人教版英语八年级上册Unit3 SectionB 3a-Self Check课件

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《人教版英语八年级上册Unit3 SectionB 3a-Self Check课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语八年级上册Unit3 SectionB 3a-Self Check课件(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2024/9/24,0,人教新目标Go For It八年级英语上册,Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister SectionB 3a-Self Check,To learn to describe and compare two of your friends.,To learn to write a passage describing people.,Unit 3,Im more outgoing than my sister.,Section B 3a-Self Chec

2、k,Make notes about two of your friends.,One,friend should,be,similar,to,you;,the other,friend should be,different,.,A friend who is similar to me,A friend who is different from me,Name:,Name:,3a,appearance,外貌,hobby,爱好,personality,个性,quality,品质,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,Sample Wri

3、ting,Paul is my best friend.Some people think we are brothers because he looks like me.We both have short straight hair.We are short and quite thin.We are both smart and we enjoy studying together.,Although we are good friends,we are so different.Paul is taller than me and he has very short hair.Pau

4、l is more outgoing than me.He is funnier and more popular,too.But I am smarter than him at school.,similarities,differences,topic sentence,topic sentence,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,1.Im,so,_(excited)that I forget the time.,2.He is,very,_(smart).We all like him.,3.Mike is,as,_(popu

5、lar),as,me.,4.Maria isnt,as,_(quiet),as,Tina.,6.My bag is,much,_(big)than hers.,7.He is,much,_(heavy)than me.,8.My sister is,a little,_(outgoing)than me.,9.Ann is,a little,_(serious)than her brother.,10.Who works,much,_(well),Sam or Bill?,more,serious,heavier,more,outgoing,bigger,better,excited,smar

6、t,popular,quiet,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,A,friend who,is similar to,me,B,friend who,is different from,me,Name:,Mary,Name:,Alice,外貌,I,I,friend,friend,个性,I,I,friend,friend,爱好,I,I,friend,friend,品质,I,I,friend,friend,tall and thin,like reading,funn,ier,more outgoing,and popular,is go

7、od at soccer,long curly hair,short straight hair,not good at soccer .,work hard,good grades,quiet and serious,3b,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,根据句意填入单词的正确形式:,1.My brother is two years _(old)than me.,2.Tom is as _(fat)as Jim.,3.Is your sister _(young)than you?,Yes,she is.,4.Who is _(t

8、hin),you or Helen?Helen is.,5.Whose pencil-box is _(big),yours or hers?Hers is.,6.Marys hair is as _(long)as Lucys.,7.Ben _(jump)_(high)than some of the,boys in his class.,8._ Nancy sing _ (well)than Helen?Yes,she _.,older,fat,younger,thinner,bigger,long,jumps,higher,Does,better,does,The secret of s

9、uccess is constancy of purpose,Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends.Look at the chart below and compare them.,Wang Lingling,Liu Lili,tall,tall,long straight hair,short straight hair,likes reading,likes sports,popular,popular,outgoing,outgoing,serious,funny,hard-working,smart,The secret of suc

10、cess is constancy of purpose,3c,3a Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends.,Look at the chart below and compare them.,Wang Lingling,Liu Lili,Wang Lingling,s,best friend is Liu Lili.,They are both tall,but,.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,写作指导:,1.,阅读表格中的描述,2.,分析描述词的特点:用形容词还,是用动词描述,3.,相似的地方,用,both,表达共同,点;不同的地方,用比较

11、的句式,表达,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,【,头脑风暴,】,总:对朋友的看法,分:介绍朋友(姓名即可),描述好朋友,相同之处和不同之处,朋友之间的故事,总:友谊长存,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,Make notes about two of your friends.One friend should be similar to you;the other friend should be different.,A friend who is similar to m

12、e,A friend who is different from me,Name:,Name:,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,Write two paragraphs describing your friends.,_,引出人物,主题句,与朋友的异同,.is my good/best friend.,We are both.,.is.than me;Im.than.,Structure,We have the same./,looks like me.,We are.different.,The secret of success

13、 is constancy of purpose,Wang Lingling,s,best friend is Liu Lili.,They are both tall,bu,t Wanghaslongstraighthair,Liuhas,shortstraighthair.WangLinglinglikesreading,butLiu,Lililikessports.Theyarebothpopularinclass.,Theyrebothoutgoing.WangLinglingisserious.LiuLiliisfunnierthanWangLingling.Wangismore,h

14、ard-workingthanLiu,butLiuissmarter.,Example,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,Sayings,谚语,Better without gold than without friends.,(,宁可没有金钱,不可没有朋友。,),A friend in need is a friend indeed.,A good friend is always there to listen.,A good friend is like a mirror.,The secret of success is con

15、stancy of purpose,【,头脑风暴,】,其他方面:习惯;特长,.,和朋友之间的故事,时间,事件,感受,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,1.My parents _ at home on weekends.,A.are all B.are both C.all are D.both are,2.I have only _ friends here.They are all from China.,A.a few B.few C.many D.little.,3.Are you good at your _ at schoo

16、l?,school work B.school works,C.schoolwork D.schoolworks,4.Dont laugh _ others when they,make mistakes,.,犯错,A.of B.at C.for D.with,5.Most of _ have a first name,a middle name and a last name.,A.us B.we C.me D.ours,6.Is your hobby _ same as mine?,A./B.the C.a D.an,7.His jokes made all of us _.,A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh D.laughed,B,A,C,B,A,B,A,The secret of success is constancy of purpose,句型,1.We,are similar to,each other,in many ways,.,2.Both of us like/We,both,like.,3.We are both./,She/He is



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