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1、Subsequent =ensuing 紧随其后的Succession 连续 连贯Rebound v篮板球Boundary n边界线Abound v到处都是 无边无尽 反作用 n弹回 反弹Love abound 充满爱Abundant a充足的 大量的Be bound to 必定Be bound up with 与什么密切联系Bother v打扰Bother to do 烦心做某事Coherent a 一致的 有条理的Rent n租金Mobilize v调动 动员Arrange v安排appetizer n开胃菜Petition v 请求 Dessert n饭后甜点 小三Appetite 胃口

2、Juicy a水淋淋的Harmonious a和谐的Harsh a尖锐的Harsh voice 尖锐的声音Sharp a锋利的Pharmaceutical a药物的Rare a稀缺的=scarcely=hardly=barely=notTreat v请客Infertility treatment 不育不孕质量Handle v处理=tackle =cope with= dispose of=get rid of 把事情彻底摆平=settle=addressDiminish v减小Vanish v消失Divide v分裂Dividend n 被除数 股息 红利Division 划分Separate

3、 v分离 a单独的Split v意见不合 分开Spit on 朝吐口水Tomb 坟墓Spit it out 痛苦的说Bolt out 脱口而出Merely adv 纯粹地Sheer adj 纯粹的Invest v 投资Investigation n调查Manufacture v制造 加工 捏造Mutual v共同的Manual a 人工的 手工的Mutual benefit 共同利益Manufacturing n 制造业Prompt a敏捷的 促进 激励Urgent a急切的Evoke v唤起Evocative words 警世名言Table 表格=chart Disputable a有争议的

4、Regrettable a有遗憾的Outsiders see clearer than insiders do 当局者迷Steady a稳定的Stable a 稳定的Weigh heavily for 负有责任的Baby boom 生育高峰Entitle v 给什么权利Title n题目 职务Entitlement n权利Subtitle n副标题 字幕Be entitled to 有权Nominate v 提名Denominate v给命名Institute n机构 学会 协会Institution n 制度Restrict v限制 约束Restrain sb from doing sth

5、限制某人做某事Refrain from doing sth 抑制某人不去做某事Habitation n居住Bid farewell to the bygones 和过去说再见We can draw a conclusion 我们可以得到一个结论Conclusive words 结论性的言论Inconclusive a非决定性的Concluding a结束的Exclusive club 私人会所In conclusion 总之 =all in all=in a wordDecorate v 装饰Ornament 装修 美化 细化装饰 n装饰品Furniture 家具Adorn v装饰 美化Ado

6、rable a令人喜爱的Discard v丢弃 抛弃Chord 和声Core 核心Cast off 脱下 解开Cast away 驱赶Desert v 丢弃Abandon oneself to grief/sorrow 把自己抛在悲伤中Be bound by 被束缚Ethics code 伦理道德束缚The essence of culture 文化精髓Medium 中庸Innocents 无辜的人Perplex a困惑Crue a残忍的Allegation v宣告Amateur a业余的Headlong=arrogant=haughty=levity 鲁莽的 草率的Be deprived o

7、f 被剥夺了Oppression n压迫感Repertoire n节目清单Disgrace a不好意思的Marvelous a惊讶的Deem 被认为Etc.=so forth 等等Devil n恶魔Elderly a上了年纪的Passer-by 路人Calorie n卡路里Facilitate v促进 便利Faint excuse/praise 站不住脚的理由Gratitude n感谢=obliged 感激Sanitation n卫士Sanitary cuo 一次性杯子=disposable cupAlliance n联盟同盟Fluctuate back and forth =change a

8、ll the time 改变一直变化Work like a Trojan 像特洛伊人工作 努力工作=bend/ lean/ fall/ over backwards 竭尽全力工作Nepotism 裙带关系Banquet n宴会Documentary 纪录片Commander 司令官Deputy attorney 副检察官Vice consul 副大使Associate dean 副院长Director 主任Be discouraged from 被阻止Fog 雾General education 一般性的教育Shelter 避难所Ingrain into 植入Facilitate v促进Str

9、ike 打击Absolute 绝对Be borne by 承担的Deduce v推理 演绎Deductible v扣减 a可扣除的 n保险公司的免赔额Grace a优雅Dust 灰暗的Imply v暗示Implicitly a含蓄的Rest with=lie in 取决于Journal n期刊的Damn happiness 心灵鸡汤Dustbin 垃圾桶Be bound up with 紧紧绑在一起Be bound to do sth 注定会=be doomed toBruise n青肿 Browse v浏览Cruise v巡洋 Census n人口普查Consensus n共识Charter

10、 n 章程 宪章 a特许经营 v包租飞机船Chapter n章 书的节Clarity n清晰易懂Moan v呻吟Mourn v哀悼Lament a哀悼小声 离骚Noble a高尚的Combination 结合Aesthetic appreciation 审美鉴赏Latent period 潜伏期Latency n电视剧潜伏Mock 嘲笑Monk n和尚Look upside down 颠倒Look down on/uponScorn v藐视Scold v斥责Chilly a心凉Compassionate a可怜的 同情的Hedge n篱笆 v防备Hypothesis n假说Hypothesiz

11、e=suppose=assume 假设Provided that =on condition that 假设 假如Intruder n入侵者Fitting =outfit 全身装备Reservoir n水库Reserve 预留Senate 参议院 上院House of representative 众议院Monopoly n垄断Monogamy 一夫一妻Polygamy 一夫多妻Stripe n条纹Bargain bin 打折区Garbage n垃圾Bruise a头破血流的Drawn-out battles 持久战Gregarious lady 交际花Aggregate n总计Congreg

12、ate 聚集集中Clergyman 神职人员Folk 人员Coast n海岸Accountable a服从Deserving claimants 应得的人们Adaptiveness n适应性Readmit v重新接纳Adjust to 调整 适应Contempt n轻视Contemptible a可鄙的Dense a稠密的Densely a稠密的Exhausted a筋疲力尽的Exhaustible resource 不可再生能源Inexhaustible resource 可再生资源Forecast n预测Curbside 马路边 Prophet 预言家Win-win 双赢Preferabl

13、e a更合适的Comparab 可比的Preference n优先权Renew v重新开始Sympathy n同情In sympathy with 赞成Compatriot n同胞、Compatible a兼容的Excel 擅长Excess a多余Prominent a卓越的Prestigious a名声很好的eSet forth 启程Go against the grain 不走寻常路Inferior a下等的 n下属Superior n上司Inferiority n 自卑感Superiority n 优等Initiative n积极性Take initiative in doing 主动做

14、某事Pursue girl 追女孩Intellectual pursuit 人才的追求Instrumental a器乐版本Commission n委员会 Emissions free 零排放Admission n 承认 入场费Commit 承诺Mathematical a数学的Sudden death 突然死亡Abrupt death 突然死亡Shape 形成Style-conscious 时尚意识Wardrobe 衣橱Ward n病房Robe n礼服Ugliness 丑陋Condom 安全套Lust caution 色戒Involuntarily 不情愿的Confine to 丢到 Vacuum 真空Archaic a古代的Humble a谦虚的Original a原始的Blueprint n蓝图Haste makes mistakes 欲速则不达Flagstone n石板Ultimately a根本地Terminal n终点站Turbulent crowd 躁动的人群Analogous a类似的Resemblance n相似Merchandise n商品Confer v授予 商谈Conference n会议Confer sth on sb 授予某人Counsel v劝告 n忠告S



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