第二课时9Aunit 1 Reading Archimedes and the golden crown

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《第二课时9Aunit 1 Reading Archimedes and the golden crown》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第二课时9Aunit 1 Reading Archimedes and the golden crown(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课前小测(5mins),请拿出默写本,并打开检查,要求先写出中文,2. 开始默写,Reading,A1 Try the short quiz below. Circle the correct answers. 1.Which of these ancient countries is in Europe? a.Greece. b.Egypt.,Egypt is in Africa(非洲),2.Which of these people lived in ancient Greece? a.Archimedes. b.Julius Caesar.尤利乌斯凯撒,Julius Caesar. 尤利

2、乌斯凯撒 罗马共和国末期的军事统帅、政治家, 儒略家族成员 He came from Rome,3.What was Archimedes? a.A scientist. b.A painter. 4.Archimedes died in 212 BC. How long was that? a.About 1800 years ago. b.About 2200 years ago.,公元前和公元后的时间跨度的计算公式: (公元前的时间)+(公元后的时间)-1 361+2009-1=2369,212+2014-1=?,2225,公元前和公元后的时间跨度的计算公式: (公元前的时间)+(公元后

3、的时间)-1 361+2009-1=2369,212+2014-1=?,2225,A2 Do you know anything about these great men? Tell your classmates.,Aristotle risttl 亚里士多德,Aesop i:sp 伊索,Archimedes 阿基米德,亚里士(斯)多德(前384前322年),古希腊,是世界古代史上最伟大的哲学家、科学家和教育家之一。 亚里士多德是柏拉图的学生,亚历山大的老师。马克思曾称亚里士多德是古希腊哲学家中最博学的人物,恩格斯称他是古代的黑格尔。 主张教育是国家的职能,学校应由国家管理。他首先提出儿童

4、身心发展阶段的思想;赞成雅典健美体格、和谐发展的教育,伊索Aesop 公元前6世纪的希腊寓言家.2500多年前出生在希腊。伊索童年期是一个哑巴,而且长得很丑,但他的母亲非常爱他,时常讲故事给他听。母亲去世后,伊索跟着曾照料过他的老人,离家到各地去漫游,因此学到了许多有关鸟类、昆虫和动物的故事。伊索并没有写下他的寓言,他完全凭记忆口授,其形式简洁精练,内容隽永深奥含义于浅显生动的语言中,颇耐人寻味。据希罗多德记载,他原是萨摩斯岛雅德蒙家的奴隶,后来被德尔斐人杀害。,训练:请看课本P3的图片,文章题目,第一段和最后一段,判断正误,Skimming 是略读/跳读 ,只看大意的快速阅读,是常用的阅读方

5、法之一,其主要特征是选择性地阅读,1. Who was the crown probably made for? 2. What is Archimedes doing in the first picture?,King Hiero in ancient Greece.,He is taking a bath.,3. Why is Archimedes so excited? 4. What is in the right pot in the second picture?,Because he knows how to solve the Kings problem.,The crown

6、.,1. King Hiero sent the crown to Archimedes as a gift. 2. Archimedes got into the bath to solve the problem. 3. King Hiero sent the crown maker to prison because the crown was not made completely of gold.,Read the story and decide whether the following statements are T or F.,F,F,T,请排序,7,3,4,5,8,2,6

7、,scanning,Read the passage carefully and find the details scanning是查读,带着目的去阅读。几乎眼睛扫一下,脑中只有要找的字,看到它,其他的地方都像没有看到一样。 scanning的技巧在回答问题时,根据题干中问到的内容,在文章中scan,可以帮助考生准确地定位,找到答案。,Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. Why did King Hiero send the crown to Archimedes? 2. What happened when Archimede

8、s got into the bath?,Because the king wondered if the crown was made completely of gold.,Some water ran over.,3. What did the crown maker do to the crown?,He didnt make the crown completely of gold.,排水法,Can you retell the story ?,图三,图一,图四,图八,图六,图 三,图二,图八,图一,图五,b,g,a,d,h,c,e,f,i,j,A crown-maker made1

9、 _ for a king. The King asked Archimedes to 2_ whether 是否 the crown 3_ gold.,He tried to find a way to solve this problem. One day, a slave奴隶 4_ some water 5_ the bath.,He6 _ the water and some water 7_the bath.,was made of,poured,into,got into,came out of,He got an idea. He 8_ the crown in the pala

10、ce.,weighed,a crown,found out,图1 3分题,图2 2分题,图3 4分题,图4 2分题,Then he 10_ a gold in another pot instead of代替the crown, and 3 centermetres water came out of the pot.,After calculating (计算),he found the crown was made both by silver 银 and gold.,The king11 _ angry with the crown-maker and 12_ him 13_ _14_.

11、,became,prison,sent,He put the crown in the water. The crown 9._ 5 centimetres water.,displaced,to,图5 3分题,图6 2分题,图8 5分题,put,the crown-maker,the king,Archimedes,四人一组讨论,从这篇文章,我们学到什么,pair work,1_,3_,2_,3_,2_,1_,3_,1_,2_,the crown-maker,the king,Archimedes,1. Be _,1. Be able to discover(发现)science in th

12、e daily life,2. Be good at observing(观察) the knowledge in life,2. Dont be mean(吝啬) to others,3. Be fond of studying,2. Be _for your own work,3. Think highly of his _of making crown 高度评价,1. As a leader, one should _his people,3. Be tolerant(宽容) to others,honest,What can you learn from the passage?,re

13、sponsible,skill,trust,Can you retell the story ?,A crown-maker made1 _ for a king. The King asked Archimedes to 2_ whether the crown 3_ gold.,He tried to find a way to solve this problem. One day, a slave奴隶 4_ some water 5_ the bath.,He6 _ the water and some water 7_the bath.,was made of,poured,into

14、,got into,came out of,He got an idea. He 8_ the crown in the palace.,weighed,a crown,found out,Then he put a gold in another pot 10._(代替)the crown, and 3 centermetres water came out of the pot.,After _ (计算),he found the crown was made both by _ and gold.,The king11 _ angry with the crown-maker and 12_ him 13_ _14_.,calculating,silver,became,prison,sent,He put the crown in the water. The crown 9._ 5 centimetres water.,displaced,instead of,to,the crown-maker,the king,Archimedes,四人一组讨论,从这篇文章,我们学到什么,pair work,1_,3_,2_,3_,2_



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