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1、高考英语高频重点熟词生义1.His first reaction would be to seek a newaccommodationwith the nationalists.(和解)2.We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to thedawnofpowered flight.(开端,开始)3.The three days France had to prepare could give them theedgeover England.(优势)4.This had been a

2、 particularly difficultchapterin Lebanons recent history.(人生或历史上的重要时期)5.As visitors, the least we can do is becivilto the people in their own land.(对有礼貌)6.I would advise people to think very carefully aboutcommittingthemselves to working Sundays.(答应,承诺)7.Thephysicaluniverse is limited in space and t

3、ime , as we know.(物质的)8.Hedeclinedtheir invitation though the salary was very high.(婉言拒绝)9.They cooked without skill and ate withoutdiscrimination.(歧视)10.These documents provided abroadoutline of the Societys development.(大概的,不详细)11.He has accused opposition parties of hatching aplotto kill the pres

4、ident.(密谋)12.Its said that this diseaseaffectsmillions in the world every year.(侵袭,使感染)13.Swiss unemployment rose to the stillmodestrate of 0.7%.(适中的,适度的)14.Hespunaround to face her and then smiled under the tree.(转身)15.When she contacted me at the beginning of August to ask for support, Sharon and

5、Ispranginto action.(跳起)16.The film explored thetensionbetween public duty and personal affections, making us find aapproach to solving it.(冲突,矛盾)17.The economy shrank and inflationzoomedlast year.(急速上升,加剧)18.The clothes should be washed atmediumtemperature.(中等的,适度的)19.In the last years, I have read

6、various news, which is vital to myargument.(论点)20.-Hi, would you please go through the report of chemicalcompositioninspection?(成分)-Ok, Im glad to.21.In my opinion, government officials clearlydeservesome of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster.(应受到)22.After dealing with Rose, he foundher

7、cold, ice-like anddistant.(冷漠的,疏远的)23.The Christie Ball soon became the socialeventof the year.(社交活动)24.There were also several accidents mainly caused by enginefailureson take-off.(故障)25.Sometimes the young man just need to turn to a motherfigurefor a bit of a chat and comfort.(角色)30.Hecasta welcom

8、ing smile in his direction.(投射)31.Police searched five houses in south-east London andrecoveredstolen goods.(重新获得)32.They saw the man with a little girlskippingalong behind him.(蹦跳着走)33.The company isstrugglingto find buyers for its new product.(勉力维持,竭力做)34.There should be greatertreatmentof waste w

9、ater before it is poured out.(处理)35.Too much protein in the diet mayadvancethe aging process.vt.(推动;加速的进程)36.Abbot lookedblank, saying “ I dont quite follow, sir.”adj.(茫然的,面无表情的)37.Farmersare desertingtheir fields and coming here looking for jobs.vt.(抛弃,舍弃)38.I would certainlydismissany behaviors of

10、 impropriety by the Labour Party.vt.(不予考虑)39.Afterdueconsideration it was decided to send him away to live with parents.adj.(适当的)40.He gave amildanswer, in spite of his anger.adj.(温和的)41.We were only able to make aroughevaluation of how much fuel would be required.adj.(大概的)42.Theres been asteeprise in the rate of inflation since five years ago.adj.(数量增减)急剧的43.We have a relationship infinitelysuperiorto those of many of our friends.adj.(优于,比好)44.Shetowersover other dancers of her generation.vi.(高出)45.He is putting theaccenton the skills during reading the passages.(着重点,强调)2



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