英语人教版三年级下册unit 1 part a lesson 3

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湖北省宜昌市点军区艾家小学 李燕,Unit 1,Welcome back to school!,Part A Lets spell,小学英语(PEP)三年级下册,Lets sing,c,a,t,Lets spell,/k/-/-/t/ /kt/,Lets spell,b,a,g,/b/-/-/g/ /bg/,Lets spell,d,a,d,/d/-/-/d/ /dd/,Lets spell,h,a,n,d,/h/-/-/n/-/d/ /hnd/,Lets chant,cat /k/-/-/t/ /kt/,bag /b/-/-/g/ /bg/,dad /d/-/-/d/ /dd/,hand /h/-/-/n/-/d/ /hnd/,在这四单词中,元音字母a 都发短音/。,Try to read,and apple bad can cap fan fat hat map sad that,Lets chant,Dad has a black cat. The cat is in the bag. Dad has a black cat. The bag is in his hand.,Listen, repeat and chant,Read, listen and circle,Listen and write,Homework: Try to chant,See you!,



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