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1、 7B unit 6小练习I用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is so _(fool).2. These are_(connect) to cables under the ground.3. Do you know how to use the _(electricity ) machine?4. We should speak to the old _(polite).5. Are these _ (battery)?6. You look so_ _ today . (happy)7. What do you know about _(electrical).8. Two _(th

2、ree) of the land is covered by trees.9. There are many _(way) to learn English.10. You should care about your _(safe) all the time. 11. Its time _ (have ) sports.12. Tom _ _ (have) to get up early to catch the school bus every morning.II.找出与划线部分意义最相近的选项。1.Is anyone here? A. someone B. somebody C. an

3、ybody2.Its foolish of him to go alone.A. silly B. sadly C. happy D. fine3.Do you have a conversation with your parents?A. meeting B. talk C. discussion D. view4.Tom , can you rely to this question?A. answer B. write C. put D. take5.The towns are connected by train and bus services.A. joined B. took

4、C. brought D. stopped66.Please wait for a moment.A. a long time B. a short time C. some time D. some times7.When you leave the room , please switch off the lights.A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up D. turn down 8. Tim must finish his homework first. Its one of his family rulesA. has to B. can C. may

5、D. might 9.Your bedroom is so dirty . You should tidy it up.A. make ; up B. put; up C. take; up D. clean; up10.I can swim ,dance and play the guitar.A. may B. will C. am able to D. have to 12.Mr Wang asked for you a moment ago.A. just now B. right C. at once D. in a moment13.Maybe it will rain later

6、 on.A. May B. Probably C. Possible D. May be14.I am able to speak English, Japanese and Chinese.A. could B. can C. shall D. will15.I have to go home now. My mum is waiting for me.A. must B. should C. can D. mayIII.单项选择。( ) 1.-TheTVistoonoisy,Mum. -Sorry,mydear.Ill_atonce. A.turnitdown B.turnitup C.t

7、urnitoff D.turniton( ) 2.Please _ the light when you leave the room.A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off D. turn up( ) 3.They all looked _ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily ( )4.What _ a computer look like ? A. is B. has C. do D. does( )5. Why

8、does she look so _?A. angrily B. sadly C. happy D. fool( )6. The cables are connected _ a power station .A. with B. to C. in D. at( )7.Electricitycomesintoourhouses_wires.A.in B.across C.through D.from( )8. His shirt _ mine.A. looks like B likes C. like D. be like ( ) 9. This idea sounds_ . A. inter

9、esting B. angrily C. interested D. well( ) 10.Electricity is like water , _ .A. in the way B. in a way C. in some way D. in ways ( ) 11.Im going to buy some Christmas gifts _ my family .A. for B. to C. with D. into( ) 12. What _ a computer look like ?A. is B. has C. do D. does( ) 13 .Can I look at y

10、our picture? -_. A. Yes , of course B. No, of course not C. Yes, of course not D. No, you didnt( ) 14.Dontforget_ _thewindowwhenyougoout. A.close B.toclose C.closing D.closed( )15.MyMP3_thecomputerbyadatawire.A.inconnectedon B.isconnectto C.areconnectingwithD.isconnectedto( ) 16._I know your name ?

11、A. May B. Will C. would D. can( ) 17. A computer _ think for itself .It must be told what to do . A. cant B. couldnt C. may not D. neednt( ) 18. You _ be more careful next time . A. have to B. may C. must D. might( ) 19.-_ the man there be our new teacher ? -He _ be , but Im not sure.A. May ; mustnt

12、 B. Can ; may C. Must ; cant D. Can ; cant( ) 20.Iagreewithhim_.Someofhispointsareright.A.intheway B.ontheway C.inaway D.bytheway( )21. Can we buy electricity _ _ packets?A. of B. on C. in D. at( )22.They_ there at five yesterday afternoon.A. reached B. arrived at C. got to D. arrived in( )23.1.You look tired. Youd better _ _ a


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