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1、数 词,重温高考,专题精析,考点集训,综合演练,重温高考,单句语法填空 1.He missed the gold in the high jump,but will get second chance in the long jump. (2012大纲全国) 解析 在序数词前用a,则表示“再次,还有”之意。,答案,解析,a,1,2,2.I am still thankful to my uncle for teaching me to ride a bike on my _(nine) birthday. (2017东北师范大学附中模拟) 解析 句意为:我依旧感谢叔叔在我九岁生日(第九个生日)

2、时教我学会骑自行车。,答案,解析,ninth,1,2,专题精析,基数词的构成及作用 1.常用基数词表,2.基数词构成歌诀 1至12逐个记,13至19 teen结尾。 20至90整十位,ty结尾是后缀。 要是表示“几十几”,连字符十位连个位。 若要表示“几百几”,hundred之后and立。 若要用于复合形容词,连字符相连不加-s。,注意:(1)hundred,thousand,million,billion等词前有基数词或several时,须用单数;与of连用时,用复数,但其前面不能再加数词。如: six hundred people hundreds of people,(2)dozen前有

3、具体数词修饰时,用单数,of可省略;当dozen后面接these,those,them,us等词时,须先接of,再接这些词,但dozen仍不加-s;dozens of中的of不可省。score用法和dozen相当,但of一般不省略。 several dozen pencils dozens of students three dozen of these eggs two dozen of them two score of eggs scores of books,3.基数词的位置 常位于another,all之后,such,more之前,可置于last,next,other之前或之后。 a

4、nother two days all the ten books one more apple two such pens his last two days/his two last days,4.基数词的句法功能 (1)主语 Three will be enough. (2)宾语 The city has a population of three million. (3)表语 The population of this city is nearly two million. (4)同位语 They two went to the cinema. (5)定语 The river is

5、about eight miles long.,序数词的构成及作用 1.常用序数词表,注意:21以上的多位数词,只将末位数变为序数词,前面的其他位数仍用基数词。如: 21sttwenty-first;22ndtwenty-second;33rdthirty-third;100th one hundredth,2.序数词的句法功能 (1)定语 the first day of the week my first visit to Beijing (2)表语 You are the first to leave. (3)主语 The second was even worse. (4)同位语 To

6、m,the first,is here.,(5)宾语 Do you prefer the first or the second? 注意:序数词前一般要加定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。 This is the first one. This is her second visit to Japan. 序数词前有时可用不定冠词a,此时不强调顺序。“a序数词”相当于another,表示“又一个,再一个”。 Youd better try a third time.,数词的应用 1.用于构成分数、百分数、小数 one third two thirds/two-thirds two-fifths o

7、f the students thirty percent of the water six point four 注意:表示几分之几(或百分之几)的人或物时,须在分数(或百分数)和人或物之间加of。若充当主语,谓语动词的数应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。如: Seventy percent of her income was spent on clothes.,2.倍数表达法 (1)A谓语倍数as原级asB The bag is twice as big as that one. (2)A谓语倍数as many/much名词asB I have twice as many books as

8、he (does). (3)A谓语倍数比较级thanB This classroom is three times bigger than ours. (4)A谓语倍数the size(width/length/height/depth等)ofB Your piece of bread is three times the size of mine.,(5)A谓语倍数what从句 The output of cars in 2017 was five times what it was in 2016. (6)A谓语.by倍数,表示“增加或减少了多少倍” The production has

9、increased by four times this year. 注意:表达倍数时,常用half表示“一半”,用double或twice表示“两倍”,用times表示三或三倍以上。,3.日期的表达 (1)某年:in数字 in 2018 (2)某月:in月份 in May (3)某年某月:in月年 in May 2018 (4)某年某月某日:on月日/on日月,年 on May 1(st)/1(st) May,2018,4.时刻的表达 twenty-one past/after eight或eight twenty-one four to/of nine或eight fifty-six ha

10、lf past eight或eight thirty a quarter to/of ten或nine forty-five 5.年代的表达 the early 1920s/1920s the early twenties the mid-eighties,6.其他特殊表达 (1)表示“每一段时间”或“每隔” every three days/every fourth day every other day every few days,(2)表示年龄 in ones teens in ones twenties at the age of 17 He is twenty years old.

11、 He is a man of twenty. He is a twenty-year-old man. (3)用于习语中 one at a time one by one ten out of ten,考点集训,.单句语法填空 1.There (be) one desk and three chairs in the room. 2.Whats the date today? Its the (four) of July. 3.There are buses to the station every (twenty) minute. 4.She was the first woman (wi

12、n) the gold medal in the Olympic Games. 5.In order to find a better job,he decided to study second foreign language.,is,fourth,twentieth,to win,a,.数词填空(数词专练) There are 1. seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.A year can also be divided into 2. months.Each month is divided into 3. periods

13、:the first,the middle and the last ten-day period.Mothers Day falls on the 4. Sunday of May while Fathers Day on the 5. Sunday of June every year.The 6. month of the year is December.There are 7. complete weeks plus an extra day,or 8. in a year because there are 9. days in a common year but 10. days

14、 in a leap year.,four,twelve,three,second,third,twelfth,fifty-two,two,three hundred and sixty-five,three hundred and sixty-six,1.数词的拼写错误 fourty(误)forty(正) ninty(误)ninety(正) nineth(误)ninth(正) twentith(误)twentieth(正) twentieth-first(误)twenty-first(正) three fifth(误)three fifths(正) the 2th of February(误

15、)the 2nd of February(正) One Thousand One Nights(误)One Thousand and One Nights(正),写作中数词易错点聚焦,2.特殊表达中的错误 every other days(误)every other day(正) in his tens(误)in his teens(正) several dozens of them(误)several dozen of them(正) more two days(误)two more days/another two days(正) Youd better try the third time.(误)Youd better try a third time.(正),.单句语法填空 (一) 1.We can relax (we) while reading her blog. 2.That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help. short,hes reliable. 3.A successful learner is an independent one,who has a determined will and amazing pati



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