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1、题型加练四补全对话(一)(2018·天津中考)A: Lingling, you look unhappy. What's up?B: Dad, I have a problem with my best friend.A: 1 B: We've been friends for five years. We went to different schools last term. And she came to study at my school this term. I was very happy at first. 2 A: Can you tell me h

2、ow she's different?B: She doesn't want me to see my other friends.A: 3 B: Yes, I have. But she refused to listen.A: 4 B: No, I don't know.A: Maybe she doesn't feel sure of herself. 5 B: Maybe. What shall I do then?A: You can introduce her to your other friends and encourage her to jo

3、in in more.B: I see. Thanks, Dad.ADo you know why she treats you like that?BWhat's her name?CHave you mentioned this to her?DWhat's happened?EShe's very tall.FOr she probably feels lonely without you.GBut she's so different.(二)(2019·预测)A: Where did you go last weekend?B: 1 A: Bu

4、t you told me you wouldn't go there. You said it was dirty. 2 B: Er, you know, I didn't want to go there first. But most of my friends went, so I went with them.A: I see. 3 B: I told the old people something interesting around us.A: 4 B: I had fun and felt happy.A: 5 Next time, I'll go w

5、ith you.AThat's great.BHow did you feel?CWho did you go with?DWhat did you do there?EThank you.FI went to the old people's home.GWhy did you go there then?(三)(2019·原创)A: Do you like ball games?B: 1 A: Which ball game do you like best, football, basketball or ping­pong?B: 2 A: I thi

6、nk I like football best.B: 3 But I like basketball better than football.A: 4 B: Yes, most of the boys in my class are good at it.A: 5 B: Sorry, I'm afraid not. We'll have a class meeting this afternoon.AFootball is very popular in our school.BShall we have a basketball game after school?CIt&

7、#39;s hard to say. What about you?DYes, very much.EAre you good at basketball?FNo, I don't.GPing­pong is a very nice sport.(四)(2015·江西中考改编)(DDarren, CCarol)D: Hi, Carol! 1 C: Oh, hi, Darren. I'm just getting ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow.D: Oh, really? Well, I'm f

8、ree this afternoon. 2 C: Actually, I've nearly finished. Jim and I are going to put up some ads later, though. Could you please help us with that?D: 3 C: That's wonderful! Oh, there's one more thing. Would you mind coming early tomorrow to help sell tickets at the door?D: Not at all. 4 C

9、: Around six would be great.D: OK. 5 C: Great. Thanks, Darren.AHow much is the ticket?BWhat time shall I be there?CWhat are you doing?DSee you then.EWhat can I do for you?FIt doesn't matter.GAll right.(五)(2018·山东滨州中考)A: Hello, is this Mr. Rogers?B: Yes, it is. 1 A: I'm from the package

10、delivery company(快递公司); I have your package. Are you at home? B: Unfortunately I'm at work right now. 2 A: Actually, this package needs your signature(签名). Can I bring it to your office instead? B: 3 I don't have time to leave my desk.A: I see. 4 B: Yes, that would be better. Can you bring i

11、t to my home at 6 pm.?A: Sure, that is fine. 5 B: Great, thank you so much!ACan you leave the package at my door?BWhat time is it?CWell, can I bring the package tomorrow?DI'll see you tomorrow at 6 pm.EWhat can I do for you?FHow much does it cost?GI'm quite busy at work now.(六)(2018·安徽马

12、鞍山二模)A: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. 1 B: Sure, Andy. When shall we have the party?A: 2 B: No, it is too early today. If we have it today, half the class won't come.A: OK, let's have it tomorrow.B: Hmm. 3 Students will leave early to study for the test. It's better to make it

13、on the weekend.A: OK, let's have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.B: No, 4 Some students will be bored. Why not play party games?A: OK, good idea. Can you think about the party games to play?B: Sure, I can do that. 5 A: Yes, no problem.AThere's a test tomorrow.BWil

14、l you help me with it?CYou will have a good time.DLet's have it today after class.EI am going to take a bus to the party.FI don't think we should watch a video.GAnd can you prepare some food for us?(七)(2018·海南中考)A: Excuse me. Could you help me, please? B: Certainly. 1 A: I'm lost. I

15、'd like to go to Hainan Museum, but I can't find it. 2 B: No. It's only about 10 minutes' walk. It's very easy to find it. I can show you the way. A: 3 B: My pleasure. 4 Then turn left to Guoxing Avenue. Go straight on, turn right at the second crossing.A: OK. I've got it.B: The museum is next to Hainan Theater. 5 A: Great. Thank you.B: You're welcome.AIs it far?BYou can't miss it.CThat's very kind of you.DHow can I get there?EWhat's up?FThere is a supermarket near here.GFirst, go along this street to the traffic lights.(八)(2018·江西上饶一模)Fa


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