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1、 9深圳八年级上学期期末英语模拟试卷一:选择填空 (15分)1. I hope you willhave funduring your visit to Paris.A. get bored B. be funny C. feel well D.have a good time2. Hewas unaware ofthe coming danger.A. not know B.realized C. didnt realize D.knew3. My father prefers taking a subway to driving his own car. Because the petro

2、l is veryexpensive.A. dear B.good C.bad D.cheap4. Tom will go to the meetinginstead ofme.A. in need of B.in the need of C. in danger of D. in place of5.Unless youwork hard, you will not be successful.A. If you B.Although you C. If you arent D. If you dont6. We dont want todepend onourparents because

3、 we have grown up.A. look after B.rely on C. go on D. live with7. Dont forget tokeep in touch withus while you arrive in London!A. work with B.communicate with C. play with D. agree with8. I would like to know where the storytook place.A. happened B.talked about C. came from D. endedii.)从下面每小题的A、B、C

4、三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡选择题答题区将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)9. You _ someone to game, it means you invited him or her to take part in it.A. refuse B.challenge C. accept D. reply10. If you _ one person to another, you tell them each others names so that they get to know each other.A. introduce B.interview C. remin

5、d D. talk11. When you _ a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it.A. enter B.travel C. leave D. get12. The _ between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.A. likeness B.similarity C. importance D.difference13. Tom felt very sure about the answer, so he to

6、ld it very _.A. usefully B.successfully C. hopefully D.confidently14. If you use something _, it means it is very useful for you.A. important B.practical C. hopeful D. careful15. Mrs. White doesnt feel well recently.-_, she still went to work online.A. Besides B.However C. While D. CertainlyVII. 完形填

7、空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。I am a writing teacher at a middle school. Ron is a _16_ student. He was with us for only one week and still tried to fit in (适应). One day, when we finished the _17_, I asked the students to _18_ what they wrote. I was _19_ that Ron would like to r

8、ead. I wished other students would not _20_ him. I took a look at the students. I knew some kids liked to laugh at others. _21_, all of my students were listening. “If I have one wish, it will be to _22_ my dad, so I wont have to close my eyes every night just wondering what he _23_”. Rons wish is t

9、o meet his father. He _24_ saw his father. After listening, all the students applauded. My eyes got _25_. I love these lovely students.This is why I teach. I teach because I can watch kids grow up and learn to love.16. A. quiet B. new C. old D. lovely17 A. listening B. writing C. speaking D. reading

10、18. A. see B. prepare C. organize D. share.19. A. afraid B. sad C. surprised D. angry20. A. laugh at B. worry about C. think of D. talk to21.A. And B. However C. So D. Because22. A. talk with B. meet C. help D. miss23. A. looks for B. looks at C. looks like D. looks up24. A. never B. ever C. dry D.

11、already25. A. wet B. black C. dry D. red阅读理解(共计15小题,每小题2分,计30分)ALife in BritainHomes and familiesMany British people live in houses, not apartments(公寓). Most houses have gardens.Daily(日常的) lifeMost office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish(结束) at about five or six in the aft

12、ernoon. Most people dont go home for lunch, and they just have a quick meal.School lifeChildren start school at about 9:00 am, and finish at about 3:30 pm. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen

13、.Shops Most shops open at about 9:00 a.m. and close at about 6:00 p.m. Usually, they dont close for lunch.26. Many British people live in _.A. apartmentsB. parksC. housesD. Gardens.27. Most office workers start work at about _ in the morning.A. ten B. nine C. eight D. Seven28. Most office workers and school children dont have lunch _


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