老友记 friends 第季剧本笔记

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1、The One With The JellyfishWritten by: Wil CalhounTranscribed by: Eric Aasen 401 水母惊情罗斯吃力的甩掉了邦尼;邦尼次日晨搭车离开。 瑞秋写长信一封给罗斯,规定他在复和前读完;准备发奋读信的罗斯不敌睡魔侵扰当瑞秋检查作业时,他只得假称已读过此信,并认同信中的提法。当他发现信中通篇指责是他的过错导致两人分手时,气不打一处来。菲比因生母从未与她联络而痛心疾首;她对妈妈说再也不想见面,但其母最终与她和解。乌苏拉早已知道其生母之事,却从没告诉过菲比。莫妮卡、钱德和乔伊在海滩上嬉戏;乔伊挖了个大洞;莫妮卡惨被水母蛰了一口。乔伊

2、想起discovery频道曾演过,往伤口尿尿可以舒解被水母所蛰产生的疼痛。莫妮卡自己尿不到那里,乔伊怯场,只好由钱德出马。罗斯无法隐瞒自己的不满,和瑞秋再度分手。4.01 The One With The JellyfishRoss dumps Bonnie, which takes all night; she leaves in the morning. Meanwhile, Rachel writes a long letter to Ross that she needs him to read before they get back together; he tries to re

3、ad it but falls asleep. then has to fake it when she asks him about it; Ross agrees with the letter before he finds out what it says; once he finds out the letter asks him to accept the breakup was all his fault, hes not sure he can keep up the charade(n. 猜字谜游戏). Phoebe is upset that her real mother

4、 never tried to contact her; she tells her mother she never wants to see her again, but her mother finally convinces her to reconcile(v.使和解). Ursula knew about their real mother all along(adv.自始自终), but never told Phoebe. Monica, Chandler, and Joey spend the day on the beach; Joey digs a hole; Monic

5、a gets stung by a jellyfish. Joey remembers that peeing on a jellyfish sting takes the pain away; Monica cant bend that way and Joey gets Stage Fright, leaving Chandler. Ross cant stand hiding his feelings and he and Rachel break up again.Joey: (lying on a beach towel, recapping what happened in the

6、 last episode) Okay, so we went to the beach, because Phoebe found out about this lady who knew her mom and dad, and I dont really know what happened with that.recap v.扼要重述 概括beach towelcut to Phoebe Sr.s house, from the last episodePhoebe Sr.: (to Phoebe) Im your mother.Phoebe: Ehh?cut to Monica op

7、ening the door of the beach house, with Chandler trying to pick her up for a date.Joey: (voice-over) Oh, and then Monica joked that she wouldnt go out with a guy like Chandler.voice-over n.画外音Chandler: (to Monica) (in a funny voice) Hi there. (Monica turns her head away in disgust)Joey: (voice-over)

8、 .and he couldnt let it go, and. I dont really know what happened with that either. let it go v.顺其自然cut to a montage of scenes involving Bonnie, Ross, and Rachel from the last episode.montage n.(胶片的)剪辑 蒙太奇Joey: (voice-over) Oh-oh! And then Rosss new girlfriend, Bonnie, shows up and Rachel convinced

9、her to shave her head. And then Ross and Rachel kiss, and now Ross has to choose between Rachel and the bald girl and I dont know what happened there either. cut back to Joey on the beach towelJoey: Yknow what, hold on, let me go get Chandler. (gets up and leaves.)Scene: The beach house, its the sam

10、e scene from the end of last year, with Ross in front of the two doors of Rachels and Bonnies rooms, trying to decide which door to choose. He finally chooses the one his right and goes in.Ross: (surprised) Hi!Rachel and Bonnie: Hi!Bonnie: Rachel was just helping me out. My head got all sunburned.he

11、lp sb out v.帮助(某人)解决困难/sunburned adj.晒伤的 晒黑的Ross: Awww.Bonnie: (to Rachel) Thanks a million.Rachel: Oh, youre welcome a million.Bonnie: Smell it.Ross: Mintyminty adj.有薄荷味的Bonnie: (getting up and leaving) (to Ross) Okay, Ill see you in our room.Ross: Yeah. (closes the door, and goes over and kisses R

12、achel.)Rachel: (softly) Oh my God.Ross: I know.(They both kiss again and fall onto the bed.)Ross: (stopping suddenly and getting up) Okay, I gotta go.Rachel: Whoa! What?! Why?!Ross: Well, I-I gotta go break up with Bonnie.Rachel: Here?! Now?!Ross: Well, yeah. I cant-I cant stay here all night, and i

13、f I go in there shes-shes gonna wanna. do stuff.Rachel: Well, cant you tell her that you are not in the mood?Ross: No, she likes that. Yeah. Faking sleep doesnt work either, I cant tell you how many mornings I woke up with her.Rachel: (interrupting) Whoa-ho.Ross: Whoa-oh, okay! Yeah, why am I tellin

14、g you that?Rachel: I dont know.(they kiss again)Ross: Yeah, yeah. (opens the door) It wasnt every morning.Rachel: Oh, making it worse越描越黑 别再说了!Ross: Okay. OPENING CREDITSScene: Phoebe Sr.s house, its right after she told Phoebe that shes her birth mother.Phoebe Sr.: So I guess youd like to know how

15、it all happened. Phoebe: I-I mean I, well I think I can figure it out. I guess yknow I was born, and everyone started lying their asses off!Phoebe Sr.: Noo! No! It wasnt like that I. Remember how I told you how Lily, Frank, and I we were, we were close. Well, we were, we were very close.Phoebe: How close?Phoebe Sr.: Well, the-the three of us we were, kind of umm, a couple.Phoebe: I dont even know how that would wor


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