人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第六单元《Unit6 How do you feel?课时2》课后作业课件PPT

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1、,PEP 六年级上册,Unit 6 How do you feel?,课时 2,Lets learn Write and say,提示:点击 进入习题,四,五,二,三,一,一、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. happy B. sad C. cartoon ( ) 2. A. chase B. mouse C. cat ( ) 3. A. afraid B. dog C. angry ( ) 4. A. worry B. where C. why ( ) 5. A. they B. are C. is,C,A,B,A,A,二、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. The girl is

2、hurt. Her mother is w_. 2. The cat is ill. Sarah is s_. 3. Im a_ of the snake. 4. Sarah is a_. Because Amy broke(弄坏) her bike. 5. Today we go for a picnic. So we are so h_.,orried,ad,fraid,ngry,appy,三、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1. The baby brother cant find his mum. He is very sad. ( ) 2. I lost my ke

3、y. Im so angry.,T,F,( ) 3. I failed the test. So my mum is angry. ( ) 4. There is a big dog . Im afraid. ( ) 5. My sister is ill.,T,T,T,四、选词填空(可以重复使用)。【口诀记忆法】 1. My mother _ worried. 2. Sarah and her cat _ happy. 3. I _afraid of that dog.,is,are,am, is, are,am,4. Their grandma is ill. They _ sad.,am

4、, is, are,are,方法点拨:,本题用口诀记忆法。应牢记口诀:我用am,你用are,is用于他、她、它。其他人称复数都用are。,五、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Today is Saturday. My family are going to see a film. I am happy. But Chen Jie is sad. Because her grandparents will go back to the village. My friend Jim is worried. Because his pet dog is ill. He will take it

5、 to a pet hospital. Tom is going to learn to swim. But he is afraid of water.,( ) 1. Tomorrow is Sunday. 【常识法】 ( ) 2. Tom is worried about his dog.,T,F,方法点拨:,本题用常识法解答。由第一句“今天是周六”即可知道“明天是周日”。,( ) 3. Jim is afraid of water. ( ) 4. Im happy because my dog is ill. ( ) 5. Chen Jie is sad because her grandparents will go back to the village.,F,F,T,Thank you!,


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