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1、2022学年上海牛津版五年级英语上册期末测试卷可下载(附答案及听力MP3)Part 1Listening Comprehension (听力部分).Listen and choose.(选出听到的内容,将字母代号写在括号内)( ) 1.A./3:/B./:/C./:/( ) 2.A. / bd/ B./ bed /C./ bred /( ) 3.A. aroundB. alongC. again( ) 4.A. treeB. dreamC. free( ) 5.A. make some teaB. drink some teaC. have some coffee( ) 6.A. the 1s

2、tof JulyB. the 22ndof JanuaryC. the 23rdof June( ) 7.A. near the bakeryB. near the bankC. next to the bakery( ) 8.A. Get off the bus.B. Get on the bus.C. Here comes the bus.( ) 9.A. Henry often talks to his cousin on the Internet.B. Henry often talks to his cousin on telephone.C. Henry often plays c

3、hess with his cousin on the Internet.( ) 10.A. Does the Yangtze River run through the Three Gorges?B. Does the Yangtze River run through Shanghai?C. Does the Huangpu River run through Shanghai?II. Listen and choose(选出听到的句子的应答句)( ) 11.A. Its Monday.B. Its May 1st.C. Its on May 1st.( ) 12.A. By underg

4、round.B. An underground station.C. Yes, you can.( ) 13.A. I can try on this dress.B. Good idea!C. I like the pockets.( ) 14.A. Yes, I am.B.I can make tea.C. I am making tea.( ) 15.A. No, we arent.B. No, we dont.C. No, we cant.III. Listen and choose(根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)( ) 16.A.Once a month. B. Twice

5、a month. C.Twice a week.( )17.A.It is sunny.B.It is cloudy.C. It is rainy.( ) 18.A. He is a dentist.B. He is a policeman.C. Hes ateacher.( ) 19.A. Kitty.B. Kittysmother.C. Kitty and her mother.( ) 20.A. In a post office.B. In the hospital.C. At home.IV. Listen and judge(听录音判断,用T或F表示)( )21.Amy is a t

6、welve-year-old school girl.( )22.May is in Class Two Grade Five.( )23.Amy and May go to school on foot.( )24.They arrive at school at about 7:50.( )25.May likes playing chess,but Amy doesnt.V. Listen and fill in the blanks(听短文,填入所缺的单词)Miss Li and herstudentshave a26_in the Forest Park today. They al

7、l have a good time.The studentscook food on thefire27_. Next they have lunch 28_. Then they have a walk in the park. The wind is blowing29 _. And the flowers are30 _in the wind. How beautiful!Part 2Vocabulary andGrammar (词汇语法)I.Find the word with a different sound in each group(找出划线部分发音不同的词)( )31.A.

8、smoothB.bothC.Thursday( )32.A.afterB.afraidC.along( ) 33.A. hearB. hereC. wearII.Read and write(看音标,写单词)34.Peter wants to be a _/palt/ in the future.35.Linda isnt feeling well today.She has a _/tuek/.III. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案)( ) 36. I like the white sweater, but I dont like these blue _.A.

9、 one B. pair C. ones( )37. _ any juice bottles in the basketball.A. There is B. There arent C. There isnt( )38.We have some_today.A.heavy rains B.heavily rain C.heavy rain( )39.-_can I get to the bank?-Walk along Green Road and turn left.A. Where B. How C. What( )40. You should pour the hot water_th

10、e teapot.A. to B. into C. on( )41. Would you like _ bread? No, I dont want _.A.any, any B. some, any C. some, some( ) 42.Supergirl is good at_, so she flies high.A.fly B. flies C. flying( )43.Alicedoesnt like vegetables.Shedoesnt like fruit,_.A. too B. either C. to( )44. Whats in the shop? _ some dr

11、esses and T-shirts.A. They are B. There are C. There is( )45. Eddie wants _ a doctor . He wants _ help sick people.A. be /B. to be toC. be to( )46.Are these two leaves the same or different?_A. Yes, they are.B.They are same. C. They are the same.( )47.Mr Green likes_ . Look! He is _ in the swimming

12、pool. A.swimming, swimmingB.swimming, swim C.swim, swimmingIV.Read and choose(选择合适的介词,每词限用一次):48.Kitty and her mother are_the dentists.49.Whats wrong _ you? I have a toothache.50.The Yangtze River meets more water _many other rivers.51.Why dont you try _both dresses52.The firefighters put _the fire bravely and the fire dies down.V.Fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空)53. Those _(boy)balls are on the bench.54.September is the _ (nine) month of a year.55.The sun gives _(we) heat and light.56.Look! There are many wild_ (goose) in the sky.57.I write to my friend



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