身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)

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身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)_第1页
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身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)_第3页
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身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)_第4页
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身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)_第5页
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《身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(the application of body language in business negotiation)(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、身体语言在商务谈判中的运用(The application of body language in business negotiation)Abstract: body language, as a pragmatic strategy in verbal communication, plays an important role in international business negotiations. This paper analyzes the expression of body language in business negotiations in the informa

2、tion from facial expressions, hand movements, gestures and other aspects, it can improve the negotiators can promote technology, efficiency and success rate of negotiation. Body language has become a new research object in winning business negotiation.Key words: body language; international business

3、 negotiation; psychological applicationI. overview of body languageBody language refers to non-verbal body signs, including eye and facial expressions, body movements and touch, posture, space distance between bodies, etc. it is another important means of communication besides language expression. I

4、n early nineteenth Century, Charles Darwin has started the research on the facial expressions and body language; in 1950s, a pioneer in the study of body language Albert Marabin found: all influence creates a message in 7% from the language (only text), 38% from the voice (including voice, tone and

5、other sounds), the rest of the 55% are all from the silent body language; anthropologist Ray Bowister (RayBirdwhistel1) found in a face-to-face communication, the amount of information transmitted by the language in the total amount of information in the share of less than 35%, the remaining more th

6、an 65% of the information is completed by way of non language communication. ? people speak always use a series of actions to meet their conversation, compared the language sense, these actions are unconscious, more can reflect the speakers real thoughts, therefore, we should not only listen, but al

7、so to see, by observing the talk and move, traces capture the inner activities; also you can explore the psychological factors of look in each others attitude. Using the skills of seeing, not only can judge each others ideological change, decide the countermeasure of the party, but also can use the

8、language to convey the information purposefully, and make the negotiation develop in the direction that is beneficial to oneself.Two, the use of body language in the context of business negotiationsNegotiation is the process of cooperation between the two sides to exchange views and repeated consult

9、ations on issues related to vital interests, to seek solutions and finally to reach an agreement. Both sides of the negotiations have their own needs, and the two sides have come to the negotiations with such a unified and contradictory need and purpose. It should not be one side to meet its own int

10、erests indefinitely, nor should it be an unconditional compromise of one side. Both sides need to compromise and compromise, but they also have their own bottom line. It can be said that in order to maximize their interests, both sides are constantly testing each others bottom line, and trying to co

11、ver up their bottom line. This requires negotiators to be able to accurately interpret each others body language, combined with language information to explore each others psychological factors, changes in thinking, so as to make decisions. A study of thousands of sales and negotiation in twentieth

12、Century 70s and 80s the process carried out a detailed observation and analysis, the results show that the business meeting table 60% 80% decisions are made under the influence of body language. A few years ago, the author and a group of students took a cruise, when bored, we proposed to play cards,

13、 play killer game. After the hair card, in accordance with the rules of the game, got the killer brand began to move, while the night out to kill; after that, we identified the suspect, and at the same time to prove his innocence. The game left a deep impression to the author, because there was a fe

14、malestudent exclusion against the majority, it is sure to identify an individuals killer, on the grounds that his defense is often hand over his mouth with his usual speech habits. As a result, the man proved to be the killer. In the next few rounds, the girl was able to analyze, reason, and judge k

15、illers accurately based on peoples voices, facial expressions and other body language, which amazed us. Today, the author is still impressed by the experience on that cruise ship, and left a deep impression on the girls observation of body language.Three, the use of body language in the context of b

16、usiness negotiationsIn bilingual negotiations, it is the key to understand each others true emotions while listening to each others conversation while observing the language environment in which he is speaking.1., the face knows the eye(1) the information revealed by the eyes. Only when two people eyes intersect each other, is really formed the basis for mutual communication and communication. People from different cultures and countries


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