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1、必修4 unit5 Vocabulary and expressions学案 Learning aims: study the language points to grasp and use them freelyLearning important and difficult points: amuse volunteer advanced get close to name after come to life equipment admission charge variousLearning methods: 1. learning by oneself first 2.learni

2、ng together with students; 3.learning with the teacher; 4.learning and doing exercises (三探一练)Learning procedure:I.Students make a thorough inquriy by oneself before class.单词翻译1.n题目;主题(曲)_ 2. adj. 不同的; 各种各样的_3 .n. 变化; 多样性 _4.n. 往返汽车;航天飞机_5.vt/vi 收费,控诉 _6. n. 入场费; 承认;允许进入_7.n/vt 利益;利润;有利于 _8. n.纪念品_9.

3、n.商标;牌子 _ 10. n.装备;设备_11. n.少数;少数民族_12. n .移民者;殖民者_13. adj. 高级的;先进的_14 .n.技术;方法;技能 _15. n.翻译者_16. n.志愿者; v .自愿;adj. 自愿的;义务的 _STEP2. Making o thorough inquiry of the following vocabulary and languages STEP3. Making a thorough inquriy for the following language point during class.STEP4 Students work t

4、oghter with teacher. 1amuse 合作探究 v.(1) make sb. laugh or smile 逗某人笑 His story amuses me. 他的故事使我发笑。My funny drawing _.我的滑稽的图画把孩子们给逗乐了。(2)make time pass pleasantly for sb. 使(某人)消遣She amused herself by reading detective stories.她读侦探小说消遣。amuse oneself by/with 以-自娱_.孩子们做游戏取乐。These toys will help_.这些玩具能让这

5、个婴儿一直很快乐。思维拓展(1)amusing adj. Causing laughter or smiles; enjoyable 好奇的,有趣的,引人发笑的 amusing,interesting这两个词不是同义词,但都含有“引起兴趣的”这一含义。其差别在于:amusing指在娱乐、嬉戏时有趣的东西给人的感觉,或者在非集中思想于工作、学习时某有趣的东西给人们的感觉;interesting指在任何时候某有趣的事物引起了人的注意。He is an amusing story teller. 他讲的故事很使人发笑。He got a very interesting job. 他找了一个自己很感兴

6、趣的工作。好笑的故事_an amusing story-teller_(2)amused adj. 愉快的, 开心的, 好玩的with an amused look_(3) amusement n (c )娱乐品,消遣, 娱乐活动: (u)娱乐,消遣amusement park 游乐场2. various合作探究 adj. Of several kinds, unlike one anotherThere are various colors to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。(1) _ tents各种形状及大小的帐篷(2)他们的业余爱好五花八门_思维拓展 variou

7、sly adv. (fml) (情况, 时间, 处所等)不同地He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.variety n .(pl.) varieties n (u) 变化,多样性_;I was doing the same things all the time. 我的上一个工作缺少变化;所有的时间我都用在做同样的事情。 拓展 vary vt. vi. 变化,不同vary ones diet. 使某人的饮食多样化Opinions on this matter vary. 对这件事意见各不相同。3. They all

8、charge money for admission, and for rides and shows in the park.进公园,乘骑活动,看表演全都得花钱。 charge 合作探究v. charged, charging 收费,要价,把记入某人帐中,冲进,进击,控告,指控,etc 你的鸡蛋要多少钱?_思维拓展 chargefor,charge sb with in charge of / in the charge of take charge of in chargeThat barbor charges ten dollars for a haircut. 那位理发师理一次发要价十

9、美元。(1)Suddenly the wild animal charged at us._(2)孩子们冲出学校。_.(3)他被控告偷了宝石_(4)He charged me with neglecting my duty._Youre in charge of making the salad. 你负责做沙拉这家公司由李先生负责。_李先生负责这家公司。_(5)The department was badly organized until she took charge (of it.)_4admission 要点导航 n (u) 准许进入或加入学校 (1) The admission to

10、 the movie was five dollars. 电影票价为五美元。 思维拓展 by / on ones own admission 如其自己所承认的正像他自己所承认的,他的开车技术不行。_ admittance / u / allowing or being allowed to enter; right of entrance(fml) 进入;允许进入;(但无“入场费,坦白”之意) Since the theatre was full, I was unable to gain admittance.因为剧院已经满座,我无法进去。5. equipment 合作探究 n. 必需品;设

11、备;装备office equipment 办公室设备 思维拓展 equip vt. -pp- 装备;配备He equipped himself for a long journey. 他为长途旅行准备行装。equip+装备对象+with+装备物They equipped their room with air-conditioning.6.The past can come to life when we see how our ancestors dressed, worked and lived.合作探究come to life 活泼起来You are very cool with your brother, but with your friends. 你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒是很活泼。思维拓展(1). It has come to my notice that some money is missing.我注意到少了一笔钱。The bill came to 5.00.归纳 come to 达到 (to reach; arrive at).翻译 Wh


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