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1、The Kite Runner追风筝的人-美句摘抄1. I can still see Hassan up on that tree, sunlight flickering through the leaves on his almost perfectly round face, a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood: his flat, broad nose and slanting, narrow eyes like bamboo leaves, eyes that looked, depending on the ligh

2、t, gold, green even sapphire翻译:我依然能记得哈桑坐在树上的样子,阳光穿过叶子,照着他那浑圆的脸庞。他的脸很像木头刻成的中国娃娃,鼻子大而扁平,双眼眯斜如同竹叶,在不同光线下会显现出金色、绿色,甚至是宝石蓝。E.g.: A shadow of disquietflickeringover his face.2. Never told that the mirror, like shooting walnuts at the neighbors dog, was always my idea.翻译:从来不提镜子、用胡桃射狗其实都是我的鬼主意。E.g.: His sec

3、ret died with him, for he never told anyone.3. We would sit across from each other on a pair of high branches, ournakedfeetdangling, our trouser pockets filled with driedmulberriesand walnuts.翻译:在那高高的枝桠上,我们相对而坐,没穿鞋子的脚丫晃来荡去,裤兜里满是桑椹干和胡桃。E.g.: Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall?4. If so

4、meone bragged that his son was a doctor, chances were the kid had once passed a biology test in high school.翻译:如果有人吹嘘说他儿子是医生,很可能是那孩子曾经在高中的生物学测验中考了个及格的分数。E.g.: So the chances were he was a foreigner.5. My father was a force of nature, a towering Pashtun specimen with a thick beard, a wayward crop of

5、curly brown hair as unruly as the man himself, hands that looked capable of uprootinga willow tree, and a black glare that would drop the devil to his knees begging for mercy? 翻译:爸爸是典型的普什图人,身材高大,孔武有力,留着浓密的小胡子,卷曲的棕色头发甚是好看,跟他本人一样不羁;他双手强壮,似乎能将柳树连根拔起;并且,就像拉辛汗经常说的那样,黑色的眼珠一瞪,会让魔鬼跪地求饶。E.g.: The seniority s

6、ystem represents a force of habit and is backward.6. Baba paid for the construction of the two-story orphanage, just off the main strip of Jadeh Maywand south of the Kabul River, with his own money.翻译:恤孤院楼高两层,位于喀布尔河南岸,在雅德梅湾大道旁边,所耗资费均由父亲自己支付。E.g.: Yes, its sharp pain but just off and on.7. If the sto

7、ry had been about anyone else, it would have been dismissed as laaf, that Afghan tendency to exaggerate-sadly, almost a nationalaffliction.翻译:如果这是个关于别人的故事,肯定有人会斥之为笑话奇谈。阿富汗人总喜欢将事物夸大,很不幸,这几乎成了这个民族的特性。E.g.: Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things.8. Kites were the one paper thin slice of intersection b

8、etween those spheres.翻译:风筝是我们之间薄如纸的交集。E.g.: A thin slice of meat, usually vealor lamb, cut from the leg or ribs.9. Winter to me was the end of long division and naming the capital of Bulgaria, and the start of three months of playing cards by the stove with Hassan, free Russian movies on Tuesday mor

9、nings at Cinema Park, sweet turnip qurma over rice for lunch after a morning of building snowmen.翻译:于我而言,冬天意味着那些复杂的除法题目的结束,也不用去背保加利亚的首都,可以开始一连三个月坐在火炉边跟哈桑玩扑克,星期二早晨去电影院公园看免费的俄罗斯影片,早上堆个雪人之后,午餐吃一顿甜芜青拌饭。E.g.: God Moves is the end of a journey and the start of a pilgrimage10. They shut down school for the

10、 icy season.翻译:天寒地冻,学校就停课了。E.g.: I was in harness at the factory for over twenty years before it shut down.11. I step out of the house early in the morning, still in my pajamas, hugging my arms against the chill.翻译:一大清早我穿着睡衣,走到屋子外面,双臂环抱抵御严寒。E.g.: Black stepped out of the ranks when his name was call

11、ed12. Afghanscherishcustom butabhorrules.翻译:阿富汗人尊重风俗,但讨厌规则。E.g.: All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction.13. Therulesweresimple:Norules.Flyyourkite.Cuttheopponents.Good luck.翻译:规则很简单:放起你的风筝,

12、割断对手的线,祝你好运。E.g.: You should fly your kite against the wind.14. Exceptthatwasntall.Therealfunbeganwhenakitewascut.翻译:不仅如此,若有风筝被割断,真正的乐趣就开始了。E.g.: I dont know exactly where he livesexcept thatits somewhere out in the wilds.15. For kite runners, the most coveted prize was the last fallen kite of a win

13、ter tournament. It was a trophy of honor, something to be displayed on a mantle for guests to admire.翻译:对追风筝的人来说,最大的奖励是在冬天的比赛中捡到最后掉落的那只风筝。那是无上的荣耀,人们会将其挂在壁炉架之下,供客人欢欣赞叹。E.g.: Herewith, a sneak peek at some salaries, job outlooks, and insider details of seven of the most coveted careers.16. He position

14、ed himself at a spot that he thought would give him a head start. Tense muscles readied themselves to uncoil. Necks craned. Eyes crinkled. Fights broke out.翻译:他们会朝向那个他们预计风筝跌落的地方,绷紧的肌肉蓄势待发,脖子抬起,眼睛眯着,斗志昂扬。E.g.: If the drummer has the cymbals positioned low and close to the toms, grab each cymbal and m

15、ove it on its axis to see if it will hit the microphone or stand.17. It was downright eerie the way he always got to the spot the kite would land before the kite did, as if he had some sort of inner compass.翻译:十分奇怪的是,在风筝跌落之前,他总是等在那个它将要跌落的地方,似乎他体内有某种指南针。E.g.: He wasnt just inconsiderate, he wasdownrightrude.18. For you,a thousand times over.翻译;对你,说一千次的对不起都不够。E.g.: Shes a millionaire several times over.19. It was only a smile, nothing more. It didnt make everything all right. It didnt make anything all right. Only a smile. A tiny thing,A leaf in the woo


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