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1、新视界大学英语综合教程第三册第三单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading文森特凡高大部分人所知道的凡高的两个最重要但显然互不相关的特点是:他对色彩神奇、几乎具有爆发力的运用以及他糟糕的精神状态,后者最终导致他生命悲剧性的结束。但是,根据凡高死后的医学调查,现在看来这两个特点可能是彼此相关的,无论是在他生命的最后还是更早的时期,他的精神状况都可能影响了他的艺术风格。凡高于1853年出生于荷兰,早年替一位国际艺术商工作,因此他去过伦敦、巴黎及比利时。1880年在他弟弟西奥的支持下,他决定成为一个画家,因此,他早期的作品充满了北欧昏暗的光线。在巴黎,凡高遇到了许多后来被称为印象主义派的艺术



4、有价值的作品。在脆弱的精神状态下,凡高回到了一个住在巴黎附近的朋友身边继续工作。1890年,他开枪自杀,两天后去世。 那么他对绚丽色彩的喜爱与他毁灭性的精神状态之间有什么联系呢?我们现在了解更多关于凡高精神与身体的疾病及它们所造成的影响。凡高患有癫痫病,这种病会导致昏厥,可能是因为出生时脑部有缺陷。喝苦艾酒会加重病情,苦艾酒是种流行但危险的饮料,那时候的艺术家们经常喝。他的医生给他开了一种药,这种药能使病人把所有事物都看成黄色或看到很多黄点。这可能是凡高喜欢黄色的原因吧。凡高经历了一段旺盛期后开始变得疲倦而抑郁。我们现在知道这是躁郁症的症状。而且他还使用铅制颜料,接触铅可能引起铅中毒。铅中毒的


6、供了灵感,但我们不能忽视他为了艺术而遭受的精神折磨。Dealing with Unfamiliar WordsMatch the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.b, a, a, a,a,b Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 Painting and music are complementary, since they ca

7、n both represent the human condition.2. liberated 3. prevailed 4. The era of abstract art began about this time.5. distinct 6 Sometimes great genius can have a destructive effect on the personal lives of artists.7 Its easy for us to overlook the personal difficulties many artists have experienced.8.

8、 desperateComplete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. defects 2. dominated 3. productive 4. exposure 5. discouraged 6. intensity 7. reflection 8. episodes 9. hostile 10. experimentalLanguage in Use Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the questions. No.Yes. No

9、w rewrite the sentences using may have done.1. He may have suffered from a number of mental illnesses. 2. I may have made a mistake about the author of this work. 3. This poem may have been written by Ben Jonson, not Shakespeare. 4. Some of his works may have not yet been found. 5. She may have met

10、several artists when she was living in London. 6. They may have worked together on the painting. Look at the sentence from the passage and answer the question. There may be more than one answer.Answer: (a) (b) (d)Now rewrite the sentences using despite.1. Despite sending my novel to lots of people,

11、I havent had any positive replies. 2. Despite the high prices, we decided to attend the performance. 3. Despite the work being very popular, it isnt his best painting. 4. Despite being deaf, Beethoven composed some of the greatest music ever written. 5. Despite early disappointments, she went on to

12、become a world-famous architect. 6. Despite arriving late, we were able to get good seats. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.1. At the beginning of a sentence.2. A contrast.Now rewrite the sentences using yet.1. Artistic genius is one of humanitys greatest triumphs, yet

13、 it is often not recognized in its own time. 2. The film has been seen by millions, yet it hasnt achieved critical success. 3. At first sight the picture appears simple. Yet the more you look at it, the more complex it becomes. 4. Ive seen it dozens of times, yet Im always moved by it. 5. Van Gogh h

14、ad a close relationship with Gauguin, yet it was often a stormy one. Collocation Look at the passage and find another collocation for each word.coloursperiodscoloursillnessstateNow complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible. 1. shar

15、p increase2. serious mistake3, productive day4. sharp eye5. delicate matter6. vivid imagination7. delicate touchTranslation Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. 大部分人所知道的凡高的两个最重要但显然互不相关的特点是:他对色彩神奇、几乎具有爆发力的运用以及他糟糕的精神状态。2. 凡高很快就对他在巴黎的生活感到气馁,所以他搬到了法国南部的亚尔,那儿的阳光吸引了他,他希望在那儿成立一个画家之家。3. 但他的创作高峰期也是他最绝望的时期,在这段时期他怀疑自己没有能力创作出有价值的作品。4. 凡高患有癫痫病,这种病会导致昏厥,可能是因为出生时脑部有缺陷。5. 作为艺术爱好者,我们承认凡高创作了一些世人所知的最伟大的画作,并为他以后的许多艺术家提供了灵感。 Translate the sentences into English.1. I believe the piano is worth buying, yet I need to consider a while about the price which is beyond m



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