人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十一(Part A)

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人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十一(Part A)_第1页
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《人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十一(Part A)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?》阶段过关卷十一(Part A)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、基础达标测一、读一读,根据语境选出正确的单词,补全句子,并将句子的序号写入相应图片下方的括号内。(25分)1. Its very _ in winter. 2. Its so _. Lets swim in the water. 3. Im _. I would like some noodles. 4. My sister is _. I am _. () () () () 二、单项选择。(25分)()1. What is the film _?Its _ five dogs and cats. A. with; withB. about; aboutC. about; with()2. I

2、 dont like _. They are bad. A. mouseB. mousesC. mice()3. The little dog is afraid _ the cars on the street. A. ofB. toC. with()4. I break(打破)a bowl. My mother is angry _ me. A. on B. with C. of()5. How do the animals _ you feel?A. make B. makes C. making三、为下列句子选择正确的答语。(25分)()1. Why is your mother an

3、gry with you?()2. Why are you so happy?()3. Why is he not here?()4. What is your new book about?()5. His brother is a pilot. A. Because he is ill. B. I dont do my homework. C. Because we will go to the park together. D. Thats cool!E. Its about plants. 四、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的画,不正确的画。(25分)Its Sunday. Jane, Ka

4、te, Sam and Simon go hiking together. Its a sunny day. They feel very happy. They go to a mountain. They climb together. Kate is tired and hot. She wants to stop. Her friends keep going. Kate stays under a tree. Suddenly, someone touches her shoulder, but there is no one behind her. She is so afraid

5、 and runs quickly to her friends. Her friends worried about her and go down together to see who is there. They find a little monkey in the tree!1. Kate is very happy to go hiking on a sunny day. 2. Kate stops because she is angry and tired. 3. Kate is afraid of a man behind her. 4. Kates friends are

6、 worried about Kate because she is so afraid. 5. They will feel happy to see the monkey. 答案一、1. cold2. hot3. hungry4. ill, worried4 3 1 2二、1. B点拨:这里指电影的内容是关于哪方面的,使用about。2. C点拨:此处应使用复数来指代这一类动物,mouse的复数为mice。3. A点拨:be afraid of害怕固定搭配。4. B点拨:be angry with生的气,固定用法。5. A点拨:前面有助动词do,此处应使用动词原形。三、1. B2. C3. A4. E5. D四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 / 3


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