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1、一.单项选择( ) 1.The young man couldnt the bad treatment(待遇)any longer. A.bear B.carry C.understand D.wait( ) 2. Dont talk with me about that again. Its none of your . A.matter B.thing C.business D.affair( ) 3. I talked to her excitedly, but she didnt pay any attention me. A.for B.to C.at D.in( ) 4. I ca

2、me home late and my mother got very angry me. A.for B.with C.about D.to( ) 5. I didnt finish my homework my mother came back home. A.since B.because C.until D.after( ) 6. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach( ) 7. I went to the s

3、upermarket and bought a great many A.tomatoes B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat( ) 8.Would you please some money me? I want to buy a new bag. A.borrow; to B.lend; to C.borrow; from D.lend; from( ) 9. My sister was very ill last week and I had to a doctor for her. A.send to B.send C.be sent D.send for( )

4、 10. Im _ in that _ filmA. interesting, interestedB. interested, interestingC. interested, interestedD.interesting, interesting( ) 11. He calls at every house in the street.He everyone.A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits( ) 12 He must have had a very holiday. You can see the smile on his fac

5、e. A.exciting; exciting B.excited; excited C.excited; exciting D.exciting; excited( ) 13. The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.A.expecting B.waiting C.expecting for D.expecting to( ) 14. The man is fond of gardens. .A.They like him B.They like to him C.He likes them D.He likes they( ) 1

6、5. I am so nervous that my heart is very fast.A.knocking B.beating C.hitting D.striking( ) 16. , he has begun his work as a business man. A.By this way B.In this way C.On this way D.Through this way( ) 17. He bought new car day before yesterday. A.the; a B.a; the C./; the D.a; a ( ) 18.I think it is

7、 rude to others who are disabled. A.laugh at B.laugh C.laugh for D.laughing( ) 19. Everyone in our class hard every day. A.is working B.works C.work D.are working( ) 20. my surprise, there is no one in the meeting room. A. In B.At C.With D.To二.用正确形式填空1.I hate you! she said to me . (生气地)2. There are

8、more than ten (factory) in this city.3. She is very (exciting) about winning the first prize.4. I usually (get ) up very early every day.5. He (read) a book last night.6. No one can (stand忍受) such a long boring story. 7. My little brother (do ) his homework now8. I ( buy ) a present for my mother la

9、st month.9. Are there (some ) tramps outside.10. Joe has ( beautiful ) garden in our town.三.按要求改写下列句子1. I was watching TV in the living room. The telephone rang. (用when连接两个句子)2.他的房子是这个村庄最好的。(请翻译)3. How terrible the weather is ! (请写出同义句)4.The precious parcel was full of stones and sand. (划横线的同义短语) Th

10、e precious parcel stones and sand.5. The heavy rain spoiled my holiday. (请翻译)四. 完型填空:根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。About ten years ago when I was a student at university, I spent my summer holidays_36_ at a museum._37_ was hard for me then. Dad had lost(丢) his job and Mom was _38_ in bed. I _39_ if(是否) I would be a

11、ble to go on with(继续) my studies the next term.One day while I was working at the cash register(收银机)in the gift shop, I saw an old man come in with a little girl _40_ a wheelchair(轮椅). As I looked _41_ at the girl, I found she had no arms and legs. She was wearing a little white dress and she_42_ ha

12、d a hat on.As the old man _43_ the wheelchair up to me, I was busy with my work. I _44_ my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼). When I took the money from her grandfather, I looked back at the girl, _45_ was giving me the prettiest, largest smile I have _46_ seen. Suddenly her handicaps(生理缺

13、陷) _47_ and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile gave me a better understanding of what life is all about. She_48_ me from a poor, unhappy university大学 student and brought me into her _49_ , a world of smiles, love and warmth.Im now a successful成功的 business person and _50 I get down沮丧 and think about the troubles困难 of the world, I would think about that little girl and the unforgettable难忘的 lesson about life that she taught me.( )36. A. looking B. vi


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