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1、翻译二级笔译实务分类模拟题24汉译英请特别注意划线部分的译法。1. 如有必要,调查组将给予现场办公更好的保护,林业部野生动物及森林保护司副司长说。 正确答案:Vice director of th(江南博哥)e Ministry of Forestrys Wildlife and Forest Protection Department, says that if necessary, the investigation team will work on the spot for further protection.解析 “办公”译成work,简单扼要,适用性强。有时,中文的原文是“举行现

2、场办公会”,也不妨相应地译成work on the spot。这比直译成hold an on-the-spot meeting灵活多了。2. 尽可能多地保留国有企业仍然是衡量政绩的一个标志。 正确答案:Maintaining as many State-owned enterprises as possible is still accepted as a sign of administrative merits.解析 不要把这儿的“政”理解为“政治”的“政”。3. 我们必须做好各方面的工作,以保证香港平稳过渡之后的繁荣与稳定。 正确答案:We must do a good job in a

3、ll aspects of our work to ensure a prosperous and stable Hong Kong after its smooth return.解析 有人不敢用do a good job in,原因是嫌译得太直,其实这种说法还真是地道的英语,并不是从中文“引进”的。4. 产粮大省湖南长期不懈努力提高粮食产量与质量以养活中国人民,并提高他们的生活水平。 正确答案:The granary province of Hunan has long been making sustained efforts to raise grain productivity an

4、d quality in a bid to help feed Chinas people and improve their living standards。解析 以“粮仓”去译“产粮大省”可谓传神。它译出了“大”是“产粮多”的意思。换一种译法,比如:a big grain producing province,big到底修饰什么便成了问题。究竟是“地域大”还是“产粮多”?5. 中国自改革开放以来开发了不少海上油田。 正确答案:China has found many offshore oilfields since the beginning of the reform and open

5、ing up.解析 以前,人类只在陆地发掘石油,那时油田叫oilfield。后来,人类又在海上发现了石油,并给海上油田起了个名字叫offshore oilfield。有趣的是,为了避免混淆,陆上油田也改名换姓,仿照海上油田,改叫onshore oilfield了。6. 中国人一开始往往将彩票与赌博混淆起来,对即开式奖券持鄙视、抵制的态度。 正确答案:Prone to confuse gaming and gambling at first, most Chinese despised and rejected the scratch-open tickets in the early year

6、s.解析 scratch-open是“一刮即开”的意思,简洁地道出了这种奖券的特点。7.端午节 农历五月初五为“端午节”。为了纪念楚国爱国诗人屈原,这一天必不可少的活动是吃粽子1、赛龙舟。 据史记记载,屈原是战国时期2楚国大臣。他倡导举贤授能、富国强兵,力主联齐抗秦,遭到贵族们的强烈反对,后遭诋毁流放3。公元前278年,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原听到噩耗后,万念俱灰4,于五月五日投汨罗江而亡。 传说屈原故去后,楚国百姓纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊5屈原。渔夫们划起船只,奋力打捞他的尸体。人们还将饭团和鸡蛋丢进江里,以免屈原的身体被鱼、虾、蟹伤害。后来,怕饭团被蛟龙所食,人们想出用竹叶包饭,外缠彩丝,这就

7、是传说中粽子的来源。 正确答案:Dragon Boat Festival The fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar, known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the Chu State. The Chinese have the tradition of eating zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous ric

8、e), and having dragon boat race on this day. According to Historical Records, Qu Yuan was a minister of the Chu State during the period of the Warring States (475BC-221BC). He passionately advocated selecting government functionaries according to their competence, making the state and the army stron

9、g and allying with the Qi State to fight Qin. Chus aristocrats strongly opposed him. Later Qu Yuan was framed and sent into exile. In 278 BC, Qins army captured Chus capital. Hearing this sad news, Qu Yuan, totally disillusioned, drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar

10、 month. It was said that upon heating the news of Qu Yuans death, local people in the Chu State rushed to the river bank to show their respect for him. Fishermen rowed on the river, trying hard to retrieve his body. They threw rice balls and eggs into the water, hoping to keep fish, shrimps and crab

11、s from hurting the poets body. To prevent the giant dragon from eating the rice balls, local people later wrapped the rice balls with bamboo leaves and bound them with colorful threads, which explains how zongzi has come into being.解析 1关于中国特有文化现象及事物的翻译,建议采用汉语拼音加注释性翻译的策略。例如,本处出现的“粽子”可以翻译如下:zongzi(dum

12、pling made of glutinous rice)。 2同理,对于中国历史纪年体系的翻译,也建议采用增益处理策略。例如,本处出现的“战国时期”,除采用直译方法将之译为the period of the Warring States之外,另外增加(475 BC-221 BC)这一公元纪年参照,有利于不熟悉中国历史的读者了解其时代细节。 3就句间逻辑关系而言,“遭到贵族们的强烈反对”与“后遭诋毁流放”两者之间存在一种隐性因果关系。根据英文强调形合的特征,翻译时不妨将两者之间的逻辑关系显性化。不妨参考翻译如下:As a result of the strong opposition from

13、 other aristocrats of Chu State, Qu Yuan was later set up by his opponents and sent into exile. 4根据英文句子组句习惯,也可将原文中的动态述位短语“万念俱灰”转化为修饰定语,如:Upon hearing this sad news, the totally disillusioned Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 5“凭吊”可以翻译为to show their

14、 respect for, to pay homage, to pay tribute或to commemorate等。8.几亿孩子科学素养让人忧心 当前基础教育中存在过分重视知识灌输,忽视少年儿童科学素养教育,且有愈演愈烈倾向1,引起了一些两院院士的关注和担忧。 电子科技大学原校长刘盛纲院士讲了自己孙女的经历,感慨道:“现在中国小孩子没有童年了。”一次,这位科学家带领孙女逛街2,告诉她要什么都可以买。得到的回答令他心酸:“爷爷奶奶,我现在想要睡觉。” 孙女还告诉爷爷:住校生3中,在半夜有的躲在厕所里看书,有的则拿着手电筒躲在被窝里看书。 刘盛纲催促家人向学校反映这些情况后,得到的答复更让他无

15、奈。老师回答:“如果我给了她童年,她就没有成年了考不上大学怎么办?” “小孩子没有童年,身心发育都受影响,哪来创造力呢?”刘盛纲说。 著名物理学家、南开大学教授葛墨林院士回忆说,自己物理知识的启蒙,就是小时候读的介绍大科学家爱迪生的小书。他说上小学的时候,常常跟着老师同学打橄榄球、游泳,快乐得不想回家。他说:“我觉得素质教育在中国不是什么新鲜事物,素质教育本身就是学生自愿的行为,要能够吸引小孩的天性。” 而如今,学校为孩子们提供了各种付费的辅导,家长还要求他们学钢琴、学画画、背京戏、背古文。 与此同时,他们在西方的同龄人,有的3岁就能设计小船模型。一位院士批评说:“人家的创新人才是教育制度成批培养的,我们的创新人才是教育压不垮漏网的。” 韦钰院士认为,当务之急是恢复小学一年级的科学课,这样至少可以连续地对5岁至12岁的儿童进行科学教育。 小学科学课以前是“常识”课,后来改为“自然”课,均从一年级开始。新课改将其改为“科学”后,延迟到三年级开课。院士们呼吁这一改革值得重新审视。 对于正在开展的小学科学教育国家标准修订工作,韦钰在南开大学向同行坦承自己感到“战战兢兢”:“我们几亿孩子将来的科学素质,不是开玩笑的事儿。” 正确答案:Kids Lack of Science Cultivation Worries



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