外研版小学英语四年级上册Module1 达标检测卷

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1、Module 1达标测试卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分 (40分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(8分)()1. A. rightB. leftC. lost()2. A. station B. school C. straight()3. A. near B. up C. down()4. A. cinema B. park C. supermarket()5. A. behind B. under C. beside()6. A. lake B. like C. live()7. A. train B. tree C. street()8. A

2、. how B. house C. hill二、听录音,判断你听到的内容与图片是()否()相符。(12分) () () ()() () ()三、听录音,按录音中的先后顺序给下列句子标上序号。(10分)()The cinema is next to a supermarket. ()The little bird is lost. ()The train is near the houses. ()Thank you so much. ()Wheres the train?四、听录音,选择正确的答句。(10分)()1. A. Yes, it is. B. Its down the hill. (

3、)2. A. Im Daming. B. Im fine. ()3. A. Youre welcome! B. Im sorry. ()4. A. Turn right. B. Yes, I have. ()5. A. Goodbye. B. Im behind the door. 笔试部分 (60分)五、看一看,选一选,写一写。(10分) 六、小勇迷路了,他得到了一个提示,找出含有表示方位/方向的词并连起来就可以走出迷宫,现在你来帮助小勇走出迷宫吧!(5分)七、选出不同类的一项。(5分)()1. A. left B. street C. right()2. A. up B. down C.

4、house()3. A. supermarket B. cinema C. behind()4. A. near B. live C. beside()5. A. next to B. turn left C. go straight on八、单项选择。(10分)()1. _. Wheres your school?A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. OK()2. Wheres the train?Its _ the house. A. near B. next C. right()3. Where is the supermarket?_. A. Turn right B. T

5、hank you C. Yes,it is()4. I _ on Nanjing Street. A. live B. are C. lives()5. The train is _ the station. A. on B. next C. at()6. The dog _ lost. A. is B. are C. am()7. My home is next _ the school. A. in B. at C. to()8. Wheres No. 2 Park Street?Its _ the cinema. A. to B. with C. beside()9. 下面图形的意思是:

6、A. Turn right. B. Turn left. C. Go straight on. ()10. My home is far from(离远)the school, but your home is _ the school. A. far B. near C. up九、根据图片提示选择正确的短语填空。(10分)beside the cinema,on your right,up the hill,at the station,near the house1. Im not on your left. Im _. 2. The train is not down the hill.

7、 Its _. 3. The supermarket is _. 4. Sam is _. 5. Jenny is _. 十、根据图片,判断句子正()误()。(10分)()1. Amy can turn right and go straight on. ()2. Lingling can go straight on and turn right. ()3. The school is next to the station. ()4. Daming can turn right and go straight on. ()5. Sam can go straight on and turn

8、 left. 十一、根据对话内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)Amy:Daming,where are you going? (你要去哪儿?)Daming: Im going to(我要去) Mingmings house. But Im lost. Amy: Where is it?Daming: Its on Dongshan Street. Amy: Heres Xisanhuan Street. Daming: Wheres Dongshan Street?Amy: Go straight on and then turn right. Daming: Thank you.

9、 Amy: Youre welcome!()1. Daming is going to Mingmings house. ()2. Amy is lost. ()3. Mingming lives on Dongshan Street. ()4. Amy knows where Dongshan Street is. ()5. Daming is on Xisanhuan Street now. 5 / 7Module 1达标测试卷听力材料:一、1. left2. station3. near4. cinema 5. beside6. live7. train8. house二、1. The

10、car is down the hill. 2. The car is near the house. 3. Go straight on. 4. The car is at the station. 5. The car is in the tree. 6. Turn left. 三、1. The train is near the houses. 2. Wheres the train?3. The cinema is next to a supermarket. 4. The little bird is lost. 5. Thank you so much. 四、1. Is it a

11、supermarket?2. How are you?3. Thank you, Daming!4. Excuse me. Wheres the station?5. Where are you?答案:一、1. B2. A3. A4. A5. C6. C7. A8. B二、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 三、34152四、1. A2. B3. A4. A5. B五、(从左到右)六、 left; on; beside; next to; near七、1. B2. C3. C4. B5. A八、1. B点拨:“Excuse me. ”通常用于麻烦别人或打断别人说话。“Sorry. ”常用于对别人造成伤害后道歉。2. A3. A点拨:此题是问“超市在哪儿?”,三个选项中只有A是指路的句子,故选A。4. A5. C6. A7. C点拨:next与to连用,表示“紧靠旁边,贴近”。8. C9. A10. B九、1. on your right 2. up the hill3. beside the cinema4. near the house 5. at the station十、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 十一、1. T2. F3. T4. T点拨:Amy 给Daming指路,说明她知道街道在哪儿。5. T 7 / 7


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