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1、Unit 8 同步测试第一部分 听力(20分)I 听对话,选图片。(5分)( ) 1. What do the boys do on Sunday? A. B. C.( ) 2. Whats the date(日期) today? A. 6月1日 B.6月2日 C.五月31日( ) 3. Whats the mans telephone number? A. 8715679 B.87215897 C.87215687( ) 4. What is the most expensive(最贵的)? A. B. C.( ) 5. Where are the boy and the girl? A.

2、B. C.II 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)( ) 6. A. Its February. B. Its October. C. Its April.( ) 7. A. Im 12. B. She is 80. C. He is 80.( ) 8. A. Its ¥3. B. Theyre ¥3. C. 3( ) 9. A. Its on October 10th B. Im 10 C. 10 months.( ) 10. A. We dont know B. No, its May 2nd C. Its May 2nd.III 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)( ) 11. A. Y

3、ellow and blue. B. Red and blue. C. Black and white.( ) 12. A. Under the desk. B. In her desk. C. In his desk.( ) 13. A. 14 B. 13 C. 12( ) 14. A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they are in Class One. C. Yes, they are.( ) 15. A. 6 B. 7 C. 8IV 听短文填空,每空仅填一词。(5分)Name David SmithAge(年龄) 16 Telephone number 17 B

4、irthday 18 2ndLikes Playing 19 and soccer.Activity(活动) A school 20 on October 15th.第二部分 英语知识运用 (35分)V 单项选择(15分)( )21. My birthday is _ January and his birthday is _ March 26th.A. in, atB. in, on C. on, 不填 D. at, on( )22. May is _ month of the year. A. five B. fifth C. fourth D. the fifth( )23. _ com

5、es after (在之后) July. A. MayB. June C. AugustD. September ( )24. We have _ party_ this week. A. a;不填 B. an; at C. a; at D. an;不填 ( )25. Today your sister looks very_. Yes. It is her birthday.A. healthy B. right C. happy D. interesting( )26. _is your book sale? Next week. A. How B. When C. Where D. Wh

6、at( )27. Is your birthday on October 12th? _, its on_. A. Yes; the 13th B. Yes; the 13 C. No; the 13th D. No, the 13. ( )28. _ school ID cards are on the desk.A. Mike and Toms B. Mike and TomC. Mikes and Tom D. Mikes and Toms( )29. He gets a lot of things _ his birthday.A. in B. of C. at D. on ( )30

7、. My sister is _ years old and today is her _ birthday.A. twenty, twenty B. twentieth, twentieth C. twenty, twentieth D. twentieth, twenty( )31.-Happy birthday to you! -_. A. The same to you. B. Happy birthday! C. Thanks. D. Youre welcome.( ) 32. There are usually(通常) _ days in February. A. thirty B

8、. twenty-eight C. thirteen D. thirty-one( )33.Next Sunday is_. A. Womans Day B. Womens Day C. Woman Day D. Women Day( )34. Lindas grandpa is very _. Hes ninety this year. A. long B. tidy C. fat D. old( )35.The party is _ the afternoon of October 1st. A. in B. at C. on D. ofVI 完型填空(15分) Next week my

9、family will go to Hong Kong(香港) and Macau(澳门). Im very 36 . First , I need to buy a big 37 . I want to take some clothes, 38 shoes and some books. Ill put (放) all the things in my bag. Second, I need 39 of Hong Kong and Macau. I want to go to many attractions(景点) there. With maps, I can easily(容易地)

10、know 40 they are. Third, I need to 41 tickets(票). Well go to Hong Kong first by(坐) plane. I need 42 tickets for my parents , my sister and I. Next, well go to 43 from Hong Kong by ship(轮船). Our trip is not very 44 , but I think well have happy days 45 Hong Kong and Macau. ( ) 36A. tidy B. fine C. ha

11、ppy D. interesting( ) 37A.bag B. jacket C. clock D. hat( ) 38 A. pair B. pair of C. a pair D. a pair of( ) 39. A. CDs B. maps C. tapes D. books( ) 40. A. what B. when C. how D. where( ) 41. A. find B. see C. buy D. know( ) 42. A. three B. four C. five D. six( ) 43. A. Macau B. Hong Kong C. Beijing D. Guangzhou( ) 44. A. small B. big C. short D. long( ) 45. A. in B. to C. for D. onVII 补全对话(5分)A. Tim , how old are you?B. See you, later.C. My birthday is On July 2nd, tooD. Nice to meet you, Tim.E. When is your birthday?F. Yes, he is.G. Me, too.A: Hi, Jill!B: H



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