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1、高考英语读后续写情感描写高分佳句一、羞愧1So ashamed was she thatshe could feelthe blood rush to her face.她感到非常羞愧,都能觉得血液涌上脸颊。2An expression of shame crossed his face.他脸上掠过一阵羞赧的神情。3Her face was hot with shame.她羞得脸上火辣辣的。4 He came to my office,shamefaced, to apologize.他一脸愧色,到我办公室来道歉。5 She remembered her angry wordswith a d

2、eep sense of shame.她想起自己说过的气话,深感羞愧。6 “Please dont tell me dad about this ” he said,blushing with shame.“这件事请不要告诉我爸爸”,他不好意思地红着脸说道。7 She feltso ashamed thatshe couldfeel her face burning.她感到羞愧难当,脸上滚烫。8 So ashamed did she feel thatshe was close to tears/ she was on the verge of tears.她羞愧到快哭了。9 Exposed

3、to the truth, so firmly didembarrassment take hold of himthathis palms were sweating and his knees got weak.暴露在真相面前,他是如此地尴尬以至于手心出汗,膝盖发软。10 Standing in the classroom, I becameincreasingly embarrassedand could feelmy heart thumping wildly,my face burning badly.站在教室,我越来越尴尬,能听见自己心跳加速的声音,脸烧得厉害。11 His fac

4、eflushed/burned with embarrassment/shame.他因尴尬而满脸通红。/他窘得脸都红了。12 Hehung/dropped/lowered his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。13 Shewas covered with shameat her failure.她对自己的失败感到无比惭愧.14To my shame, I never did help them.我感到惭愧的是,我从来没有帮助过他们15Her face was flushed,her head was hanginggently, andtears were shiningfro

5、m the corners of her eyes.她的脸上泛起了红晕,头轻轻地垂着,眼角上闪着泪光。16A lump came into my throat, andtears rolled downmy cheeks without struggle.我觉得鼻子一酸,不争气地的眼泪掉了下来。17With my face burning, I dont know where to start.脸火辣辣地发烧,我不知道该从何说起。18With my palm sweating,my heartseems tohave tens of thousands of ants crawling.我手心

6、冒出一片冷汗,心头像是有千万只蚂蚁爬过。19So embarrassed was she thatshe stood there clumsily,feeling the blood rushing to her face.她感到很尴尬,笨拙地站在那里,感到血涌到了脸上。20 Smilingawkwardly, I admitted feeling a little bit hungry/peckish.我尴尬地笑了笑,承认有点饿/饿21A flush/blush of embarrassment came to my cheeksat the sound of my stomach grum

7、bling.当我的肚子咕噜咕噜的时候,我脸上露出了尴尬的表情。22 All the air seemed to disappear andshe felt as if the whole world was watching her.所有的空气似乎都消失了,她觉得整个世界都在注视着她。23With her face bursting into flames,she wanted to blurt out an apology, but words failed her.她脸上突然冒出火焰,想脱口而出道歉,但她说不出话来。24 She lowered a bit of her body, hes

8、itated for a moment, wondering how tohide her inner embarrassment.她低下身来,犹豫了一会儿,不知如何掩饰内心的尴尬。二、悲伤1.Iwas seized withsadness.我伤心欲绝。2.A flash of grief came uponme.一阵悲伤袭身而来。3.Tears rolled down her cheeks.泪水从他的脸颊滑落。4.Charleswas overcome with grief.Charles悲痛欲绝。5.Helooked mournful, even near to tears.他看起来很悲伤

9、,几乎要流泪了。6.I left quickly,not wanting to break downin front of the children.我赶快离开了,因为我不想在孩子们面前大哭。7.Cecil came round later,crying his eyes out, asking me to forgive him.Cecil随后来了,哭得很伤心,请求我原谅他。8.His facewas cast a cloud of gloomafter he heard this news.听到这个消息后,他脸上蒙上了一层阴云。9.Henagged and complained, and

10、reduced Louise to tears.他唠唠叨叨,不停地抱怨,使Louise不禁流泪。10.Janeturned to me with tears in her eyes, and begged me to help her.Jane眼里含着泪水打转,恳求我帮帮他。11.Informed of the bad news , shewas seized by a burst of sadnessandsank ontothe chair .被告知这个坏,她悲恸欲绝,倒在椅上,哭得死去活来。12.Shewas numb with griefas she watched him go.In

11、side coach, she cried the bitterest tears of her life.她看着他离去,悲伤得失去知觉。马车内,她流下了一生中最伤心的泪。13.She held the letter, her hands shaking/shivering andher eyes showing deep sorrow of being totally forgotten.她拿着信,双手颤抖,眼晴流露出被完全遗忘的深深悲伤。14.Heshook his head miserably/ sadly,tears pouring/running/streaming/rolling

12、down his cheeks/face他难过地摇摇头,潸然泪下。15.Her heart ached.Shewas seized by a burst of sadnessand couldnt help crying/sobbing bitterly她心好痛,她悲伤得忍不住哭泣。16.His last word went like a bullet to her heart.Sheburst into earsand ran out of the room.他最后一句话太扎心了。她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。17.As he looked at Katherine,great sorrow/

13、 sadness clouded his eyes.他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。18.I felt like Iwere floating in an ocean of sadness, and words could not express my sorrow.我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。言语无法表达我的哀伤。19.He feltas if a knife were cutting his heart.他觉得心如刀割。20.A wave of sadness welled up inside her.Tears were beginning to gather in her eyes.一阵悲伤涌

14、上她的心头。她眼里涌上泪水。21.When he heard the news of his friends accident,a frown stood on his face and his face clouded over.当他听说他的朋友出了事故时,他眉头紧锁满脸愁容。22.Grief/Sadness/ Sorrow came in waves.He sank onto the chair ,crying his eyes out .悲伤如潮水一般涌来。他倒在椅子上,悲痛欲绝。三、愤怒1 Marys faceturned to thunder.玛丽的表情变得愤怒起来。2 Shefle

15、w into a howling rage.她暴跳如雷。3Anger engulfed himlike a wild beast.怒火如同野兽一般将他吞没。4 His angerboiled over.他怒火中烧。5 His faceflamed with anger.他气得面红耳赤。6 His face wasclouded with anger.他怒容满面。7 Histeeth lockedtogetherin anger.他气得咬牙切齿。8Boiling with rage, Jim shook his fist at me.Jim怒火中烧,朝我挥舞着拳头。9 He lookedas if he were going to burst.他看上去快要气炸了。10 Hesprang up in a fury.他勃然大怒,跳了起来。11 Hetrembled with angerfrom head to foot.他气得浑身发抖。12 Hewasbreathing fire and fury.他连呼吸都喷着火焰和怒气。13 He wentpurple with anger.他气得脸色发紫。14 Her cheeksflamed an angry red.她气得脸涨红了。15 He wasin a fu



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