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1、On E-C Translation of Childrens Literature from thePerspective of Reception TheoryABSTRACTChildrens literature is the enlightening and spiritual food for children to knowthe world indirectly, which plays a significant role in childrens development.Todays translation of childrens literature is facing

2、 the imbalance of its developmentinpractice and theory. On the one hand, numerous books about childrens literatureare translated and introduced to Chinese children; on the other hand, specificresearch on the translation of childrens literature is poorly scarce. As a result, thetranslation of childre

3、ns literature is in a peripheral status in the translation study. Asa new theoretical form and methodology in literary research, Reception Theory holdsthat readers play a decisive and dynamic role in the reception activity of a literarywork. Readers horizon of expectations and aesthetic capacity wil

4、l directly influencethe understanding and reception of the text. When applying Reception Theory in thetranslation theory and practice, translators need to predict the horizon of expectations,artistic aesthetic and reception ability of the target-readers. The thesis attempts to take Reception Theory

5、as its theoretical basis, applychild-oriented principle to the practice of E-C translation, and finally draw aconclusion that Reception Theory has theoretical and directive significance on thetranslation study of childrens literature.Today, child-oriented principle isuniversally acknowledged in the

6、field of childrens literature, and reader-centeredtheory is also accepted by many scholars in translation research. Therefore, thetranslation study of childrens literature should be based on childrens status andcharacteristics.This thesis briefly introduces childrens literature, the stylistic featur

7、esofchildrens literature, the birth and development of Reception Theory as well as itsapplication in the field of CL translation at first. Then through a comparativeanalysis of two Chinese versions of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, itfurther supports and demonstrates the authors argumentC

8、L translation shouldfollow the principle of child-orientation, which resolves the contradiction ontranslation strategy choosing between domestication and foreignization, and finallyreaches a conclusion that Reception Theory stresses the participation of child readers,promotes their status, and provi

9、des a new perspective for the translation study ofchildrens literature. In translating practice, translators should follow the principle ofchild-orientation all the time, appreciate and understand the source text from achilds view, and translate it in a style of child-language to represent the thoug

10、ht,image and artistic conception of the source text.CONTENTSCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.1 1 .1 Background of the Study.1 1.2 Aim of the Study. .3 1.3 Structure of the Thesis.4CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.5 2.1 Translation of Childrens Literature.5 2.2 Major Views on the Translation of Childrens Literatur

11、e.6 2.3 Reception Theory.7CHAPTER III CHILDREN S LITERATURE.9 3.1 The Definition of Childrens Literature.9 3.2 Three Classifications of Childrens Literature.10 3.3 The Stylistic Features of Childrens Literature.11CHAPTER IV RECEPTION THEORY. 14 4.1 Theoretical Roots of Reception Theory.14 4.2 Status

12、 and Role of Readers in Reception Theory.15 4.3 Application of Reception Theory in the Translation of CL。16 4.3.1 Child-Readers Horizon of Expectations.17 4.3.2 Combining Child-Oriented Principle with Reader-Centered View.18CHAPTER V A CASE STUDY ON THE TRANSLATION OF HARRY POTTERFROM THE PERSPECTIV

13、E OF RECEPTION THEORY.。20 5.1 Introduction of Rowling and Her Harry Potter. .20 5.2 A Child-Oriented Approach to the Translation of Harry Potter.21 5.2.1 Phonological Level.22 Representing the Rhythm. .22 Representing the Repetition.24 5.2.2 Lexical Level.25 Representing the Vividness.26 Representing the Colloquialism.295.2.3 Rhetorical Level.32 Representing the Simile.33 Representing the Personification.34 5.2.4 Syntactical Level.35 Sequential Translation.37 Inversion Trans


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