人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十二(Part B & C)

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人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十二(Part B & C)_第1页
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《人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十二(Part B & C)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十二(Part B & C)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、基础达标测一、选出与所给单词同类的一项。(10分)()1. illA. comeB. happyC. feel()2. pull A. mice B. ant C. count()3. sit A. everyone B. angry C. hear()4. bad A. wrong B. chase C. grass()5. warm A. doctor B. exercise C. cool二、读一读,将左右两栏的内容连线搭配。(12分)1. angryA. take a deep breath2. cold B. see a doctor3. hot C. wear warm cloth

2、es4. ill D. drink some cold water三、读句子,选出与其匹配的图片。(10分)A. B. C. D. E. ()1. You should take a deep breath. ()2. You should do more exercise. ()3. Lets see a doctor. ()4. Please count to ten. ()5. Dont be sad. 四、单项选择。(10分)()1. Danny should _ more fruit. A. eatsB. eatC. eating()2. Dont _ worried. I will

3、 help you. A. are B. do C. be()3. How _ your father feel?A. does B. is C. do()4. Amy is ill. She _ go to school. A. can B. is C. cant()5. Everyone _ afraid of the ghost. A. amB. isC. are五、根据汉语提供的语境选择正确的一项。(8分)() 1. 当你看到有人把共享单车乱放时,你感觉如何,想对他们说什么?A. I feel angry. We should put the bikes beside the stre

4、et. B. I feel happy. Look at the bikes. They are funny. () 2. 当你看到天安门广场上冉冉升起的国旗时,你感觉如何,你应该怎么做?A. I feel happy. I should run to the flag. B. I feel excited. I should look at the flag and sing the National Anthem(国歌). () 3. 当你发现同学身体不舒服时,你感觉如何,你会怎么做?A. I feel cold. I should wear warm clothes. B. I feel

5、 worried. I should take him to see a doctor. () 4. 当你看到儿童失踪的新闻时,你感觉如何,你会怎么做?A. I feel sad. I should tell the policemen. B. I feel happy. I should play with my friend. 六、按要求完成句子。(20分)1. _your teacher _? Not well. (补全问句)2. Your sister should take a deep breath. (对画线部分提问)_3. Be angry. (改为否定句)_4. The fi

6、lm is about a good football player. (对画线部分提问)_七、选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)A. She should go to the hospital now. B. Dont be sad. C. How does she feel now?D. Whats wrong, Mum?E. She is in bed. A: 1. _B: Your sister is ill. 2. _A: Oh, no! We cant go to the park together. B: 3. _ You can go next time. A: OK. 4.

7、_B: Not well. 5. _八、阅读短文,回答问题。(20分)Today is Childrens Day. Lily is going to have a picnic with her friends. She is so happy. But it rains in the morning. They cant go out. Lily is angry with the rain. She reads a book. The book is not interesting. She feels sad. Her parents are worried. They take ou

8、t the food for the picnic and say, “Come here, Lily. Lets have a picnic at home!” Lily is happy now. They have a happy picnic at home. 1. What is Lily going to do today?_2. How does she feel at first(开始时)?_3. How do Lilys parents feel when Lily is sad?_4. Where does Lily have a picnic?_答案一、1. B2. C3

9、. C4. A5. C二、1A2C3D4B三、1. B2. D3. A4. C5. E四、1. B点拨:should后应使用动词原形。2. C点拨:dont后应使用动词原形。3. A点拨:句子的主语为your father,为单数第三人称,应使用助动词does。4. C点拨:由句意可知,是不能去上学,应选择cant。5. B五、1. A2. B3. B4. A六、1. How does; feel2. What should your sister do?3. Dont be angry. 4. What is the film about?七、1. D2. E3. B4. C5. A 八、1. She is going to have a picnic with her friends. 2. She feels happy. 3. They feel worried. 4. At home. 4 / 4


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