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1、Lesson 21 and Lesson 22一 根据所给汉语提示填词,使句意完整。(10)1. (给)me a book,please.2. (哪个) book is yours?3. The glass is (空的).4. This bottle is (大的).5. The knife is (锋利的).6. That pencil is (钝的).7. This (罐头盒) is new.8. This (叉子) is large.9. That (勺子) is small.10. That cup is (满的).二 根据句意填空。(10分)1. A: Give me a cup,

2、please? B: cup? This new one?2. This glass isnt empty. Its .3. The shop is shut. Its not .4. This is a large bottle. It isnt a one.5. This is Mr. Richards. These are employees.6. This knife is sharp. It is not .7. This is a little box. It isnt .8. Are these the childrens books? No,they are not. Book

3、s are red.9. This is Helens dog. is brown and white.10. What are their ? Theyre sales reps.三 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. (give)me some glasses,please. Here you are.2. Which (box) are big?3. All the (knife) are sharp.4. Is this (Mr. Jackson) hat? No,its not.5. (this) ice creams are nice.6. The (customs offic

4、er) are Swedish.7. They are Mr. Jacksons (employ).8. The (woman) are keyboard operators.9. Are your friends (tourist)?10. These (postman) are hot.四 选择填空。(10分)( )1. is a policeman. English name is John. A. He,Her B. Her,His C. He,His D. His,Her( )2.Give some glasses. A. me B. I C. my D. mine( )3. boo

5、k is Wang Pings? The one on the shelf. A. which B. whose C. who D. what( )4. This box is big. That is small. A. one B. ones C. ones D. ones( )5. They are . A. apple B. mans C. Japanese D. boxs( )6. Whos the woman over there? She is mother. A. Bill B. Bill is C. Bills D. Bills( )7. Is this your fathe

6、rs tie? No,its not. tie is orange. A. He B. His C. She D. Her( )8. Tom: Mom,this is my friend,Fred. Mum: . Tom: How do you do? A. Good afternoon B. Glad to meet you C. How do you do D. How are you( )9. These are chairs. A. students B. students C. the students D. students( )10. Those are your books.

7、Put on the desk. A. some books B. they C. books D. them五 句型转换。(10分)1. Give her that fork. (变为同义句) Give that fork .2. The sharp knife is long. (就划线部分提问) knife is ?3. This is the childs book. (变为复数) are the books.4. The glass is full. (变为同义句) The glass is .5. The red book is Jacks. (就划线部分提问) is Jacks?

8、6. She is a new student. (变为一般疑问句) she a new ?7. Kate is Mr. Reads daughter. (变为同义句) Mr. Read is .8. Please come here. Please meet my friend. (合并一句) Please meet my friend.9. The girl is Jane. (就划线部分提问) is the ?10. That spoon is old. (就划线部分提问) is that ?六 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。(10分)1. 请把那空玻璃杯给我。 Please me th

9、at glass.2. 哪把刀子是钝的? knife is ?3. 这些是孩子们的书吗? these the books?4. 红色的那本书是约翰的。 The red is .5. 那些商店是关着的。 Those are .6. 那个茶杯是干净的。 That is .7. 那是一个大叉子。 It is a .8. 哪个是你父亲的领带? is your ?9. 它们是重的。 are .10. 那个女孩很瘦。 girl is very .七 补全对话。(10分)Man: 1 me a book, 2 .Woman: 3 book? This 4 ?Man: No, 5 that one. The

10、red one.Woman: This 6 ?Man: 7 ,please.Woman: 8 you 9 .Man: 10 you.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八 完形填空。(10分)Look at this picture. This is 1 old picture of our classroom. 2 in the picture is Mr. Li. He is 3 Chinese teacher. He is 4 the desk. In the picture you can 5 eight boys and seven girls. The girl in the hat is 6 . She is not English. 7 American. Yo


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