专题19.选择性必修第二册Unit3 Fit for Life(学生版译林版2020)

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1、Unit3 Fit for Life重点词汇1physician n 2chemist n 3dentist n 4virus n 5cancer n 6means n 7delete vt. 8restore vt. 9weapon n 10restrict vt. 11prohibit vt. 12flu n 13debate vt.& vi. 14outgoing adj 15patent n 16fuel vt. 17solid adj. 18switch vi.& vt. 19abuse vt. 20widespread adj. 词汇拓展1affect vt.影响;侵袭,使感染;深

2、深打动 n喜爱;影响2identify vt.找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份 n识别;鉴定;确认3abnormal adj.反常的,畸形的 adj.正常的,标准的4arise vi.发生,出现;(由)引起,(因)产生(过去式) (过去分词) 5prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能 n禁止;禁令6resistance n抵抗力;抵制,反对;抵抗,反抗 v抵抗;抗拒 adj.抵抗的,反抗的7 withdraw vi.& vt.脱离(社会),不与人交往;(使)撤回;(使)退出;停止提供(过去式) (过去分词) 8 equip vt.配备;使有能力(过去式) (过去分词) n设

3、备9grateful adj.感激的,表示感谢的 n感谢;感激10disabled adj.有残疾的,丧失能力的 n缺陷,障碍11disturb vt.使不安;打扰;搅乱 adj.令人不安的;烦扰的12adjust vt.& vi.调整,调节;适应,习惯;整理 n调整;调节 adj.可调节的13evidence n证据,证明;物证,人证vt.证明,表明 adj.明显的14examine vt.检查,检验;审查,调查;考,测试;审问 n考试;检查;查问15severe adj.十分严重的,极为恶劣的;严厉的;艰难的 adv.严重地;严厉地16anxiety n焦虑;担心;渴望 adj.焦虑的;担

4、忧的;渴望的;急切的17alcohol n酒精,酒 adj.酒精的;含酒精的18phenomenon n现象 n现象(复数)19infection n传染,感染 adj.被感染的 adj.传染的;易传染的重点词组1play a critical role in 2catch a certain virus 3an excellent sense of hearing 4serve as. 5relate to 6禁止某人做某事 7努力处理,全力解决 8准备就绪 9毫无疑问,的确 10高龄 11采取措施做某事 12竭尽全力做某事,不遗余力做某事 13追溯到,始于,自至今 14代替;取代 15到目

5、前为止;直到现在 16fuel concerns 17come up with 18switch to 19in addition to 20a symbol of 重点句型1as引导的定语从句 ,the history of drama translation studies is rather short.众所周知,戏剧翻译研究的历史很短。2现在完成时Recently,she photo exhibits which feature young artists with Islamic or Chinese background.最近,她对一些具有伊斯兰或中国背景的年轻艺术家的照片展览表现

6、出极大的兴趣。3There is evidence that.,that引导同位语从句 may be similar across cultures.有证据显示,面部表情的意义有时候可以跨越文化地相似。4when引导的定语从句I will never forget the days .我不会忘记我在乡村度过的那些日子。5doing 作状语At the sight of her brother,the little girl shed tears of gratitude, .一看到哥哥,小女孩流下了感激的眼泪,紧紧地拥抱着哥哥。知识精讲知识点01 It also contains inform

7、ation that helps determine our lifespan and affects our chances of contracting certain diseases.affect v影响;侵袭,使感染;深深打动(1)be affected by 被打动(2)affection n喜爱,感情;影响;感染have a great affection for非常喜欢gain/win sb.s affection得到某人的喜爱佳句赏读感悟句意背诵The contract will affect our national fame in the world.I was deep

8、ly affected and motivated by the surgeons kindness.These viruses affect children and are highly infectious.I have always had a great affection for my father.I remember this extraordinary man who gains/wins my affection for his unfailing cheerfulness.我记得这个与众不同的人,他总是一副乐呵呵的样子,让我特别有好感。单句语法填空/单句写作Recentl

9、y,these actions (affect) the ecological balance.My mother had a great affection the poem when she retired.他们会受到某些体内化学物质的影响。 .我依然对母校怀有深深的喜爱之情。 .知识点2 Geneticists have been trying to identify which genes relate to which diseases,as they believe genome editing is an effective means of disease treatment

10、and preventionidentify vt.找到,发现;确认,认出;显示,说明身份(1)identify.as.确认,证明;鉴别出identify with sb./sth.认同;与有同感(2)identification n鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明identification card身份证(identity card);标识卡佳句赏读感悟句意背诵A special baggage check or tag is attached to the baggage to identify it.行李箱贴上专门的行李托管证或者标签予以识别。The company specializes in radio frequency automatic identification card technology research,development and applications.这家公司专业从事射频卡自动识别技术的研究、开发和应用。They constructed what we now identify as the royal palace,the pal



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