英语人教版五年级下册let's try 和 let's talk

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1、Unit 5 Whose dog is it? 第一课时,安阳市殷都北蒙小学 李克锋,一、复习旧知。,听写第四单元单词。,教学内容:,A部分Lets try 和 Lets talk,教学目标:,1.能理解句子:Lets try 中的听力内容,并完成听力题目。 2.能听、说、读写句型“The yellow picture is mine.Are these all ours? Yes,they are.Whoseis it?”并且能够做出回答。,二、学习新知。,(一)Lets try. Listen and tick. Which is Jons picture? (听录音,选出哪张是约翰的图片

2、,并勾出。),二、学习新知。,请依次用英文概括三张图片的内容。如: T:What can you see in first picture ? (S1:I can see bird and rivers.) T:What can you see in second picture ? (S1:I can see sun and the sea.) T:What can you see in third picture ? (S1:I can see many tree.),二、学习新知。,(二)Let s talk. 1.学习 “mine(我的) ” 和“ours(我们的)”。 2.回答问题。

3、 T:Which is Zhang Jies picture? (S:It s the first picture.) 3.T:Which picture is it ? (引导学生说出正确的回答,如: S:It s Li Leis .),二、学习新知。,4.学习“Whose picture is it? It s Li Leis .” (1)(1)“Whose picture is it?(它是谁的画?)”是由“whose”引导的特殊疑问句,回答是“It s s. ”中文意思是“是某某的”。,二、学习新知。,(2)句型中的“whose”后可以加名词也可以不加, 如:不加名词Whose is

4、it? 中带有名词时,句子中的“is”和“it”要随名词的单复数而变化,如:单数名词Whose dog is it? 意味“它是谁的狗?” 复数名词Whose dog are they? 意味“这些书是谁的?”句型中的it可以用其他代词替换,如:this,that,these等,且be动词的单复数形式也随代词指代的单复数形式而变化,如:Whose dog is it? It s s. Whose storybook are these? Theyre s. 回答中的“s.”意味“某某的”。在利用代词回答问题时,要用代词的所有格形式,如Mikes , Johns,不能用人物代词Mike , Jo

5、hn或形容词性物主代词,如my,our.,二、学习新知。,5.牛刀小试。 The green picture is mine. Are these all ours? S2:Yes,they are. S1:Oh! The picture of the sea is great. Whose is it ? S2:It s Li Meis. S1:Look! There is a picture of trees, too. S2:It s Xiao Hongs.,三、巩固新知。,拿出自己的物品,同桌说一说。 S1:Whose pencil box is it? S2:It s mine. S1:Whose pens are these? S2:They are Li Bos.,四、布置作业。,1.把所学Let s talk的对话读给家长听。 2.用英语向家长介绍自己的物品。 3.预习下节课与物主代词相关的内容。,谢谢!,THANK YOU!,



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