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1、1 剑桥少儿英语预备级各单元重点剑桥少儿英语预备级各单元重点 Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A( ( ( (上册上册) ) ) ) UnitUnitUnitUnit 1 1 1 1 GreetingsGreetingsGreetingsGreetings( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 使学生通过学习本单元能用英语跟同学,老师及父母等打招呼

2、。 使学生初步接触英语的语音,语调和节奏。 使学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词和短语。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Good morning!/Morning! Say hello to Teddy Bear! Hello!/Hi! 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: hello, morning, Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy, Dog Doffy, Cat Catty, Teddy Catty, Teddy Bear. UnitUnitUnitUnit 2 2 2 2 Bginni

3、ngBginningBginningBginning sound.sound.sound.sound.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 本单元通过学习几个常用的单词来学习英语的前三个字母,Aa,Bb,Cc。 让学生初步接触一下英语,包括英语的语音和语调。 进一步巩固第一单元所学过的用英语打招呼的句子。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Aapple,please! Some c

4、akes? No!No! 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: Amy, apple, banana, bamboo, cake, cat, Catty,candy. 2 UnitUnitUnitUnit 3 3 3 3 Dog,Dog,Dog,Dog, elephant,fishelephant,fishelephant,fishelephant,fish andandandand giraffe.giraffe.giraffe.giraffe.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA

5、A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 学生在巩固所学三个字母的基础上新学四个字母。 让学生学习和认读一些有关动物的名称。 让学生逐渐熟悉教师上课时使用的英语教学用语,并能根据指示语言完成相应的教学活动。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Look! Its a frog. Yes, it is. Welcome! Have fun! I will! 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: duck, dog, eel, elephant, fish, frog,

6、 girl, giraffe. UnitUnitUnitUnit 4 4 4 4 FindFindFindFind thethethethe hiddenhiddenhiddenhidden letters.letters.letters.letters.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 学生在巩固前面所学字母基础上继续学新字母。 巩固前面所学的词汇和句型。 继续培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 使学生在大量的练习中掌握英语

7、的音素。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Its the letter “K”. Look at my kite. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: house, horse, hen, ice, cream, jacket, kite, tree. 3 UnitUnitUnitUnit 5 5 5 5 TheTheTheThe familyfamilyfamilyfamily letters.letters.letters.letters.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-st

8、artersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 继续培养学生对英语的学习兴趣。 继续学习未学的英文字母并巩固前面所学的字母。 通过教学使学生初步掌握本单元所出现的词汇。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: This is the letter L. Please read after me. Look!Wow. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: lemon, lamp, mango, nose, apple, banana, o

9、range, pineapple, watermelon. UnitUnitUnitUnit 6 6 6 6 FunFunFunFun withwithwithwith letters.letters.letters.letters.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 继续巩固和复习前面所学过的英语字母和相关词汇。 学习三个新字母及相关词汇。 进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣,做一些相关的游戏。 2.交际用语 Expres

10、sions in communication: Lets make an O. Stand up! Sit down! Come here! Go back! Run to the window. Hop to the door. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: orange, pineapple, queen, balloon, plane, pen, table. 4 UnitUnitUnitUnit 7 7 7 7AnimalAnimalAnimalAnimal fun.fun.fun.fun.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-star

11、tersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 使学生进一步掌握英语字母和相关词汇。 帮助学生进一步复习和巩固所学的字母和词汇。 通过做游戏进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 进一步培养学生的英语听说及表达能力。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: What are they? They are rabbits。 What are they doing? They are making the letter R. Go forward 1 space

12、. Go back 2 spaces. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: rabbit, snake, turtle, ruler, make. UnitUnitUnitUnit 8 8 8 8 PlayPlayPlayPlay andandandand score.score.score.score.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 使学生进一步巩固和复习前面所学的字母。 学习

13、新字母及相关单词。 进行一次有关字母的综合复习。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Aa is for apple. Whats behind the clouds? The rabbit is behind the clouds. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: umbrella, vest, window, watermelon, ant, juice. 5 UnitUnitUnitUnit 9 9 9 9 WriteWriteWriteWrite andandandand colourcolourcolour

14、colour thethethethe letters.letters.letters.letters.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) ) 1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 使学生学习并掌握字母表中最后几个字母。 使学生掌握相关的词汇和句型。 进一步培养学生对英语语音学习的兴趣。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Colour it blue. Can you read one letter? Of course

15、,I can. Thats great. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: fox, pencil, yo-yo, paint, brush, eraser, ruler, zebra. UnitUnitUnitUnit 10101010 LetLetLetLet s s s s learnlearnlearnlearn thethethethe alphabet.alphabet.alphabet.alphabet.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A) ) ) )

16、1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习此单元,让学生进一步掌握英语的字母表。 熟悉并掌握所学字母及与它们相关的词。 能熟悉地朗读英语的缩写语。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Lets play a gme. Please find “A”. This isAa. Aa is for an apple. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: apple, ant, arm, animal, bike, book, bus, bird, car, cap, cat, cow, duck, desk, dag, door. 6 UnitUnitUnitUnit 11111111 MeetingMeetingMeetingMeeting newnewnewnew friends.friends.friends.friends.( ( ( (Pre-startersPre-startersPre-startersPre-startersA A A A)


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