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1、广州大学外国语学院英语系2010级英语文体学学期论文广州大学20122013学年第 2学期课程 英语文体学 考查形式(学期论文)学院 外国语 系 英语 专业 英语(教师教育)班级 103班 学号 姓名 陈小颜Stylistic Analysis of Ode to the West Wind摘要:本文试图从文体学的角度分析雪莱的西风颂,分别从语音层面、书写层面、词汇层面、句法层面和语义层面展开分析。关键词:西风颂 文体学分析 英文诗歌Abstract:This thesis attempts to analyze Ode to the West Wind in the perspective

2、of stylistics. The analysis are divided into five levels: the phonological level, the graphological level, the lexical level , the syntactic level, and the semantic level. Key Words: Ode to the West Wind stylistics analysis English poems IntroductionAs one of Shelleys immortal lyric poems, Ode to th

3、e West Wind ranks part of worlds classics. It couldnt be enough to show our attention and study on this poem. Ode to the West Wind is a lyric poem that addresses the west wind as a powerful force and asks it to scatter the poets words throughout the world. This thesis will analyze the poem in five l

4、evels: the phonological level, the graphological level, the lexical level , the syntactic level, and the semantic level.1. At the Phonological Level1.1 RhymeThe poem contains five stanzas of fourteen lines: four three-line stanzas and a two-line couplet .The rhyme scheme in each part follows a patte

5、rn known as Dante Alighieris terza rima. In this format, line 2 of one tercet rhymes with lines 1 and 3 of the next tercet. Table1-1 is the Rhyme Scheme in Ode to the West Wind.Canto ICanto IICanto IIICanto IVCanto VRhymeLinerhyme wordLinerhyme wordLinerhyme wordLinerhyme wordLinerhyme word1being15c


7、0fill24night38below52need66hearthd11air25sepulchre39wear53cloud67mankinde12hill26might40know54bleed68Earthd13everywhere27atmosphere41fear55bowed69Winde14hear28hear42hear56proud70behindeTable1-1 We can see each of the five cantos follows this scheme: aba bcb cdc ded ee. This linked chain gives a feel

8、ing of onward motion. The verse has a breathless quality which is in keeping with the onward motion as the wind moves forward.1.2 Metrical patterning Most of the lines in the poem are in iambic pentameter, although some of the pentameter lines have an extra syllable (catalexis), taking the third can

9、to as an example. “/” signifies the stressed syllable, “” the unstressed, and “|” separates the feet.Canto III/ / / /29. Thou who didst |waken from | his su|mmer dreams / / / / /30. The blue | Medi|terra|nean, where | he lay,/ / / /31. Lulled by | the coil | of his cry|stalline streams, / / / / /32.

10、 Beside | a pu|mice isle | in Bai|s bay, / / / / / 33. And saw | in sleep | old pa|laces and | towers/ / / / /34. Quivering | within | the waves | inten|ser day, / / / / / 35. All o|vergrown | with a|zure moss | and flo|wers / / / /36. So sweet|, the sense | faints pic|turing |them! Thou / / / / / 3

11、7. For whose | path the | Atlan|tics level | powers/ / / / /38. Cleave them|selves in|to chasms, | while far | below / / / / /39. The sea|-blooms and | the oo|zy woods | which wear / / / /40. The | sapless | foliage of the o|cean, know / / / / /41. Thy voice, | and su|ddenly grow | gray with | fear,

12、 / / / /42. And | tremble and | despoil | themselves: | O hear!.We can see an obvious alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables(“/ / ”) in most lines. This kind of metrical pattern makes the poem melodious and full of rise and fall in tone. 1.3 Alliteration and Consonance At the beginning of

13、the poem, alliteration is successively employed as wild, west, wind. The repetition of /w/ sound in the title points to and echoes perfectly with the subject in the title. Furthermore, the readers can strongly feel the irresistible powers of the west wind. Alliteration of the sound /w/ also takes place in many other parts of the poem: wintry, winged, where, within, which, waken, while, woods, wear, what, etc./d/ and /s/ appears in a great


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