1、尊敬的老师们、亲爱的同学们:Respected teachers and dear students :大家早上好!今天,我们齐聚在这庄严的国旗下,共同迎接新的一天,也共同思考着如何以更加饱满的热情和坚定的信念,去迎接未来的挑战,不负韶华,不负时代。我演讲的主题是“修心笃志,不负韶华”。Good morning, everyone!Today, we gather under this national flag to welcome a new day together, and to think about how to meet future challenges with more f
2、irm beliefs, living up to our youth and the times. The theme of my speech is Cultivate our heart and cultivate our aspirations, and live up to our youth .首先,让我们回望历史的长河,无数先辈以他们的青春和热血,书写了中华民族的辉煌篇章。First of all, let us look back at the long river of history. Countless elder generations have written exc
3、ellent chapters of the Chinese nation with their youth .他们之中,有“为中华之崛起而读书”的周恩来总理,有“把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务之中去”的雷锋同志,还有无数在各行各业默默奉献、不懈奋斗的普通人。Among them, there are Premier Zhou Enlai who studied for the rise of China, Lei Feng who devoted his life to serving the people , and countless people who silently devoted themselves to different industries.他们用自己的行动诠释了什么是责任、什么是担当,也为我们树立了修心笃志、不负韶华的榜样。They have explained through their actions what responsibility is , and have set an example for us to cultivate our hearts and aspirations, and live up to our youth.