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1、2018年东北大学外国语学院859综合英语之语言学教程考研仿真模拟五套题一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Corpus【答案】 Corpus is a collection of linguistic data , either compiled as written texts or as a transcription of recorded speech. The main purpose of a corpus is to verify a hypothesis about languagefor example , to determine how the

2、application of a particular sound , word , or syntactic construction varies. 2 Performatives【答案】 Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is part of, the doing an action. The judge?s impr

3、isonment sentence, the president?s war or independence declaration, etc., are performatives.3 Government【答案】 Government is another type of control over the forms of some words by other words in certain syntactic constructions. It differs from concord in that this is a relationship in which a word of

4、 a certain class determines the forms of others in terms of certain category. In English, for example, the pronoun after a verb or a preposition should be in the object form as in She gave him a book. She gave a book to him. In other words , the verb , or the preposition , determines , or governs ,

5、the form of the pronoun after it. 4 Relational opposites【答案】 This is a type of antonymy , in which the members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition. They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. For example, “buy/sell” is such a pair. X buys something from Y me

6、ans Y sells something from X. 二、Short-answer-questions5 What are the differences between simile and metaphor?【答案】 Simile is a way of comparing one thing with another, of explaining what one thing is like by showing how it is similar to another thing , and it explicitly signals itself in a text, with

7、 the words as or like. For example, the phrase as cold as ice is a common simile.Although metaphor also makes a comparison between two unlike elements , this comparison is implied rather than stated. That is , it differs from simile in that the words such as like or as do not appear. For example, uT

8、he life is a stage” is a metaphor. 6 How would you describe the oddness of the following sentences, using semantic features?(a )The television drank my water.(b )His dog writes poetry.【答案】(a ) The verb drink represents a behavior of the animate beings, therefore, it is required that the subject of t

9、his verb should have a semantic feature as (+ANIMATE) , however, the word television , which is in position of subject, has an opposite feature:(-ANIMATE ) . That?s why such a collocation results in oddness.(b ) The action of writing poetry is normally one which only human beings could do, therefore

10、, the subject is required to have a semantic feature as (+HUMAN) ; however, the word dog in the subject position is featured as (-HUMAN ) . Therefore, the sentence is odd. 7 Illustrate the relationship between morpheme and allomorph by examples.【答案】 Morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic uni

11、t of language , not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. What is usually considered a single word in English may be composed of one or more morphemes. Take disagreeable for example, it contains three morphemes, dis-, agree and -able. A morpheme may take various shapes or forms. For instance,

12、-ion, -tion, -sion and -ation are the positional variants of the same suffix. They do not differ in meaning or function but show a slight difference in sound depending on the final phoneme of the preceding verb. They are called allomorphs. So an allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as

13、 conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. 8 What are the criteria used in phonetic description of vowels?【答案】 As the vowels can not be described in the same way as the consonants , a system of cardinal vowels has been suggested to get out of this problem. The cardinal vowels are a set of vowel q

14、ualities arbitrarily defined , fixed and unchanging , intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages. The cardinal vowels are abstract concept. The cardinal vowel diagram is a set of hypothetical positions for vowels used as reference points.T

15、he description of English vowels needs to fulfill four basic requirements : (1) the height of tongue raising ; the position of the highest part of the tongue (high , middle or low)(2)(front , central, back ) ; the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short) ; (4) lip-rounding

16、(3)(rounded vs. unrounded) . For example, i: high, front, tense, unrounded vowel.u: high, back, lax, rounded vowel. 9 What makes language unique to human beings?The design features of language which refer to the defining properties of human language 【答案】tell the difference between human language and any system of animal communication.Arbitrariness is


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