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1、The University Emblem The University Motto 校 徽 校 训 华南师范大学校徽主体图案为三个“人”字的交叠,阐明“以人为本”以及“三人行,必有我师”的治学要义。主体图案结构严谨, 点线相连,寓意教育是“人文精神与科学精神的结合、交叉和延伸”;色彩层次分明,表达“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的育人意义。 With three of the same Chinese character ren meaning “person”, appearing in an overlapping pattern as its main component part, the Un

2、iversity emblem carries the implication that education should stick to the principle of putting people first and that in the pursuit of learning one should always bear in mind Confucius teaching: “Where there are three men walking together, one of them is bound to teach me something.” And the compac

3、t design of the emblems main part, with lines and dots linked together, conveys another moral meaning that education is, in essence, “a marriage, overlap and extension of both humanistic and scientific spirits.” Besides, the brilliant blue color, with different shades and gradations, ingeniously ill

4、ustrates the well-known classical Chinese saying: “Blue comes from the indigo plant but is bluer than the plant itself”, a saying metaphorically used to express the earnest wish that in the future “the pupil would surpass the master.” “艰苦奋斗、严谨治学、求实创新、为人师表” Foster the spirit of working hard; Pursue s

5、tudies with utmost rigour; Seek truth from facts to blaze new trails; And be a model of virtue for others. 2 About the University 学校概况 华南师范大学始建于 1933 年,前身是广东省立勷勤大学师范学院。1996 年进入国家“211 工程”重点建设大学行列,2015 年成为广东省 人民政府和教育部共建高校, 同年进入广东省高水平大学整体建设高校行列。 现有广州石牌、 广州大学城和佛山南海 3 个校区, 占地面积3025亩, 校舍面积134万平方米。 80多年来,

6、学校数易校名, 几度迁徙, 虽历经沧桑, 却弦歌不辍。 一代又一代华师人秉承勷勤大学师范学院 “研究高深学术, 养成社会之专门人才” 的优良传统,践行“艰苦奋斗、严谨治学、求实创新、为人师表”的校训,筚路蓝缕,薪火相传,共同铸就了学校今天的繁荣与发展。 学校坚持党的领导,坚持社会主义办学方向,立足广东、辐射港澳、面向世界,致力于培养卓越教师、推动区域教育发展、引领中国南方教 师教育,为国家和区域经济社会发展提供人才支撑、智力支持和文化服务,力争建设成为国内一流、世界知名的综合性师范大学。 South China Normal University (SCNU) is a prestigious

7、 comprehensive university in Guangdong Province as well as a member of “Project 211”. South China Normal University boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University City Campus and Nanhai Campus, with a total area of over 200 hectares. With fine surroundings featuring green trees and fresh ai

8、r, the University well serves as an ideal place for teaching, learning and research. Though the university has changed its name and location for several times since its founding in 1933, our alumni have carried on our rich legacy and our fine tradition one generation after another to contribute to t

9、he glory, prosperity and development of the University. Taking the quality of its education as a priority, SCNU is striving to push forward teacher education reform and cultivate talent to serve Guangdong Province and even the whole country socially and economically. It has made the following four u

10、niversity strategies: to base the University on academic research, to thrive on talent, to strengthen the University through scientific research, to invigorate the University through openness. It has made great efforts to build itself into a high-quality teaching and research-oriented university. 3

11、Schools and Research Institutions 教学科研单位 石牌校区教学楼 Teaching Building, Shipai Campus 大学城校区体育馆及音乐厅 Stadium and Concert Hall, University City Campus 南海校区 Nanhai Campus 教育科学学院/特殊教育学院School of Educational Science/ School of Special Education 政治与行政学院School of Politics & Administration 马克思主义学院School of Marxi

12、sm 历史文化学院School of History & Culture 外国语言文化学院School of Foreign Studies 国际文化学院School of International Cultur 美术学院School of Fine Arts 旅游管理学院School of Tourism Management 教育信息技术学院School of Educational Information Technology 数学科学学院School of Mathematics Science 生命科学学院School of Life Science 地理科学学院School of

13、 Geography 计算机学院School of Computer Science 心理学院School of Psychology 继续教育学院School of Continuing Education 网络教育学院School of Distance Learning 凤凰国际学院Phoenix International School 光电子材料与技术研究所Institute of Optoelectronic Materials and Technology 生物光子学研究院College of Biophotonics 基础教育培训与研究院School of Profession

14、al Development and Research on Primary and Secondary Education 药物研究院Pharmaceutical Research Institute 文学院School of Chinese Language & Literature 经济与管理学院School of Economics & Management 法学院School of Law 公共管理学院School of Public Administration 体育科学学院School of Physical Education & Sports Science 音乐学院Scho

15、ol of Music 物理与电信工程学院School of Physics & Telecommunication Engineering 化学与环境学院School of Chemistry & Environment 信息光电子科技学院School of Information and Photoelectric Science and Engineering 华南先进光电子研究院South China Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics 南海学院Nanhai College 城市文化学院School of Urban Culture 国际商学院Int

16、ernational Business College 软件学院Software College 职业教育学院College of Vocational and Technical Education 艺术教育中心Art Education Center 数据更新于2016年3月 Statistics up to Mar, 2016 4 Undergraduate Programs 本科专业设置 所在学院专业名称 教育科学学院/特殊教育学院学前教育、教育学、小学教育、特殊教育 政治与行政学院思想政治教育、政治学与行政学、社会工作 历史文化学院历史学 外国语言文化学院英语、俄语、日语、翻译 美术学院美术学、视觉传达设计、环境设计、服装与服饰设计、产品设计、工业设计、数字媒体艺术 旅游管理学院旅游管理、会展经济与管理、酒店管理 教育信息技术学院教育技术学、传播学、摄影、影视摄影与制作、新闻学 数学科学学院数学与应用数学、信息与计算科学、统计学、经济统计学、应用统计学、金融数学 生命科学学院生物科学、生物工程、生物技术 地理科学学院地理科学、地理信息科学、自然地理与资源环境、人文地


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