英语人教版三年级下册unit 3 at the zoo! 课件

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1、,Unit 3 At the zoo! Part B Lets learn 学校:三闸镇中心学校 教师:马静,Lets do!,Be fat, be fat, be fat fat fat. Be thin, be thin, be thin thin thin. Be tall, be tall, be tall tall tall. Be short, be short, be short short short.,Look at_. Its _.,This is _.,Group work Try to describe the cartoon images!,Look at Its I

2、t has (a),Group work: Guessing game,分3个小组,5人一组,每组一张动物图片,每人说一句话(用所学句型)描述小动物特征。其他人猜猜看是什么动物,猜对的有奖哦! *不能说出动物名字或让其他组看到图片哦!,lets do! Big, big, big, make your eyes big. Small, small, small, make your eyes small. Long, long, long, make your arms long. Short, short, short, make your arms short.,保护动物,和谐共存。 地球上没有动物, 就没有活力的世界。,Try to design a logo about protecting the animals !,Home work: 1.P25,P28单词3+1; 2.每人挑一个喜欢的小动物用至少3个句子描述; 3.跟读录音。,


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