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1、总经理致辞General Managers Address尊敬的宾客:Dear Guests:我谨代表全体员工欢迎您光临河南省小浪底中州国际饭店!On behalf of all staffs, I warmly welcome you to Henan Xiaolangdi Zhongzhou International Hotel!河南省小浪底中州国际饭店是由中州国际酒店管理集团有限公司咨询管理的一家旅游度假型酒店。饭店位于济源市小浪底水利枢纽管理区,是一家集客房、餐饮、会议、娱乐为一体的综合型四星级酒店。Henan Xiaolangdi Zhongzhou International H

2、otel is a tourist resort hotel, consulted and managed by Zhongzhou International Hotel Management Group Co., Ltd. Located in Xiaolangdi Hydro-Junction Management zone in Jiyuan city, Xiaolangdi Hotel is acomprehensive4-starhotel offeringlodging,catering,conference, and leisure services. 饭店建筑面积57000余

3、平米,商旅、会议设施配套齐全,拥有标间、单间、套房、园景房、景观房等各类客房229间套,此外提供大型宴会及会议中心1个,中小型会议室及贵宾接待室9个,均配有先进的视听设施及高科技会议系统,供各种会议需要。风格各异的中西餐厅、风味餐厅、分餐包房及宴会包房13个近900个餐位;室内恒温游泳池、各类球馆、茶室、健身房、瑜伽室、KTV、美体SPA等娱乐健身项目一应俱全,可让您能在闲暇之余放松身心尽享便利与温馨。Occupying an area of over 57,000, the Hotel is fully equipped with business and conference facili

4、ties, and with 229 guest rooms, including standard room, single room, suite, garden view room, and scenery view room, etc.; the hotel also provides large banquet service and conference service, offering 1 conference center and 9 small conference rooms and VIP reception rooms, all of with are equippe

5、d with advanced Audio-Visual Equipment and high-tech conference system, that can satisfy various kinds of conference demands. The hotel has different styles of restaurants, such as western style restaurant, Chinese restaurant, specialty restaurants, private rooms, and banquet hall, with totally 13 r

6、ooms and nearly 900 seats. There are also various kinds of fitness and recreation places in our hotel, such as: indoor swimming pool, badminton room, ping-pong room, billiard room, tea room, gym, Yoga room, KTV, bodybuilding SPA, etc., that can fully make you relax yourself and enjoy your time. 饭店建筑

7、端庄厚重、大气内敛,中式园林与自然风光兼收并蓄,意向空灵,境界清幽,居停之间可远眺水光山色、层峦叠翠,近览芳草蝶燕、游鱼琴台。一目一画、步移景易,无不给您带来悠闲雅致的“绿趣”空间,真正体味远离城市喧嚣,洗尽纤尘浮华的宁静致远感受。With a combination of Chinese garden scenery and natural landscape, the hotel buildings are simple but solid, grand but exquisite, dynamic but static, providing a quite, subtle, and sp

8、iritual-peaceful scene for you. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery from the hotel: the green mountain, flowing water, verdant woods and flourish flowers, flying butterfly and swallows, and the traditional courtyard, pavilion and corridor, which can bring you to “a world of green” to fully experienc

9、e a leisurely peaceful life, far away from noisy and crowded cities and away from the earthly and buckish world. 河南省小浪底中州国际饭店作为中州国际酒店管理集团管理的度假型品牌酒店,定位于四星级标准,是以商旅客人和会议组织提供量身打造专属服务和高度个性化钻石级服务为特色! Henan Xiaolangdi Zhongzhou International Hotel, as one resort style brand hotel managed by Zhongzhou Inter

10、national Hotel Management Group, is set as 4-star standard, featuring to provide custom-made services and individualized diamond level services for business guests and conference organizations. 我们的追求不仅仅满足吃、住、行、娱方面的便利,更在于为您提供最完美的服务和惬意舒爽的享受,为方便您住店期间的商务或休闲需求,我们特为您提供了详细的饭店服务指南供您参阅。We are not only in the

11、 pursuit of offering catering, lodging, traffic and recreation services, but also seeking to offer you with perfect services and comfortable leisure & recreation enjoyment. You are provided with “Xiaolangdi Hotel Service Directory” for your reference, in order to satisfy your business or recreation

12、demands during your stay.如果您还需要其它帮助,请与大堂副理或房务中心联系,我们将随时为您服务。衷心地希望您入住愉快,旅途顺心!For any other help, please feel free to contact our assistant manager or room service center; we are very pleased to serve you. Wish you a most enjoyable stay and a pleasant trip!总经理:宋建平General Manager: Song Jianping宾 客 须 知G

13、uest Notice1、 所有入住宾客均应出示有效证件以证明身份。1. Please show your valid documents to prove your identity when checking in.2、饭店的结账时间是中午12:00,延迟退房至下午18:00之前,加收半天房费;超过18:00,加收全天房费。如需延迟退房,请与前台联系。2. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. An extra half-day room rate will be charged for overstaying between 12:00 and 18:00, and

14、 an extra one-day room rate will be charged for overstaying after 18:00. For late check-out, please contact the reception3、严禁携带易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性等危险物品进入饭店、不得在房间内生火煮食,自接电线电源、使用大功率电器。3. Any flammable, explosive, virulent, radioactive and other dangerous articles are strictly forbidden to bring into the hote

15、l. It is not allowed to make a fire to cook food in the guest room, connect to the power supply, or use electrical appliance of large power, without permit.4、我们建议您使用房间内保险箱存放贵重物品、现金和个人文件。请妥善保管好保险箱密码,如果忘记请与大堂副理联系。4. You are recommended to store your valuables, cash and individual documents in safe dep

16、osit box in the room. Please keep well your safe password, and if you forget, please contact Assistant Manager5、您的访客请在23:00之前离开,如需留宿,请您凭有效证件办理登记入住手续。5. You visitors must leave before 23:00, if need to stay for the night, please check in by valid documents. 6、为了您在居停期间平安愉快,请您进入房间后别忘记扣上房间的安全扣;同时,请您不要将自己的房间号码告诉陌生人,不要随便让陌生人进入您的房间。6. To ensure your safe and pleasant stay in our hotel, do not forget t


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