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1、University of Cambridge,location,The city of Cambridge is in the south east of England, 50 miles north of London. It is well served by road and rail links, and is within an easy distance of the major London airports.,Cambridge, River Cam bridge means. Here indeed there is a RiverCam, in the city hav

2、e come a great circle arc to the northeast flow. Many bridges built on the river,so the name of the city of Cambridge. Cambridge, is the oldest bridge in the world.Cambridge, and Oxford, is the traditional seat fascinating university city.,剑桥,剑河之桥的 意思。这里确有一 条剑河,在市内兜 了一个弧形大圈向 东北流去。河上修 建了许多桥梁,所 以把这个城命

3、名为 剑桥。剑桥,是世 界上最古老的桥。 剑桥,与牛津一 样,是座令人神往 的传统大学城。,River Cam,Motto: (拉丁文)Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (英文)Here light and sacred draughts (此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源) 我与世界相遇 我与世界相蚀 我必不辱使命 得以与众生相遇 -苏格拉底,The University of Cambridge, one of the worlds top ten universities, was set up in 1209. It has been called “the city, t

4、he university“. Although it was imbued with a strong academic atmosphere here, its still a fast-paced and modern city with the bustling commercial life, and without losing the typical rural scenery of England.,剑桥大学成立于1209年,是世界十大学府之一。被称作是“城市中有大学”。这里虽然充溢着浓厚的学术气息,但依然是一座商业繁华、生活节奏明快和现代化的城市,同时又不失典型的英格兰田园风

5、光。, The University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in England and the fourth oldest in the world. Academically, Cambridge has been ranked one of the top five universities, the leading university in Europe, and contends with Oxford for first place in UK league tables., 英国剑桥大学是英国第二古老和世界第四

6、古老的大学。 在学业上,剑桥一直排在世界前五名,是欧洲领先的大学,在英国排行榜首与牛津一争高低。,In 1209, scholars taking refuge(避难) from hostile(怀有敌意的) townsmen in Oxford migrated to Cambridge and settled there. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organization, represented by an official called a Chancellor, and seem to h

7、ave arranged regular courses of study, taught by their own members.,History,University of Cambridge has 33 colleges. Trinity College (三一学院) KingsCollege(国王学院 ), Churchill College (丘吉尔学院 ), Darwin College (达尔文学院 ) Wolfson College St Johns College Queens College Jesus College Christs College Clare Col

8、lege, Cambridge And so on.,Colleges,Trinity College(三一学院),Trinity College is the academic elite(学术菁英)of Cambridge. It has generated a total of 28 Nobel Prize winner. The square in it is the largest square in the universityof the world.,Great Court of Trinity College, dating back to the 17th Century.

9、,Kings College(国王学院) is the most famous school of University of Cambridge.It was founded in 1441 by King Henry VI.It has nearly six hundred years of history.,Kings College Chapel(国王学院礼拜堂) It can represent the glory of University of Cambridge for its fascinating gothic architecture.,Great Court of Ki

10、ngs College.,It is well-known as the Department of Mathematics(数学系),The church in Kings college,Bridge of Signs(叹息桥)This is the connection between the St.Johns college teaching building and dormitory. It is said that the students had been signed on this bridge when the exam was coming. If they do no

11、t get good marks, they will directly jump off .,Newton,Newton is one of the greatest scientists in the history of human beings .He entered to University of Cambridge when he was Eighteen ,in Trinity College to learn math and soon became a world famous scientists,There are so many great people studie

12、d in Cambridge that I can hardly show them all to you.,The famous Apple Tree,John Maynard keynes (凯恩斯),Stephen William Hawking (霍金),Charles Robert Darwin (达尔文),A Brief History of Time(时间简史),Origin of Species(物种起源),Keynesianism (凯恩斯主义),Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again,轻轻的我走了, Very quietly I take my leave 正如我轻轻的来; As quietly as I came here; 我轻轻的招手, Quietly I wave good-bye 作别西天的云彩。 To the rosy clouds in the western sky. -徐志摩,Spirits,1. Academic freedom(学术自由) 2. Dare to challenge authority(敢于挑战权威) 3. Humanistic spirit(人本精神) 4. Exploration and innovation(探索与创新) 5. Persistence(坚持不懈),Thank you !,


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