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1、Transaction Situation 8 Payment and L/C 支付与信用证,商务函电,Contents,Learning Objectives 学习目标,Work Task 工作任务,How to write 如何写,Example Transactions 操作示范,2,4,Competence Practice 能力训练,一、Learning Objectives(学习目标),Abilitys objective: Can write the letter of terms of payment, especially by L/C . Knowledge objecti

2、ve: Be familiar with the words and expressions related the topic of terms of payment, especially by L/C .,上次交易情境复习,Ellen收到Victor的回信后,Ellen公司对Victor方的合作表示感谢,因此决定与Victor所在 公司 进行合作。请以Ellen的名义,写一封对前面谈论的条款表示接受的信函,要求如下: 1. 已收到Victor11月25日的来信,并对其合作表示感谢。 2. 准备将订单的数量增加到10,000件,价格为每件19.48美 元;外包装改用三层瓦楞纸箱,内包装采用

3、透明的塑料 袋包装;保险由卖方按照货款金额的120%投保一切险和 罢工险,由此产生的额外保险费用由进口商承担;其他 条款同11月19日信件内容。 3. 希望尽快达成一致并拟定外销合同。 Victor收到加拿大客户Ellen的接受函后,对其条款表示同意。请你以Victor的名义写一 封签订合同的信函,要求如下: 1. 感谢对方下订单。 2. 随函附上外销合同一式两份,要求对方会签后寄回一份 供存档。 3. 希望对方尽快开立相关信用证。 Ellen收到Victor的合同之后,按照要求进行会签。请你以Ellen 的名义,写一封简单的 会签函,表明: 1. 感谢对方的来信。 2. 合同已会签,并寄回一

4、份。 3. 希望双方按合同履约,合作愉快。,二、Work Task 1 (工作任务一),Victor等了半个月多后,但一直没有收到Ellen方寄来已开立信用证的通知,也没有收到相关的信用证,请以Victor的名义写一封催促Ellen尽快开立信用证的信函,要求如下: 1. 感谢对方及时寄回会签的合同。 2. 我方已开始按合同准备货物了,请及时开立信用证并通 知我方。 3. 希望双方按合同履约。,二、Work Task 2 (工作任务二),Ellen收到Victor的信函后对没有及时去申请开立信用证表示抱歉,并立即按照合同规定,去向银行申请开立了信用证,请你以Ellen的名义,写一封已开出信用证的

5、通知函给Victor,要求如下: 1. 通知Victor金额为194,800美元的10,000件全棉运动上衣 C-CB08号合同项下的第FT100号信用证已经由加拿大皇 加银行渥太华分行开出。 2. 该信用证有效期为2011年2月15日。 3. 近几天内你方将会收到信用证。 4. 希望早日安排装运。,二、Work Task 3 (工作任务三),Victor收到信用证后,通过仔细审核发现有几处与销售合同不一致,请你以Victor的名义写一封要求Ellen方修改信用证的信函,具体要求修改的地方如下: 1. 出口公司名称有误。 2. 信用证总金额不足。 3. 销售合同中货物数量和金额允许的范围是5%

6、,但信用证 中没有这一项。 4. 销售合同中允许转运,但信用证中注明不可转运。 5. 装运港是上海。,三、How to write(如何写),There are three major modes of payment in international trade: remittance, collection and Letter of Credit. Remittance and collection are commercial credit offered by companies. The Letter of Credit is bankers credit offered by b

7、anks. Remittance includes Mail Transfer (M/T), Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) and Demand Draft (D/D). Collection includes Documents against Payment (D/P) and Documents against Acceptance (D/A). While payment is sometimes made by remittance and collection, the most generally used method of payment is the

8、 Letter of Credit. As far as the sellers benefit is concerned, Letter of Credit is better than D/P. D/P at sight is better than D/P after sight, whereas D/P is better than D/A. In international trade, payment through collection is accepted only when the financial standing of the importer is sound or

9、 where a previous course of business has inspired the exporter with confidence that the importer will be good for payment.,Introduction(简介),In writing letters talking about terms of payment, the following points may be included: 1.The seller and the buyer negotiate the terms of payment. (The buyer u

10、sually asks for easier payment terms.) The seller can accept or reject the buyers request. 2. The seller urges the buyer to rush the opening of the L/C. 3. The buyer applies to the bank for the establishment of the L/C. 4. The buyer advices the seller of the establishment of the L/C. 5. The seller a

11、sks for the amendment of the L/C. 6. The seller asks the buyer to extend the L/C.,2. Writing skills(写作技巧),3. Typical Expressions(常见表达方式),For letters of urging establishment of L/C(催促开立信用证信函常用表达句型):,3. Typical Expressions(常见表达方式),For letters of advising the seller of the establishment of L/C(通知卖方已开立信

12、用证信函常用表达句型):,3. Typical Expressions(常见表达方式),For letters of asking the buyer for the amendment or extending of L/C(要求买方修改或延展信用证信函常用表达句型):,四、Specimen Letters(操作示范函),December 14, 2010 Dear Ellen, Thank you for your sending Counter-signed Sales Contract timely. Needless to say that as a buyer, you are r

13、esponsible for applying for an L/C, but much to our disappointment we have not had any news from you half a month past since we have signed the Sales Contract. We have been already to manufacture the goods according to the Sales Contract for quite some time. We hope you can open the relevant L/C in

14、time to ensure the fulfillment of the contract, or we cannot ensure to make delivery on time. Please open your L/C immediately and execute the contract strictly. Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. Yours truly, Victor,Work Task 1,1. Needless to say (插入语)不用说 2. be responsible fo

15、r 对承担责任 e.g. You will be responsible for your own profits and losses. 你们需自负盈亏。 3. apply for 申请 4. manufacture (大规模)生产,制造 5. according to 根据,按照 6. fulfill the contract 执行合同 7. make delivery 发货,New Words,1. We hope you can open the relevant L/C in time. 我们希望你方能及时开立相关信用证。,Notes,四、Specimen Letters(操作示范函

16、),December 17, 2010 Dear Victor, Re: 10,000 pieces of Cotton Blazer under the Sales Contract No. C-CB08 We are sorry for not to open the relative L/C on time. But now we are glad to inform you that L/C No.FT100 about 10,000 pieces of Cotton Blazer under the Sales Contract No. C-CB08 has been opened through the Royal Bank of Canada, OTTAWA Branch for an amount of USD194,800 and is valid until Feb.15, 2011. You will receive


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