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1、Period ThreeUsing Language1 拓展归纳advance on/towards.向逼近advance sb. sth.预付某人某物;预先提供某人某物advance sth.促进(推进)某事物in advance在前面;预先;提前in advance of.在前面;在之前stop the advance of.阻止的前进make a great advance(make great advances)取得很大的进步 完成句子(1)This research has done much to_advance_our_understanding_of_learning_lang

2、uage (提高了我们对语言学习的认识)(2)Studying for qualifications is one_way_of_advancing_your_career (促进事业发展的一个办法)(3)Even_at_his_advanced_age (他虽说黄昏暮年),he still knows how to enjoy himself.(4)People were evacuated from the coastal regions in_advance_of_the_hurricane (飓风袭来之前)2 Classes or other large groups that let

3、 Futuroscope know their plans in advance can get the group admission rate.(P38)拓展归纳on/by ones own admission(根据)某人自己承认gain/obtain admission to.获准进入admission free免费入场,不收门票admit v. (admitted,admitted)允许;承认;容许admit 完成句子(1)我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。Our football team decided to admit_him_as one of the members.(2)我儿

4、子今年将进那家公司工作。My son will_be_admitted_to the company this year.(3)玛丽打开门,让我进了她的房间。Mary opened the door and admitted_me_into her room.(4)形势根本不容许有任何拖延。The situation admits_of_no_delay at all.(5)这家剧院可容纳1 000人。The theatre admits_1,000_people.3 拓展归纳have experience in sth./doing sth.在(做)某事方面有经验have much/a lo

5、t of experience有许多经验learn from experience从经验中学习be/get/become experienced at/in sth./doing sth.在(做)某事方面变得有经验翻译句子(1)我体验过艰苦的生活。I_have_experienced_what_hardships_mean.(2)他的教学经验很丰富。He_is_much_experienced_in_teaching.(3)我们都从经验中学习。We_all_learn_by_experience.(4)这本书是根据个人经历写成的。The_book_is_based_on_personal_ex

6、periences.4Its 3D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and beyond.(P38) 拓展归纳为某人提供某物provide for赡养,提供生计provide,supply,offer(1)provide提供(答案、范例、机会等);供应(某人)所需(尤指基本的生活必需品)。(2)supply供给或供应(某人)所需或可用的物品。(3)offer主动(向某人)提供某物。完成句子(1)他必须努力工作来养家糊口。He has to work hard to provid

7、e_food_and_clothes_for his family.(2)船长命令为船只安装雷达设备。The captain ordered they should provide_their_ship_with radar equipment.(3)他需要养活妻子和五个孩子。He has a wife and five children to_provide_for.5 I ended my travels by meeting face to face with a dinosaur,the terrible T-Rex,and survived the experience!(P38)

8、拓展归纳heart to heart坦诚地neck to neck齐头并进地;并驾齐驱shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地back to back背对背地hand over hand有进展,有起色hand in hand手拉手地arm in arm臂挽臂地side by side并排地,并肩地step by step逐步地little by little逐渐地one by one一个接一个地翻译句子(1)理论应该与实践相结合。Theory_should_go_hand_in_hand_with_practice.(2)孩子们手挽手沿着马路跑去。The_children_ran_do

9、wn_the_road_hand_in_hand.(3)她把椅子背靠背地摆成两排。She_arranged_the_chairs_in_two_rows,placed_back_to_back.6 Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced,going to the bottom of the ocean,flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system.(P38)拓展归纳close to接近(指空间);几乎

10、,将近(与数字连用)be close at hand就在眼前,就在旁边be close about sth.对某事守口如瓶be close with sth.对某事是吝啬的close on/upon(close to)几乎,接近close by临近地(的);近旁的(地)完成句子(1)她走近他向他低声耳语。She got_close_to_him and whispered to him.(2)飞船接近空间站。The spaceship got_close_to the space station.(3)我不能走近那儿看看究竟发生了什么事。I couldnt get_close_to_there

11、 to see what was happening.(4)在刚开始的时候救援队无法接近震中。At the beginning,the rescue team couldnt_get_close_to the center of the earthquake.7 拓展归纳bring sth. to life使某物更生动full of life充满活力的be sb.s life对某人至关重要的(人或事物)frighten/scare the life out of sb.把某人吓得魂不附体lay down ones life for为牺牲生命/献身完成句子(1)春天来临,万物复苏。Spring

12、is here and everything comes_to_life.(2)随着新学期的到来整个学校又充满了活力。The school came_to_life again as the new term began.(3)下半场比赛变得很刺激。The match really came_to_life in the second half.(4)他的画栩栩如生。His pictures are true_to_life.(5)在小说中,艺术家赋予塑像以生命。In the story,the artist brings_the_statue_to_life.1 I bought ticke

13、ts for myself and my friends at the parks entrance,but tickets are also available online.我是在公园的入口处给自己和朋友买的票,但是也可以在网上购票。for oneself,by oneself,in oneself,of oneself,to oneself(1)for oneself的意思为“为自己”(for himself or for herself)。One should not live only for oneself.人不应单为自己而活。(2)by oneself的意思是“单独地”、“靠自己

14、地”(alone or independently)。His father lives by himself in the village.他的父亲独自一个人住在村里。(3)in oneself的意思是“就其本身或本性而言”。This wood is hard in itself.这种木头本身就是硬的。(4)of oneself的意思是“自然地”、“自发地”、“自动地”。The door opened of itself.门是自己开的。Every day I awake of myself at half past five.每天早上我都是五点半就自己醒来。The fire went out

15、of itself.火自己熄灭了。(5)to oneself的意思是“独自占有或享用”。When one dines in a restaurant,one likes a table to oneself.人们在饭店吃饭时,总是喜欢独占一桌。用恰当的介词填空(1)One cant choose freedom for oneself without choosing it for others.(2)How long were you by yourself in the house?(3)In itself,its not a difficult problem to solve.(4)Theres no need for the team to feel pro


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