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1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国的广告教育理念As we all know, the United States is the largest advertising industry in the world today. Its advertising revenue accounts for nearly half of the worlds total advertising revenue, and its advertising employees amount to over 100,000. With the spread and expan

2、sion of 4A multinational advertising companies in the second half of the last century, the advertising industry in the United States is exerting an important influence worldwide.众所周知,美国是当今世界上最大的广告业。其广告收入占全球广告总收入的近一半,广告从业人员超过10万人。上世纪下半叶,随着4a跨国广告公司的扩张和扩张,美国的广告业在世界范围内产生了重要的影响。The reason why the United

3、States can form such a large and mature advertising market is closely related to its popular advertising education. The advertising education in American universities has a history of more than 100 years. After a hundred years of exploration and accumulation, the United States has gradually formed a

4、 more advanced advertising education concept and a more scientific advertising education model. The advertising education theory of the United States has an important impact on the worlds advertising industry and academia.美国之所以能形成如此庞大而成熟的广告市场,与其大众化的广告教育息息相关。美国大学广告教育已有100多年的历史。经过百年的探索和积累,美国逐渐形成了较为先进的

5、广告教育理念和较为科学的广告教育模式。美国的广告教育理论对世界广告业和学术界都有着重要的影响。Advertising education in the United States was first taught in 1893 by professor Joseph f.johnson from the University of Pennsylvania in Wharton School of Business. In 1905, eight years later, the University of New York established advertising as a full

6、y formal University course in its Business School. In 1913, the University of Missouri established the first advertising major in the United States in its college of journalism, thus making advertising education a major in the United States step into the hall of higher education. Since the beginning

7、 of the 20th century, the concept of advertising education in the United States began to germinate and evolve. Today, one hundred years later, according to the understanding and analysis of the training objectives of advertising major in many American universities, the contemporary advertising educa

8、tion concept in the United States has two remarkable characteristics in a general sense.1893年,沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学的joseph f.johnson教授首次在美国教授广告教育。八年后的1905年,纽约大学在商学院开设了一门正式的大学广告课程。1913年,密苏里大学在其新闻学院开设了美国第一个广告专业,从而使美国的广告教育专业步入了高等教育的殿堂。20世纪初以来,美国广告教育理念开始萌芽和演变。一百年后的今天,根据对美国许多大学广告专业培养目标的理解和分析,美国当代广告教育理念在总体上具有两个显著的

9、特点。The main force of advertising education in American universities is undergraduate education. Today, the goal of advertising education in American universities is very clear, which is to provide education and training of comprehensive skills and application ability for future practitioners in the

10、developed advertising industry and other communication industries in the United States. This idea runs through the educational system of advertising major in many American universities.美国大学广告教育的主力军是本科教育。如今,美国大学广告教育的目标非常明确,即为美国发达的广告业和其他传播业的未来从业者提供综合技能和应用能力的教育和培训。这一理念贯穿于美国许多大学的广告专业教育体系。For example, We

11、stern Kentucky University, which is located in The School of journalism/communication, offers The Best School, The BestProgram and The Best Jobs as its educational philosophy. , the specific goal of cultivating students is to pass the best quality education of the advertising professional skills. An

12、d enable graduates to work and be paid for the real clients of their advertising agencies; During the employment period, we can fully demonstrate the excellent performance and sales and design skills of these students. At the same time, the school will establish a large and complete network with pro

13、found influence for the graduating students; Visit successful agencies in Chicago, Atlanta, New York, and Cincinnati.The advertising major of San Jose State University in the western United States, located in the school of journalism and mass communication, also attaches great importance to cultivat

14、ing students professional skills and practical abilities. Its advertising teaching idea is very simple: in the practice of middle school, therefore, in its open 10 advertising major courses, attaches great importance to the students to good advertising company internship practice course and informat

15、ion about the environment and the new technology application of compulsory course, and rules all major courses are taught by a computer. Similarly, Roosevelt university is located in the school of advertising professional education philosophy and the western Kentucky university, state university of

16、st. Georges almost the same, that it will be to read the university student professional advertising provide flexible curriculum, including graphic design, photography, printing, such as the latest technology courses, so as to meet the needs of traditional and non-traditional students.More specifically, the teaching philosophy of the University of Southern Mississippi p-pis advertising program is more clearly defined than most of t



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