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1、现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理Unit 1make的词组1、be made of: & be made from 由制成:可看出原材料 Houses in that part of country were mostly made of cheap material. They all collapsed in the earthquake.:不可看出原材料The Great Wall wine is made from the best grapes in our country.2、make for some place 朝地方前进In the distance, we saw th

2、e ship making for the shore.3、make out 弄清 识别、辨认出Mr. Shaws views are changing all the time. Nobody can make out what he really means.Its not easy to make out his handwriting. I dont know what hes trying to say here.4、make up编造 和好 打扮 占据It was not long before people found out that the story was made up

3、 by the man. He had never seen a tiger on that mountain.They had a big argument the other day and did not speak to each other for several days, but now they have already made up.They made him up as an old man.Women make up only a small proportion of the population in prison.5、make up for sth 弥补Mary

4、worked harder than ever before to make up for the time she had lost.6、make up ones mind to do sth.决定做某事He made up his mind to study Information Technology.7、make sb/sth sth.The government has made this area a reserve.(保护区)He would like to make his son his successor.他想让他的儿子成为他的接班人8、make sth out of st

5、h. 把out后的变成out前的School is place that makes useful men out of boys.9、make fun of sth.Dont make fun of his accent. He actually has a lot of interesting ideas in his speech.Unit 2look的词组:1、look on 袖手旁观We will not just look on whilst our next-door neighbor struggles with his enemy.2、look into 仔细调查以便寻找解决

6、方案We must look into our population policy. It has given rise to serious problems.3、look up 查字典 形势好转 Will you look up this word in the dictionary? Things are looking up at our factory. For the first time in the last three months, we are operating a profit.4、look up to sb. =admire 尊敬Many people of tha

7、t country looked up to him as their spiritual leader.things. There is no hope for a country if its intellectuals are looked down upon.6、look forward to doing sth./sth 盼望We all look forward to the day when our country is reunited.Unit 31、I know in spite of(尽管) the progress we have made in all these y

8、ears, many people are still unhappy because their life is filled with(充满了) worries and anxiety. But at my age(在年龄段), I am already at peace with(对心态平和) the world. I have stopped complain about(of) things(抱怨东西). I know I have done my best, and the world belongs to(属于) the young. When I die of(死于) old

9、age, I will have no regret because I know what I have left unfinished will be passed on to(传递给【物】) them.2、When I think of(想起) my great grandfather, I always feel a pity for(为感到遗憾) him. My father told me that he used to work from morning till dusk(一天到晚), on a strip of land(一小条土地), year after year, bu

10、t he was never able to protect his family from(保护免受) hunger and cold. Actually his first two children died in infancy(死于什么时期)3、Does it ever occurred to you that(突然想起) in my day(在我们的年代), nobody I knew ever complained about being overweight because we were always short of(缺少) food? As for(至于) me, I be

11、longed to the lucky ones. I never really starved(饥饿). But I never was full either. As for clothes, we were usually in rags(衣衫褴褛). Now and then(有时), my father would buy a new pair of trousers. After a few years, they would be passed to the first-born child, and then to the next and still the next unt

12、il they became rags.4、We havent got much time. Lets get down to(着手做接名词) business. I hate to leave the others to finish the job. Lets get it over and done with(让尽早结束).5、Her son didnt get paid(获得工资) very much, but mother and son managed to get by(勉强度日). So her sons sudden death was a terrible blow to

13、her. She just couldnt get over(从中恢复) it.6、She was very easy to get on/ along with(相处). She knew a bit of Chinese, and I knew a bit of Russian. So we managed to get across(解释清楚) our ideas. We soon became good friends.7、The news of the scandal get about(传播开来) quickly and he was condemned by public opi

14、nion. But he still thought he could get away with(做坏事后逃脱责任) it with his fathers power and influence.8、The bus got to the station and my mother got up(站起来). But before she could get off, the bus started to move again. “Not so fast! Im getting off.” “Sorry, I thought you were getting on.”get的词组:get by

15、:勉强够用,人作主语get about:传播开来get away with 做坏事之后逃脱get on/along with sb 与某人相处get up:站起来get over 克服,从中恢复get sth over and done with 使尽快结束get down to sth/doing sth 着手做get done(promoted/ starved等) 处在的状态Unit 41、He slipped into(走入) his room and switched on(=turn on) the light. The room had not been lived in for quite some time obviously. For one thing(一方面), it was dirty and except for(除了,类似besides) a desk and a chair, was quite empty.2、Liu Bei was scared of death(害怕名词或动名词) when he was led to(被引向) the princesss room. It was filled with weapons of all kinds, hardly a proper setting for


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