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1、Unit Eight Interior Decoration,Text A Green Interior Decoration Text B Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Translation Skills建筑英语翻译之长句的翻译,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,As is known, green interior decoration(Fig.8-1)is a fresh, dynamic and developing concept,which will bring an ideal mode for su

2、stainable development to seek the harmonious coexistence between human and nature by science and technology1. It tries to reduce the waste pollution caused by the material waste, and make full use of natural light and ventilation, and at the same time,through the reasonable layout of green plants, i

3、t can purify the indoor environment and improve air quality.,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,In the choice of interior decoration materials, according to the type of architecture, grades and specific requirements of the site and use, we ought to make clever use of the simple sense of materia

4、l, linearity and color to make building decoration meet a certain function, adapt to a certain environment and reflect the best adornment effect2. Metope Material(Fig.8-2) We tend to choos e some environmental wallpaper.,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,Now green design and decoration are

5、 trying to return to nature, it is not impossible to select and apply the natural plant adornment metope, forexample, cotton, linen and cany goods can be chosen as base materials of natural wall decoration. Ground Material(Fig.8-3) Stone, wood, carpet, ceramic tile and plastic floor are the five mos

6、t common and indispensable materials on the ground. The emergence of new plastic floor at present is gradually close to the environmental protection. The surface of plastic floor is bright and clean, against resistance, with high strength and light weight.,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration

7、,Its color is rich, its construction is convenient, and the cost is lower3. Microcrystal is a kind of natural inorganic materials which is also accepted by the public as well. Natural Light Source(Fig.8-4) Interior green decoration is also just based on the use of natural light source through the ch

8、ange of the position of the windows, and if needed, through the transparent roof more good daylight can be provided. The full use of natural light source can avoid unnecessary waste of resources, save energy and increase the degree of light.,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,Healthy Color

9、Collocation(Fig.8-5) Color applied properly in decoration is not only the comfortable vision, but also a subtle psychological influence4. Green space needs this color collocation of the human nature. The right color in living space can not only benefit the health of the owner, but also make the phys

10、ical and mental relaxation. Distribution of Space Function Combination(Fig.8-6) Reasonable space organization arrangement plays an important part in green interior decoration.,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,The so-called reasonable distribution, in additionto satisfying the human body a

11、nd perfecting the outside space, also considers the space functional organization. The fundamental concern of design is how the space can be used. As architects and interior designers create and modify spaces, they should communicate concepts and feelings to all those who see,use and occupy those sp

12、aces5. New Words decoration dekrei()n n. 装饰,装潢 dynamic dainmik adj. 动态的 concept knsept n. 观念,概念,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,coexistence koigzistns n. 共存 linearity linirti n. 线型 adornment dnm()nt n. 装饰,装饰品 metope metp; metpi n. 墙面 linen linin adj. 亚麻的,亚麻制品的 cany keni adj. 藤的,藤制的 ceram

13、ic sirmik adj. 陶瓷的 indispensable indispensb()l adj. 不可缺少的 emergence imd()ns n. 出现,发生 plastic plstik adj. 塑料的,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,transparent trnspr()nt adj. 透明的 subtle st()l adj. 微妙的,精细的 psychological saikldik()l adj. 心理的,心理学的 collocation klkei()n n. 搭配,配置 combination kmbinei

14、()n n. 组合,结合 distribution distribju()n n. 分布,分配 Phrases Expressions interior decoration 室内装饰 as is known 众所周知,上一页,下一页,返回,Text A Green Interior Decoration,sustainable development 可持续发展 science and technology 科技 make use of 利用 air quality 空气质量 tend to 倾向于 environmental protection 环保 in addition to 除了,

15、上一页,返回,Text B Computer-Aided Drafting and Design,CADD(Fig.8-7)is an acronym for computeraided drafting and design. Initially, the letters CAD referred to computer-aided drafting, however, now they stand for computer-aided drafting, computeraided design, or both. CADD precisely describes current tech

16、nology since many popular software packages include both two-dimensional drafting and three-dimensional design functions1. Additionally, many CADD systems provide analysis capabilities and production schedule. All are part of the design process. CADD has dramatically changed the way that designers develop and record their ideas.,下一页,返回,Text B Computer-Aided Drafting and Design,Even


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