


1、人教版高中英语选修七 UNIT 2 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M7 Unit21、household /hash ld/.adj. 家庭的;家用的 n.一家人;家庭1. N-COUNT A household is all the people in a family or group who live together in a house. 家庭; 同住一所房子的人例: .growing up in a male-only household. 在全体成员均为男性的家庭里长大。2. N-SING The household is your home and everything that is connected with taking care of it. 家务例: .household chores. 家务活。3. ADJ Someone or something that is a household name or word is ve。

2、人教版高中英语选修七 UNIT 5 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M7 Unit51、 adjust to 适应;调节 2、 keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 3、 fit in 相适应;相融合(fitting, fit, fits)1、 PHRASAL VERB If you manage to fit a person or task in, you manage to find time to deal with them. 安排时间处理例: We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in. 我们在家在外都长时间地工作,我们到处奔波,尽力安排时间做每一件事。2、PHRASAL VERB If you fit in as part of a grou。

3、人教版高中英语选修七 UNIT 4 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M7 Unit41、 airmail /mel/ n. 航空邮件N-UNCOUNT Airmail is the system of sending letters, parcels, and goods by air. 航空邮递例: .an airmail letter. 一封航空信。2、Papua 巴布亚新几内亚3、fortnight /ftnat/ n. 两星期(fortnights)N-COUNT A fortnight is a period of two weeks. 两周英国英语例: I hope to be back in a fortnight. 我希望两周后回来。4、hear from 接到的信 5、(be) dying to 极想;渴望6、roof /ruf/ n. 屋顶;车顶(roofs)1、N-COUNT The roof of a b。

4、人教版高中英语选修七 UNIT 3 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M7 Unit31、 snorkel /snkl/ vi. 戴潜水通气管潜泳 n.(潜水艇或潜水者的)通气管 (snorkelling, snorkelled, snorkels) 1. N-COUNT A snorkel is a tube through which a person swimming just under the surface of the sea can breathe. (潜水者用的) 呼吸管2. V-I When someone snorkels, they swim under water using a snorkel. 使用呼吸管潜泳例: Swim off the side of the ship and snorkel in some of the clearest waters imaginable. 游离小船边,用呼吸管潜游到可以想像。

5、人教版高中英语选修七UNIT 2柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 M7 Unit2 1、household /hashld/.adj. 家庭的;家用的 n.一家人;家庭 1. N-COUNT A household is all the people in a fa.。

6、人教版高中 英语选修七 UNIT 4柯林斯高 级英汉双解 词典 M7 Unit4 1 airma il m e l n 航空邮件 N UNCOU NT Airma il is the syste m of sendi ng lette rs parce ls and goods by air 航空邮递 例 an airma il lette r 一封航空信 2 Papua 巴布亚新几 内亚 3 f。

7、人教版高中英语选修八UNIT 5柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit51、identify /adntfa/ vt. 确定;识别;使参与;把看成一样(identifying, identified, identifies)1、 V-T If you can identify someone or something, you are able to recognize them or distinguish them from others. 识别例: There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic. 通过其诸多与众不同的特点,你可以识别出好莱坞的史诗影片。2、V-T If you identify someone or something, you name them or say who or what。

8、人教版高中英语选修八 UNIT 2 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit21、differ /df/ vi. 相异;意见分歧(differing, differed, differs)1、V-RECIP If two or more things differ, they are unlike each other in some way. 不同例: The story he told police differed from the one he told his mother. 他告诉警察的话和告诉他母亲的不同。 2、V-RECIP If people differ about something, they do not agree with each other about it. 有异议例: The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions. 就制裁问题两位领导持不同意见。。

9、人教版高中英语选修八 UNIT 4 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit41、Pygmalion /pmeln/ n. 卖花女(英国萧伯纳之作品人物);塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁 2、George Bernard Shaw乔治萧伯纳(英国剧作家) 3、adaptation /dpten/ n. 适应;改编;改编本,改写本(adaptations)1、N-COUNT An adaptation of a book or play is a film or a television programme that is based on it. 改编例: Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeares Henry the Fifth. 布拉纳因他对莎士比亚的亨利五世的荧幕改编而获了两次奖2、N-UNCOUN。

10、人教版高中英语选修八 UNIT 1 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit11、California ,klif:nj n. 加利福尼亚(美国一个州) 2、Californian ,klif:njn adj. (美国)加利福尼亚州的 n. 加利福尼亚州人3、illustrate /lstret/ vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解 vi. 举例(illustrating, illustrated, illustrates)1、V-T If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you mean that it shows that the situation exists. 表明; 显示例: The example of the United States illustrates this point. 美国的例子表。

11、人教版高中英语选修八 UNIT 1 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit11、California ,klif :nj n. 加利福尼亚(美国一个州)2、Californian ,klif :njn adj. (美国)加利福尼亚州的 n. 加利福尼亚州人3、 illustrate /lstret/ vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解 vi. 举例(illustrating, illustrated, illustrates)1、V-T If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you mean that it shows that the situation exists. 表明; 显示例: The example of the United States illustrates this point. 美国的例子。

12、人教版高中英语选修八UNIT 1柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit11、California ,klif:nj n. 加利福尼亚(美国一个州)2、Californian ,klif:njn adj. (美国)加利福尼亚州的n. 加利福尼亚州人3、illustrate /lstret/ vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解vi. 举例(illustrating, illustrated, illustrates)1、V-T If you say that something illustrates a situation that you are drawing attention to, you mean that it shows that the situation exists. 表明; 显示例: The example of the United States illustrates this point. 美国的例子表明了这。

13、人教版高中英语选修八UNIT 4柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit41、Pygmalion /pmeln/ n. 卖花女(英国萧伯纳之作品人物);塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁2、George Bernard Shaw乔治萧伯纳(英国剧作家)3、adaptation /dpten/ n. 适应;改编;改编本,改写本(adaptations)1、N-COUNT An adaptation of a book or play is a film or a television programme that is based on it. 改编例: Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeares Henry the Fifth. 布拉纳因他对莎士比亚的亨利五世的荧幕改编而获了两次奖2、N-UNCOUNT Ad。

14、My Typology of Dictionaries王程程王程程Typology of dictionaries: 1. Classification by languages concerned: (1)monolingual dictionary(2)bilingual dictionary(3)multilingual dictionary2. Classification by content: (1)general-purpose dictionary(2)encyclopedic dictionary(3)specialized dictionary3. Classification by size: (1)unabridged dictionary(2)desk dictionary(3)concise dictionary(4)pocket dictionary(5)gem dictionary4. Classification by order of word-entry:(1)alphabetical order (2)other order 5. C。

M8 Unit1柯林斯高级英汉双解词典
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M8 Unit5柯林斯高级英汉双解词典
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