形成性考核、终结性考试、课程综合成绩均采用百分制。课程综合成绩达到60分及以上(及格),可获得本课程相应学分。二、考核方式与要求(一)形成性考核 1. 考核目的加强对学生平时自主学习过程的指导和监督,重在对学生自主学习过程进行指导和检测,引导学生按照教学要求和学习计划完成学习任务,达到掌握知识、提高能力的目标,提高学生的综合素质。 2.考核手段形成性考核成绩包括形成性作业成绩和学习过程表现成绩两部分,形成性作业成绩课程综合成绩30%,学习过程表现成绩占课程综合成绩20%。学习过程表现成绩评定由分部(省校)负责

3、设计组织。形成性作业采用纸质形成性考核册。3.形成性考核任务的形式及计分方法形成性作业任务列表序次章节形式开始时间结束时间1第1-3章形成性作业第3周第10周末2第4-6章形成性作业第6周第12周末3第6-9章形成性作业第9周第15周末每次形考任务按照百分制计分,所得分数平均分即为课程的形成性作业成绩。(二)终结性考试1. 考试目的终结性考试是在形成性考核的基础上,对学生学习情况和学习效果进行的一次全面检测。2. 命题原则第一,本课程的考试命题严格控制在教学大纲规定的教学内容和教学要求的范围之内。第二,考试命题覆盖本课程教材的1-9章,既全面,又突出重点。第三,每份试卷所考的内容,覆盖本课程教

4、材所学内容的70%以上章节。第四,试题难度适中。一般来讲,可分为:容易、适中、较难三个程度,所占比例大致为:容易占30%,适中占50%,较难占20%。3. 考试手段网络考试。4.考试方式闭卷。5. 考试时限60分钟。三、终结性考试题型及规范解答举例. Vocabulary(词汇,60分)(一)Fill in the blanks with the corresponding Chinese expressions that list below. (写出下列词组的汉语。 共20分,每题2分)A数据仓库 B机器语言 C软件工程 D硬盘 E计算机病毒 F操作系统 G管理信息系统 H. 属性窗口 I

5、. 电子商务 J. 中央处理器HOOP IIDE JSQL1 central processing unit(CPU) 2 operating system3 hard disk 4 management information system 5 electronic commerce 6 data warehouse 7 Software engineering 8Property Window 9 machine language 10computer virus (二)Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviati

6、ons that list below. (从下面方框中选择合适英语缩写.。共20分,每题2分) ALAN BMDI CTCP DFTP ERAM FUSB GDBMS HOOP IIDE JSQL1随机存储器 2局域网 3传输控制协议 4文件传送输协议 5通用串行总线 6面向对象编程 7集成开发环境 8结构化查询语言 9数据库管理系统 10多文档界面(三)Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations that list below. (从下面方框中选择合适英语缩写.。共20分,每题2分) A. 音频 B. 输入

7、 C. 高级语言 D. 应用软件 E. 结构化程序设计 F. 系统软件 G.功能测试 H. 多媒体 I.交换机 J. 防火墙1. input 2. high-level language3. structured programming4. functional testing5. multimedia6. switch 7. firewall 8. application software 9. system software 10. audio ( ). Comprehension( 阅读理解,40分)Passage ADuring initial days of computing, s

8、oftware was largely developed by small groups of people. When this software was to be maintained by another set of people, it used to be a nightmarish experience. When large commercial projects were to be handled, it used to be an almost impossible task to keep the time and budget under control, and

9、 projects used to get delayed and many projects were abandoned halfway. There was no systematic procedure for the software development; everything was done on ad hoc basis. This ad hoc approach led to the software crisis.Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information tec

10、hnology and its impact on everyday life. Complex software systems have become critical to the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications, manufacturing, power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science and accumulated experience with industrial production of

11、 software have led to the emergence of software engineering as a separate discipline. The software engineering discipline has been defined as the application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of software. that is, the application of en

12、gineering to software .The computer science discipline concerns with developing large applications. Software engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues, such as directing programming teams, scheduling, and budgeting.For developing a sof

13、tware product, the development process is divided into different stages. A convenient way of splitting the whole process is to divide the development into the following five stages:Requirements Analysis & Specification: define the system requirements in detailDesign: specify system architecture and modules in detailCoding: produc


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