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1、人教版小学五年级英语上册期末测试(连词成句+单项选择) 姓名_一、 连词成句 (请注意标点符号和大小写噢!)1. like what she is ? _2. is he and tall strong . _3. math very is my smart teacher._4 is art who your teacher ? _5 you have teacher new a do English ? _ 6. classes, like, do, what, you ( ? )_7. today, day, what, is, it ( ? )_8. often, computer,

2、Sundays, games, I, on, play ( . )_9. have, do, what, on, Tuesdays, you ( ? )_10. class, Tuesdays, have, on, we, art ( . )_11.what, like ,do , you (?)_12.dont , I , apples , but , like (.)_13.dinner , what , have , would , you , for (?)_14.fruit , your , favourite , whats (?)_15.is , what , it , day

3、,today (?)_16.often, I , on , TV . Sunday , watch (.)_17.do , homework , I , my , on , Saturdays (.)_18.tomatoes , have , tofu , we , and , fish (.)_19.dont , I , potatoes , like (.)_20.have , now , eat , I ,vegetables , to (.)_21Fish , like , beans , Id ,and , some , green (.)_22. would lunch for l

4、ike what you ? 23. tofu fish and have I. 24. we Mondays have mutton cabbages and on ._ 25. have you do for lunch what . 26. am I hungry _27at , am , home , helpful , I (.)_28. do ,can , you , housework , the (?)_29Monkey , what , can , do (?)_30.what , like , is , he (?)_31.cant , I , fly (.)_32.the

5、 , can , robot , games , play , you , computer (?)_33.what , Amy , at , you , can , home , do (?)_34.the , cant , robot , the , dishes , do (.)_35.are , two , desks , there , in , my , room (.)_36.is , behind , trash , the , the , bin , door (.)_37.is , picture , where , the (?)_38.this , your , is

6、, bedroom, (?)_39. is , in , there , of , a , chair ,the , front , desk (.)_40. the , of , look , classroom , at , picture ,my ( .)_41.me , you , please , can , tell ( ? )_42.there, Is, forest, nature park, the, a, in ?43.There, many, fish, in are, river, the .44.any, in, the, Are, there, pandas, mo

7、untain ?45.many, There, houses, my, are, in, village .46.can, many, see, You, fish .二、 单项选择(请注意单复数和人称噢!)( ) 1. - _ do you have on Mondays ? - We have P.E. and art. A. HowB. WhoC. What( ) 2. John _ Mondays and Fridays. A. likeB. likesC. have( ) 3. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is _. A. FridayB. TuesdayC. Thursday( ) 4. - _ is it today ? - Its Tuesday. A. What timeB. Whats dayC. W



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