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2、四、汉译英(25分)8六、英译汉(35分)92013专业科目一:翻译11一、词汇中译英10个选5个,5分11二、词汇中译英10个选5个,5分11三、英译中两篇20分11中译英25分11英译中11四、给了段1000多字的文章 50分11附:2013北京大学MTI试卷真题12I. Directions:12II. Directions:132014 专业科目一:翻译14一、翻译14两道中翻英(50分)14两道英翻中(50分)14二、编译或缩译152015专业科目一:翻译19一、英译汉19二、汉译英:19三、编译:202016专业科目一:翻译21一、第一部分,英译汉21二、第二部分 汉译英(回忆版)

3、22三、第三部分222017专业科目一:翻译23一、编译题回忆:232010专业科目一:翻译一、 名词中译英(共15个,共15分)驾驶超速,Speeding或over speed新华社,Xinhua News Agency洛杉矶时报,LA Times/Los Angeles Times艾滋病毒,HIV, AIDS Virus田径项目,trackandfieldevents经济危机,Economic Crisis工程学士,Bachelor of Engineering 爵士摇滚乐,jazz-rock应用语言学,Appliedlinguistics圣经旧约,Old Testament二、 名词英译

4、中(共15个,共15分)Briefing, 简报CBS, 哥伦比亚广播公司Federal Reserve Bank, (美国)联邦储备银行Plastic surgery, 整形外科Refreshment break, 茶歇、会议间歇CPU, 中央处理器HDTV, 高清电视Attorney general, 首席检察官三、 英译中文章(60分)节选的一篇论贫穷的文章四、 中译英文章(60分)苏轼论贫士 俗传书生入官库,见钱不识。或怪而问之,生曰:固知其为钱,但怪其不在纸裹中耳。予偶读渊明归去来词云:幼稚盈室,瓶无储粟。乃知俗传信而有徵。使瓶有储粟,亦甚微矣,此翁平生只于瓶中见粟也耶?马后纪:夫人

5、见大练以为异物;晋惠帝问饥民何不食肉糜,细思之皆一理也,聊为好事者一笑。永叔常言:孟郊诗:鬓边虽有丝,不堪织寒衣,纵使堪织,能得多少?(原题疑难的地方还有注释,如“大练”是啥)2011专业科目一:翻译附:2011年北京大学MTI,CAT,TT英汉互译真题,考场真实记录一、 词语翻译英译汉1. Reciprocal banquet: 答谢宴会2-.pop concert: 流行音乐会3. Black tea 红茶4. Red-hot news最新消息5. Sanitary ware卫生洁具6. Talk show脱口秀7. Illegal assembly: 非法集会8. WHO世界卫生组织 (

6、World Health Organization9. Business loan商业贷款10. Liberal education: 博雅教育; 教育; 通识教育; 注重人文教育11. Monetary restraint金融约束12. Triple crown: 三重冠13. Byzantine Empire: 拜占庭帝国(即东罗马帝国,3951453,在欧洲东南部和亚洲西南部,由罗马帝国分裂而成)14. CNN: 美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)15. Net speak: 网络语言汉译英1. 中央情报局: CIA2. 餐馆勤杂工: bus boy3. 军事法庭

7、: military court/ court martial4. 新手: a green hand5. 核裁军: nuclear disarmament6. 杀人未遂: attempted murder7. 主题公园 theme park8. 习惯法: Conventional law9. 破产申请: bankruptcy petition 10. 经济指标: economic indicator11. 学费减免: Tuition waiver 12. 半决赛semifinals13. 百老汇大街Broadway14. 病毒清除程序: virus removal program /anti-

8、virus program15. 桂冠诗人: poet laureate 二、 语篇翻译汉译英:西洋的大诗人很多,第一个介绍到中国来的偏偏是郎费罗。郎费罗的好诗或较好的诗也不少,第一首译为中文的偏偏是人生颂。那可算是文学交流史对文学教授和评论家们的小小嘲讽或挑衅了!历史上很多现在就也不少这种不很合理的事例,更确切地说,很不合学者们的理想和理论的事例。这些都显示休谟所指出的,“是这样”(is)和“应该怎样”(Ought)两者合不拢。在历史过程中,事物的发生和发展往往跟我们闹别扭,恶作剧,推翻了我们定下的铁案,涂抹了我们画出的蓝图,给我们的不透风、不漏水严密理论系统搠上大大小小的窟窿。”通常说“历

9、史的教训”,仿佛历史只是严厉正经的上级领导老师;其实历史也像淘气捣乱的小孩子,爱开玩笑,捉弄人。英译汉One day, in the autumn of 1845, I accidentally lighted on a MS. volume of verse in my sister Emilys handwriting. Of course, I was not surprised, knowing that she could and did write verse: I looked it over, and something more than surprise seized me

10、-a deep conviction that these were not common effusions, nor at all like the poetry women generally write. I thought them condensed and terse, vigorous and genuine. To my ear they had also a peculiar music-wild, melancholy, and elevating. My sister Emily was not a person of demonstrative character,

11、nor one on the recesses of whose mind and feelings even those nearest and dearest to her could, with impunity, intrude unlicensed; it took hours to reconcile her to the discovery I had made, and days to persuade her that such poems merited publication. I knew, however, that a mind like hers could no

12、t be without some latent spark of honorable ambition, and refused to be discouraged in my attempts to fan that spark to flame. Meantime, my younger sister quietly produced some of her own compositions, intimating that, since Emilys had given me pleasure, I might like to look at hers. I could not but

13、 be a partial judge, yet I thought that these verses, too, had a sweet, sincere pathos of their own. We had very early cherished the dream of one day becoming authors. This dream, never relinquished even when distance divided and absorbing tasks occupied us, now suddenly acquired strength and consis

14、tency: it took the character of a resolve. We agreed to arrange a small selection of our poems, and, if possible, to get them printed. Averse to personal publicity, we veiled our own names under those of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell; the ambiguous choice being dictated by a sort of conscientious sc

15、ruple at assuming Christian names positively masculine, while we did not like to declare ourselves women, because-without at that time suspecting that our mode of writing and thinking was not what is called feminine-we had a vague impression that authoresses are liable to be looked on with prejudice.2012专业科目一:翻译一、 词组翻译(12分)中英1.公益 public welfare2.文化遗产 cultural relics/heritage3.心理咨询 psychological consult4.知识产权 inte


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