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1、倒装句2021/6/71一一.正常词序正常词序1. The accident happened late in the afternoon. (绝大部分陈述句绝大部分陈述句)2. What has happened to you? (疑问词作主语的特殊疑问句疑问词作主语的特殊疑问句)3. Which building was destroyed? (疑问词修饰主语的特殊疑问句疑问词修饰主语的特殊疑问句)2021/6/72二二. . 倒装词序倒装词序1. 主谓倒装主谓倒装 A. A. 部分倒装部分倒装(即一般疑问句词序即一般疑问句词序) Did the accident happen late

2、in the afternoon? B. B. 全部倒装全部倒装Out rushed the woman.2. 非主谓倒装非主谓倒装Proud as/though he is, he is afraid to see me. (表语倒装表语倒装)=Though he is proud, he is afraid to see me.2021/6/73三三. 主谓倒装主谓倒装A. A. 部分倒装部分倒装 (主谓像一般疑问句那样倒装主谓像一般疑问句那样倒装) 1. 疑问句疑问句 (疑问词作主语或作主语的修饰语除外疑问词作主语或作主语的修饰语除外) ( The bell has rung. ) 1)

3、 Has the bell rung? ( Everything he had was taken away from him during the Second World War.) 2) When was everything he had taken away from him?2021/6/74 2. “ Only + 状语状语 ” 放在句首时放在句首时 (He told me the truth only after his wife left.) Only after his wife left did he tell me the truth.3. 当当not only but

4、 also 连接两个句子时连接两个句子时,前一句前一句主谓要部分倒装主谓要部分倒装 (The city was polluted and the streets were crowded, too.) Not only was the city polluted but also the streets were crowded.2021/6/754. so (表示表示 “如此如此”)放在句首时放在句首时 ( I felt it so difficult to live in an English-speaking country that I was determined to learn

5、English well.)So difficult did I feel it to live in an English-speaking country that I was determined to learn English well.5. so (表示表示 “也也”)放在句首时放在句首时; nor / neither (表表示示 “也不也不.”)放在句首时放在句首时 (Smelling a rotten egg is an experience and taking medicine is an experience, too.) 1) Smelling a rotten egg

6、 is an experience. So is taking medicine.2021/6/76(I have never been abroad and my wife has never been abroad, either. )2) I have never been abroad. Nor has my wife.注意注意:1) 加前缀或后缀加前缀或后缀( un_, im_, _less等等)视为肯定句视为肯定句. ( The young man was impolite to us. His father was impolite to us, too.) The young

7、man was impolite to us and so was his father.2021/6/772) “So + 主谓部分倒装主谓部分倒装” 表示表示 “也也” ; “So + 主谓不倒装主谓不倒装” 表示表示 “的确的确” If he goes to see you off at the airport, so will I. (= I will go to see you off at the airport, too) - I hear Tom sat up far into the night. - So he did.6.当否定词、半否定词或否定词组放在句首时当否定词、半

8、否定词或否定词组放在句首时 ( He no more cared what his friends thought about him. )1) No more did he care what his friends thought about him. 2021/6/78( He wasnt set free until liberation. ) 2) Not until liberation was he set free.( He had hardly gone to bed when the telephone rang )3) Hardly had he gone to bed

9、when the telephone rang. ( They cleaned the entire house in no time. )4) In no time did they clean the entire house .2021/6/79 (TV sets can never take the place of cinemas.)5) Never can TV sets take the place of cinemas. (She did not sing a single song at yesterdays party.)6) Not a single song did s

10、he sing at yesterdays party.7. 虚拟条件从句中含有虚拟条件从句中含有should, were 或或 had时时,可以可以去掉去掉if, 主谓进行部分倒装主谓进行部分倒装. (If I had been born a few years earlier, I would join the army.) 1) Had I been born a few years earlier, I would join the army.2021/6/710( Your wife would not be pleased to hear that if she were here

11、 now. ) 2) Your wife would not be pleased to hear that were she here now.B. 全部倒装全部倒装1. 以以There / Here / Out / In / Away / Up / Down开头开头的句子的句子 1) Here is a letter for you.2021/6/7113) There goes the bell.4) There was a sudden wind and away went his hat.5) The door burst open and in rushed the crowd.但

12、是但是:当主语是人称代词时当主语是人称代词时,主谓不要倒装主谓不要倒装. 1) Here it comes. 2) Here they are. 3) Out she rushed.2021/6/7123. 一个较长的地点状语短语放在句首时一个较长的地点状语短语放在句首时,如果主语如果主语长长,谓语短谓语短,需要全部倒装需要全部倒装. 1) In a lecture hall of a university in England sat an old professor with a heavy book under his arm.2) From the valley came a gun

13、shot.3) They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which stood a peasant boy.4) In this passage will be found the answer to the question.2021/6/7134. 当直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时当直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时,引号外的引号外的主谓可以全部倒装主谓可以全部倒装,也可以不倒装也可以不倒装. 1) “I think were lost.” said my brother. (也可以也可以: “I think were lost.” my brot

14、her said.) 2) “ If I die,” asked he, “ who will take my place?” (也可以也可以: “If I die,” he asked, “who will take my place?”)2021/6/714四四. 非主谓倒装非主谓倒装1. 感叹句感叹句 ( He is singing beautifully. )1) How beautifully he is singing ! (状语倒装状语倒装) ( You are all very silly. )2) How silly you all are ! (表语倒装表语倒装) ( Yo

15、uve made so many mistakes in this exam. )3) What a lot of mistakes you have made in this exam!(宾语倒装宾语倒装)2021/6/715 (I wish very much to go there.) How I wish to go there! (状语倒装状语倒装)2. 为了前后衔接紧密为了前后衔接紧密, 将宾语倒装将宾语倒装 ( 放在句首放在句首). Then they asked the king for more silk and gold thread. All this they kept

16、 for themselves. (宾语倒装宾语倒装)3. 当当as表示表示”虽然虽然”、 “尽管尽管”时时,必须将表语必须将表语,状语或状语或主要动词倒装主要动词倒装.1) Tired as they were, Alice and Jane sat up very late to see the new year come. ( 表语倒装表语倒装)2021/6/716 2) Hero as he is , he has some shortcomings. (表语表语倒装倒装)3) Hard as they worked, they didnt finish the task ahead of time. (状语倒装状语倒装)4) Try as you might, you will not succeed. (主要动词主要动词倒装倒装)2021/6/717部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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