国际文化产业学术年会议程 (3)

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1、国际文化产业学术年会(2009北京大学)International Seminar Network on Cultural Industries (2009 Peking University)【主题】中国文化走出去与国家文化品牌塑造Theme: Chinese Culture “Go Global” and Brand Building【组织机构】主办单位: 中华人民共和国文化部对外联络局国家文化产业创新与发展研究基地 北京大学文化产业研究院Organizer: Bureau for External Cultural Relations, Ministry of Culture, Peop

2、les Republic of ChinaNational Research Base for Cultural Industries Innovation and DevelopmentInstitute for Cultural Industries, Peking University特别合作单位:中外文化交流中心Special Cooperator: Center of International Cultural Exchange【会议日期】2009 年 11 月 8 日Date: 8th November, 2009【会议地点】北京大学博雅国际会议中心第二会议室Venue: The

3、 2nd Meeting Room, The Lake View Hotel, Peking University【特别活动】“Team China-北京奥运会文化企业国际推广计划”发布北京大学文化产业研究院成立十周年庆典Special Activity:Official Release of “Team China Project - International Promotion for Beijing Olympic Cultural Enterprise”The 10th Anniversary of Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking

4、University议程 Agenda11 月 8 日(上午)8 th Nov. ( Morning)08:30-09:00 嘉宾报到 Registration09:00-10:10议程一: 全球文化贸易新特点与民族文化产业创新Section I: New Characteristics of Global Cultural Trade and the Creation of National Cultural Industries议程主席: 向 勇 北京大学文化产业研究院副院长Host: Xiang Yong, Vice Dean, Institute for Cultural Indust

5、ries, Peking University09:00-09:15演讲嘉宾: 于兴义 中华人民共和国文化部对外文化联络局副局长Speaker: Yu Xingyi, Deputy Director, Bureau for External Affairs, Ministry of Culture , Peoples Republic of China09:15-09:30演讲嘉宾: 李恕信 美国阿拉巴马特洛伊州立大学研究生院院长Speaker: Esther S. Lee, dean of the Graduate School of Troy State University Montgo

6、mery, Alabama, USA09:30-09:45演讲嘉宾: 尹 鸿 清华大学新闻与传播学院副院长 Speaker: Yin Hong, Vice Dean, School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University09:45-10:10对话嘉宾Panel Discussion: 于兴义 中华人民共和国文化部对外文化联络局副局长Yu Xingyi, Deputy Director, Bureau for External Affairs, Ministry of Culture of the Peoples Republic

7、 of China李恕信 美国阿拉巴马特洛伊州立大学研究生院院长Esther S. Lee,dean of the Graduate School of Troy State University Montgomery, Alabama,USA尹 鸿 清华大学新闻与传播学院副院长 Yin Hong, Vice Dean, School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University权基永 韩国文化产业振兴院中国事务所所长Quan Jiyong, Head of Chinas affairs office of Korea Creativ

8、e Content AgencyJohn Gabriel 英国伦敦都市大学商学院实用社会科学系主任 John Gabriel, Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, School of Business, London Metropolitan University10:10-10:25 茶歇 Tea Break10:25-10:30特别活动:“Team China”发布仪式Special Activity: Official Release of “Team China Project - International Promo

9、tion for for Beijing Olympic Cultural Enterprise”10:30-12:00议程二: 后奥运时代中国文化走出去战略与文化品牌塑造Section II: Strategies on Chinese Culture “Go Global” and National Cultural Brand Building in the Post-Olympic Era议程主席: 于兴义 中华人民共和国文化部对外文化联络局副局长Host: Yu Xingyi, Deputy Director, Bureau for External Affairs, Ministr

10、y of Culture of the Peoples Republic of China10:30-10:45演讲嘉宾: 郑 文 中华人民共和国文化部外联局对外贸易处处长, “Team China”计划负责人Speaker: Zheng Wen, Head of the Foreign Trade Department, Bureau for External Affairs, Ministry of Culture of the Peoples Republic of ChinaHead of the “Team China” Project10:45-11:00演讲嘉宾: 路健康 北京北

11、奥大型文化体育活动有限公司总经理Speaker: Lu Jiankang, General Manager, Beijing BeiAo Grand Cultural & Sports Events Co. Ltd. 11:00-11:15演讲嘉宾: Bob Morgan 英国伦敦都市大学商学院院长Speaker: Bob Morgan, Dean, School of Business, London Metropolitan University11:15-11:30演讲嘉宾: 刘 剑 北京水晶石数字科技有限公司副总经理Speaker: Liu Jian, Deputy Manager,

12、Crystal CG Ltd., Beijing11:30-12:00对话嘉宾Panel Discussion: 郑 文 中华人民共和国文化部外联局对外贸易处处长, “Team China”计划负责人Zheng Wen, Head of the Foreign Trade Department, Bureau for External Affairs, Ministry of Culture of the Peoples Republic of ChinaHead of the “Team China” Project金元浦 中国人民大学文化创意产业研究院执行主任Jin Yuanpu, Exe

13、cutive Director, Institute of Cultural & Creative Industries, Renmin University of China路健康 北京北奥大型文化体育活动有限公司总经理Lu Jiankang, General Manager, Beijing BeiAo Grand Cultural & Sports Events Co. Ltd. BOB Morgan 英国伦敦都市大学商学院院长BOB Morgan, Dean, School of Business, London Metropolitan University刘 剑 北京水晶石数字科技

14、有限公司副总经理Liu Jian, Deputy Manager, Crystal CG Ltd., Beijing Pat Wood 英国伦敦都市大学商学院外事办主任Pat Wood, Head of Corporate and Community Synergy, School of Business, London Metropolitan University 12:00-13:30自助午餐:博雅国际会议中心西餐厅Buffet Launch: Dining Hall for Western Cuisine, the Lake View Hotel, PKU11 月 8 日(下午)8 t

15、h Nov. ( Afternoon)13:30-15:15议程三:中国文化体制改革与中国文化产业振兴Section III: Reform of Chinese Cultural System and Revitalization of Chinese Cultural Industries议程主席: 周庆山 北京大学文化产业研究院研究员Host: Zhou Qingshan, Researcher, Institute for Cultural Industries, PKU13:30-13:45演讲嘉宾: 吴江波 中华人民共和国文化部文化产业司副巡视员Speaker: Wu Jiangb

16、o, Deputy Inspector, Department of Cultural Industry, Ministry of Culture of Peoples Republic of China13:45-14:00演讲嘉宾: 陈少峰 北京大学文化产业研究院副院长Speaker: Chen Shaofeng, Vice Dean, Institute for Cultural Industries, PKU14:00-14:15演讲嘉宾: 魏鹏举 中央财经大学文化创意研究院执行院长Speaker: Wei Pengju, Executive Dean, Institute of Culture and Creativity, Central University of Finance and Economics14:15-14:30演讲嘉宾: 肖永亮 北京师范大学文化创意产业研究院执行院长Speaker: Xiao Yongliang, Executive Dean, Instit



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